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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Update On Yesterday's Dog Attack

This morning Salisbury News received a phone call from a family member explaining more details referencing the dog attack.

Unfortunately the woman who was attacked is still in critical condition at Christiana Hospital. She has lost one arm and there's a possibility she may lose the other arm.

While the family all agrees that the dog should have been put down, it's the way the Delaware State Police went about doing so right in front of the family.

The dog, (as we are told) was brought out of one of the bedrooms 2 HOURS after the woman was removed and flown to the Hospital. Once the dog came into the living room the DSP reportedly shot the dog in the head and killed it instantly.

As I'm sure many of you can understand, this created quite a mess and destroyed much of the furnishings in that room. The emotional stress, (as expressed from a family member) was overwhelming. Again, they agree the dog should have been put down but the family wanted it known that this dog was not shot immediately and or while it was attacking the victim.

Original story HERE.


  1. Details sound waaay sketchy. Hard to believe any cop would open fire in a house without cause.

  2. So many questions.... What is normal procedure, in a situation like this, where the animal is going to be destroyed because of an attack? Or is there no procedure in place? Is it just a "Save everyone's A$$" sort of thing with no playbook (so to speak) to go by? And if it is a "Save everyone's A$$" does DSP have paperwork the dog's owner can file to get reimbursed for damages? Are they supposed to try and get the animal out of the home first, then shoot it... and if so, isn't that a risk that it could run and attack someone else? And the biggest question of all is... WHY ON EARTH did she have such an aggressive animal in her home anyway that was known to attack??? I do understand that the mother returned, with no warning, to the residence and the dog had already been let out of the room. But why would you want to keep an animal that has potential to kill/harm your own family? I pray the lady has a full recovery. And I pray for peace and healing of the dog's owner as well.

  3. What about the emotional and physical stress on the old lady? If the family had any balls, they would have shot the dog before DSP got there. If my dog bit me, my family or a visitor to my home in and attacking manor, he'd have a .357 to the head.

    Stop whining and looking for someone to sue. Go take care of the woman in the hospital.

  4. Yeah, I don't want to hear any whining either. The only person/people to blame for any part of this tragic incident are the dog's owner/owners.
    When one chooses a dog such as a Pittbull, Rottweiler, Doberman or any other territorial, fearless dog with an instinct to guard extra reponsiblity goes along with that dog ownership.
    These dogs should never (get it- NEVER) have to be put away in a room because of agression issues. These breeds should only have to be told once (get it- ONCE) that everything is okay and to lie down and behave.
    Obviously this dog didn't listen. You can not ever let a Pittbull get away with thinking they are the boss-EVER.

  5. Who in the hell lets a dog still live and STAY IN THE HOUSE after it rips an arm off of a person? What? Are they drug dealers? Dog fighters? Or just out and out STUPID???

  6. A woman has lost an arm and the family is upset about the death of a DOG and the mess in the living room? You gotta be kidding!

  7. Such a shame that people who own a pit bull can't do so responsibly. Wonderful dogs when owned correctly. Terrible to see people ruining this breed and trying to blame others for their mistakes.

  8. Nobody is whining.... we have been at her bedside. All im saying is they could have done things differently then they did. She is who we are worried about. They whole family is in shock over this whole thing. No they are not drug dealers no they did not train him like that. My children were around the dog all the time and he never harmed them. Patsy is very loved and being prayed for. So keep nasty comments to yourself. Her daughter has been through enough heaving to see her mom being attacked by her own dog. Now all she is worried about is her mom making a recovery.

  9. yes, please keep your comments to yourself. You didnt know the dog or my grandparents. The dog was very loving towards me and my family because he knew us, but he didnt know my great grandmother cause he was always put up when she came over. It wasnt his fault and it wasnt hers he was just protecting his home. & the cops were very unprofessional, since they were gonna do what they did they should've brought him outside and not in the house. But dont get me wrong, there should of been something done to the dog but not a shot in the head. Even though he attack my grandma doesnt mean he cant be put down a peacefull way i mean come on he didnt deserve that, nobody deserved anything that happen. My grandfather loved him he was his bestfriend & its horrible that he had to come home from work not knowing anything and not seeing his dog run up to him and lick him & to see his dogs blood all over his chair it tore him up. It tore everyone up not only what happen to the dog but what happen to my grandmother. Everyone is already really upset over everything and it doesnt help with some of theses rude comments.. You just need to keep your comments to yourself you didnt know the dog or the owners so you have no room to judge, cause you'd probably wouldnt do any better.

  10. In the original post it said that the owner was "unable to subdue this animal as it was occurring. The responding Troopers arrived, the dog, which had not stopped its attack on the victim, became aggressive towards them and had to be put down". So which sounds more like the truth---The Trooper shot the dog 2 hours after the fact or while the Emergency Personnel were trying to attend to and get to the victim?? Obviously this dog had bitten someone or gone after someone in the past. Otherwise why would the owner have locked him up?? I feel for the victim. I hope and pray that she will be okay.

  11. To the family of the grandmother and dog, my heart goes out to you and I hope your grandmother/mother heals and things go well for her. I'd also like to express my sympathy for losing your dog. Pay little attention to the ignorant comments that get put on this sight. I'm not trying to criticize every post on this site, but in reality, we live on the Delmarva peninsula where everyone thinks they know how it is, and how this could've been handled better. Until you've been in the situation, no one should be slinging mud at this family, if anything, they should be praying for them. For people to be making comments like they're drug dealers and everything else under the sun is just plain rude. Apparently you're parents missed a step in parenting you, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

  12. 11:47. Thank you, me & my family are really upset with what happen to my grandmother and some of these comments don't help..

  13. 11:47. Thank you, me & my family are really upset with what happen to my grandmother and some of these comments don't help..


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