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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Obama 'Jobs Bill' Directs Billions To Community 'Organizers'

Designates taxpayer support for ACORN-type organizations

President Obama's new economic stimulus package contains as much as $15 billion in payoffs for radical left-wing groups such as ACORN, his former employer.

Obama has been promoting what he calls the proposed "American Jobs Act of 2011" at campaign-style rallies even though it apparently has not been introduced in Congress.

Under a new program, $15 billion would be earmarked for "Project Rebuild."

The funds would go to state and local governments and to "qualified nonprofit organizations" to redevelop abandoned and foreclosed properties.



  1. lol, funny how 15 billions to STATES and LOCAL GOVERNMENTS as well as nonprofits, which likely includes many faith based organizations, is somehowed boiled down to "15 billion for ACORN". LOL

  2. "as $15 billion in payoffs for radical left-wing groups such as ACORN, his former employer."

    Um, ACORN does not exist anymore.

    Next baseless complaint?

    Next suggestion from your side that is not just "eliminate taxes for the job providers?"



  3. We all know that another round of stimulus money is a joke. This is a last ditch attempt to fund the organizations that will not receive money once this administration is ousted.


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