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Friday, November 05, 2010

An Oblivious President

President Obama still doesn't get it. He continues to think the American electorate is merely impatient with the economy rather than scared by his policies, that the economy must be managed by government rather than freed from bureaucratic shackles. He's wrong on all counts.

Tuesday's elections constituted the most stunning rebuke to an incumbent president in 72 years. Republicans campaigning against the Obama agenda gained at least 60 House seats, at least six Senate seats, nine governorships and a large number of state legislative chambers. Exit polls showed a desire for smaller government and repealing Obamacare. At yesterday's press conference, however, the president evaded questions about this tsunami being a strong rebuke to the substance of his leadership.

"We would be misreading the election," Mr. Obama claimed, "if we thought the American people wanted us to spend the next two years relitigating the decisions we made in the past two years." As Democratic pollster Patrick Caddell summed it up for Fox News, "He seemed absolutely tone-deaf." Clearly, the public hates Obama policies.
Read the rest>>


  1. YES! Mr O. We DO want you to spend the next two years reversing the stupid and dangerous decisions and policies that you pushed through your (not ours) government contrary to the will of the American people!

  2. I disagree with the author. The President does not think one way or another about the public. He says EXACTLY what he is told to say by his handlers.

    Unlike most people, I do not believe modern U.S. Presidents make any decisions whatsoever, or even write their speeches. By writing, I mean they don't even comment with the hired speech writers about the content of the speech. They have no input whatsoever in the speeches or the announcements. They literally work for the people who chose them to be the U.S. President. They work for what Thomas Jefferson referred to in his day as, "The Money Interests"

    This explains why it is entirely possible that a person like Barry Soetoro could become President. In spite of his obviously compromised history and the need to hide most of it, along with his complete lack of serious thought about governmental matters, he could become the U.S. President. Likewise, the criminal drug kingpin William Jefferson Clinton was chosen to become a U.S. President, and ditto for George Dubya' Bush. It is highly probable that the elites might choose Sarah MommaMoose Palin to become the next U.S. President. Think about the pathetic Alzheimer-victim Ronnie Reagan.

    Git it?

  3. Bush was called a courageous leader for standing on his principles despite public opinion. Now you hypocrites want to call it a "socialist takeover being rammed down your throats" when Obama stands on priciples despite public opinion. Sorry, you can't have it both ways.

  4. 12:39 It is a Socialist attempted take over! This President has done nothing but try and destroy this country.

  5. 12:53 sure thing loonie. Way to refute my statement with logical insight.

  6. I'm a Democrat who voted for this man.I'm starting to think President Obama is nothing more than an out of touch HACK!!!!

  7. 2:01....looks like 4:10 gave you the refutation that 12:53 couldn't manage to your satisfaction....try this -- when such a huge group of voters turns out to tell you (by their votes) that your policies have utterly alienated them and angered them, instead of realizing that fact, you, as President, spin it in a way that makes it sound like they want to CONTINUE down the path you have lead and are merely still angry at (surprise!!) George Bush (!?), you have just labeled (and confirmed) that you are the stupidest President (even with George Bush in the running) we have seen. how could he even bring himself to make such a statement? With a straight face?


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