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Friday, April 06, 2012

NY Cops Break Into Marine Vet's Home And Taser Him To Death

A grand jury is expected to soon hear a case from last year in which an unarmed, 68-year-old retired black military veteran was killed by police officers in New York. Four months later, no one has been charged in the murder.

Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., a former US Marine, was killed on November 19, 2011 after police officers broke down the door of his White Plains, New York apartment.

Chamberlain, who suffered from a heart condition, had accidently triggered a medical alert system on his person and then failed to respond to calls for help. Police were dispatched to his apartment, where Chamberlain greeted them by insisting he was okay and ensured them that no one was in any harm. The cops refused to take the vet’s word, however, and shot him with a both a Taser stun-gun and non-lethal projectiles, but only after breaking into his home and entering on their own accord.

Shortly after being fired at by the responding officers, Chamberlain was transported to an area hospital where he later died.



  1. Where is the American MSM ?
    It must be one of the most sickening examples of police incompetence yet.
    These cops are vicious indignant criminals probably on the job at Dunkin' while we read.
    The ignorance is astounding!
    I imagine the FOP is involved in full support of the murderers as well.
    This is our Government at its worst.

  2. Ok! So that morning at roll call, someone said "I know, lets go get Kenneth Chamberlain sr".
    Chamberlain "greeted" them by insisting he was okay. Yeah I can imagine that (greeting)conversation.
    Enough of these bleading heart stories.

  3. 10:36 must "blead" blue.
    The comment is evidence of the pathology of todays LEO.
    Even in the face of murder, they stand behind the perverted ideal of their force continuum "I feel threatened" justice.

  4. Lets look at the facts, that are posted. The fact that he was a former Marine makes no mater. You know how many former service members in this country their are more then a million I'm sure. By his own accord and the medic-alert he summoned them there. Once there the police/ems whoemver was summonsed has to check the welfare and they were not notified who requested the help, so they did not break in, they are required by law to check the residence, just in case their is someone else in there ie; abused elder,or anyone else in need of assistance. Once he refused entry, what are the cops/ems to do say ok and walk away. Imagine the law-suits if there was someone else in there that needed help. Anyone remember Jeffrey Dahmer, I think the cops paid out to the families there, becuase they did not investigate further. Finally, how were they to know that he was a heart paitient and that the taser would effect him. Taser has killed some people with PRE-EXSISTING conditions and the Taser is less then lethal force then pepper spray or fighting with this old man which probablly would have ended the same way anyway. People with medic alerts are not in the best of health.

    I would like to see this blog stop bashing the cops and look into these matters further before going off. This mans death is tragic but based on the circumstances that he intiated some type of injury was going to happen based on his refusal to allow the police/ems to do their job.

    I've noticed that comments that support police are not getting posted as much as those that bash the police. What say Joe???

  5. 11:02
    Because lewis kicked your butt, don't mean you should treat everyone else bad.

  6. anonymous 11:35, "I've noticed that comments that support police are not getting posted as much as those that bash the police. What say Joe???"

    VERY interesting. You make such a statement as if you are God homself, knowing just what comments are coming in.

    First of all, the majority of comments coming in are not moderated by me.

    To suggest you happen to know we're only allowing the negative comments against police officers is simply a pile of crap.

    Unlike the rest of the local media, Salisbury News delivers more press releases from the local law enforcement than all of the other sources combined.

    I'll add, you saw absolutely NOTHING in the media of press releases referencing law enforcement until Salisbury News came along.

    I'll remind all of you, the Crime Solvers Website is not only owned by me, we also maintain that website and have done so for more than 3 years now.

    So to suggest we have ANY kind of problem with law enforcement is again a load of crap.

    Every one out there is accountable. Salisbury News has PROVEN that NO ONE controls Salisbury News. Now mind you, that scares certain people to death because they have come to learn that I do not hold back the TRUTH. Those running away from Joe Albero simply have something to hide. Think about that for a while.

  7. 11:35 AM

    You are way off base here. But that comes as no surprise. You just emulate what most people feel about cops.

    The man told them he was fine. He had no obligation to let them in, without a warrant. If they wanted to get in that badly they should have obtained one.

    And what was the purpose for the cops to call him the n word? And one cop lying saying he had to use the bathroom to gain entry.

    Another man is dead because some cops felt his orders were ignored. That's all what this is about. You guys have a terrible issue with people not automatically doing every little thing that comes out of your mouths.

    And then you belittle his service in the Marines. I would take one Marine over ten of you with napoleon complexes.

    You kill people then make them out to be the villain.

    Joe puts up more bad posts about cops than good ones? What even makes you think there are that many good comments about cops in the first place?

    You and cops like you disgust me. I don't know you from a can of paint but I bet you became a cop just to get the badge and gun.

    Why don't you do something that is worthy of a kind word? Then maybe someone will send in a positive comment and Joe will put it up.

    Meanwhile, work on improving your attitudes so people don't cringe every time they see one of you coming.


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