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Friday, April 06, 2012

Michelle Obama Showing Support For Military Families

First Lady Michele Obama opened a new front in her campaign to support military service families. Now she is pushing for more jobs close to, or on, military bases. Her Joining Forces organization said it had commitments for 15,000 jobs. They would mostly come from telemarketing and customer support providers. Obama emphasized the portability of those jobs for military spouses who relocate often. Earlier, the first lady pushed for state licensing agencies to recognize certifications for military spouses. Obama paid a visit to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., Accompanied by First Dog Bo, she handed out Easter cookies from the White House pastry shop.


  1. Disingenuous, election smoke and mirror publicity (propaganda) stunt. Commitments?
    We all know this regime loathes the military as the military loathes them.
    (the cookies were probably made by a halal chef)

  2. "Disingenuous, election smoke and mirror publicity "

    lol, seems this has been apart of the first lady's platform from the start. Looks more tome like another conservative "dammed if you do, dammed if you don't" moment. Good thing I believe M.O. decided sometime ago not to worry about pleasing you partisan clowns.

  3. Couldn't she bring something more nutricious?

  4. 11:40
    You're kidding right?
    From the same Michele Obummer that said this was the first time she could be proud of this country?

  5. 12:27 sorry bud, actions speak louder than a mere slip up of words. Don't think so? Well I guess Sarah Palin really believes all of the US is crap except for small midwest towns.

  6. 1:39
    You are living in a parallel universe.

  7. How ANYONE can still come to the defense of obama is beyond me......His campaign rhetoric and promises are in complete and utter disagreement with his results. Ask the famous question- Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? Gas has MORE than doubled and is STILL rising. Food prices have skyrocketed. Electric rates continue to climb. Banks are unleashing waves of foreclosures. The dollar is so weak that some countries won't even take it as payment for goods. Unemployment is reported at 8.2%, (under Bush? 4%) but is really closer to 15%. NASA is out of the space business and we beg Russia for rides now. NASA's new mission? Make Muslims feel good about themselves. Billions have been passed out to cronies for "green energy" projects that now look more like repayment of bribes (often call "campaign contributions). Our own President is the laughingstock of the western world because his inexperience (at anything other than "community organizing") is so glaring obvious. He couldn't even lead a horse to pasture, but wants to lead the free world. More people on food stamps and welfare than ever in the history of the nation. The list is ENDLESS. And STILL -- this complete and utter failure, this buffoon, this man bent on making everything "fair", mainly by taking from those that produce and work and giving it to people who NEVER want to do anything except TAKE, has supporters. When you can't defend your candidate on his performance, I guess the last resort is to insult his detractors. The truth is too painful. And obvious.


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