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Friday, April 06, 2012

Hearing To Discharge Marine Who Critisized Obama To Move Forward

A discharge hearing for a Camp Pendleton Marine who publicly criticized President Barack Obama will go forward. City News Service reported a San Diego federal judge on Wednesday rejected 26-year-old Sgt. Gary Stein's request for an emergency temporary restraining order to stop Thursday's planned hearing. Stein faces an "other than honorable" discharge for starting a Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party to encourage fellow service members to exercise their free speech rights. The military has had a policy since the Civil War limiting the free speech of service members, including criticizing the commander in chief. Stein has been a Marine Corps member for nine years.


  1. I think this is BS what they are doing to him, however not knowing what was in the contract/oath of office that he swore to uphold, he could have very easily violated the rules. Freedom of speech is not an absolute given right. Many rights are waived by employees at the request of employers as a condition of employment.

  2. You don't get to badmouth your commanding officer without SERIOUS consequences. Like it or not, obama IS the commander in chief. If you, as a soldier, don't like him, then get out of the Marines and say what you will. You surrender your constitutional rights (all of them) when you sign up for military service. He's wrong. Sorry to say, but that's the facts. Sir.


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