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Friday, November 05, 2010

Democrats Agree: Obama Did Us In

Democrats are squabbling among each other in the wake of Tuesday’s disastrous election results. But there’s one thing all sides of the party can agree on: President Barack Obama is responsible for their downfall, Politico reports.

“Fundamentally, Democrats lost the middle,” says Ed Gresser, president of the centrist Democratic Leadership Council. “The party's apparent lack of interest in a long-term path away from emergency stimulus toward fiscal balance revived a pre-Clinton reputation for carefree attitudes toward public money.”

Here's more


  1. The corporatists can't get the pendulum to swing back the other way unless the current Administration act in an Un-American manner.

    It was and still is all planned. Nothing happens by accident. Our elected officials become pawns in a corporate government take-over once they arrive in Washington. No one can resist the money, power and the lure of government teet.

  2. Don't forget Pelosi. She's as clueless as they come, a legend in her own mind. As the Democrat ship was sinking on Tuesday, she was still in denial.

  3. "Democrats Agree: Obama Did Us In" the republicans agree as well.

  4. "We have only begun to fight"
    (guess who)

  5. Guess what, we actually have a pres. who is doing what he thinks is right, regardless of the polls.

  6. Some of the were happy when BO was elected 2 years ago. We knew the guy was a complete moron, who could barely put 2 sentences together. We knew both he and his ideas were half witted.
    And what we also knew was that putting this fence post in office would get the voters riled up enough to start taking back the country and that's exactly what happened.
    Let's just hope the fence post continues to live in his defiant denial and he'll get his in 2 years when he goes down and his claim to fame becomes the biggest fence post to ever inhabit the WhiteHouse.

  7. 12:39...admiring someone who continues to do what he thinks is right is, well, admirable. Continuing to do something despite a mountain of evidence that it ISN'T right is, well, imbecilic and imperious. The voters didn't rebuke him, they're just angry he hasn't screwed them as fast as they thought he would. Yeah. That's it.

  8. So according to your logic Imclain, Republicans should sit down and shut up. After all, they got their butts handed to them in 2008 and 2006, yet they are still talking the same ol game here in 2010.

  9. 6:44, what "mountain of evidence". You nitwits on the right seem to forget that this economy, which is the #1 reason Dems to a drubbing, was in a tail spin before Obama got here. A tail spin that was set up before the 2006 congress. And if it took 2 years to hit rock bottom in a historic recession, it's definetly going to take longer to dig out.

  10. 11:44...have you been awake lately? Mountain of evidence --- 10% unemployment. $12 trillion national debt. $2.3 trillion budget deficit. $1 trillion stimulus that accomplished nothing (unless you consider government jobs, including 16,000 new IRS agents, "something"). Bank and investment company bailouts that made bankers rich, but continue to foreclose on over 100,000 American homeowners EACH MONTH. Foreign countries questioning our fiscal viability and LECTURING US (!!) on our deficit spending. I haven't even climbed halfway up the mountain yet. AND PLEASE -- PLEASE!! -- stop blaming others (Bush). Man up and take the job. Being president is more than golfing, vacations, and overseas trips for your wife and kids. By Obama's (and his low IQ followers) reasoning, is it going to take him 8 years to accomplish anything? His constant shifting of blame to others is getting very old and according to the voters, wearing thin. The 'car in the ditch' analogy is sounding a bit stupid now...


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