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Friday, November 05, 2010

Use Of Food Stamps Up 17% Since Last Year

The recession may be over, but the number of Americans using food stamps continues to soar, up 17 percent over year ago levels, according to a report posted on The Wall Street Journal's website.

A stunning 42,389,619 now use food stamps, up 58.5 percent from August 2007, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data from August cited in the story.

That means nearly 14 percent of American households are still relying on government assistance to buy food as the economy continues to batter families. The total was up 1.3 percent from July.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. This is a sad statement about our Country.

  2. Lets make this post more interesting. How many of these food stamp collecting lazy's are able to work but chooses not to. Who sits on the porch at mid day and walks the streets at 12am? Who drives the cadis with the rims and sound systems jarring? Who can and who can't pass a urine test? Who lives in housing assistance with Dish network, play stations, PSP and flat screen tv's? Audit the people who are collecting welfare! Stop auditing the working folks and leaving the lazy's out to scam america. The ones who do not contribute anything to society. The ones who spit out babies to collect more welfare!

  3. Anyone thinking the recession is over is out of touch!

  4. 11 a.m., you are an idiot. SO I guess these high numbers don't correlate at all with the historic recession.

  5. Its a shame that the people who work hard but just need that little bit of extra help with getting the groceries cant get it because they "make too much money".

  6. 11:51, 11:00 is not an idiot. Yes, more people may be on Food Stamps because of the recession, but their point is that there are a LOT of people out there that do exactly what this person says. What really sucks is when I was working a crappy job with lousy hours, putting myself through school, driving a crappy car that was just SLIGHTLY younger than me, going to the grocery store, and seeing some woman in front of me with a HEAPING cart of goods whipping out that Independence Card. I was barely making ends meet, and she was living high on the hog on my tax money. What would be worse, is that I would see this same person go out to a fancy SUV, or forgoing that, have her nails and hair done up, and a fancy cell phone. I would then harken back to when my grandmother was alive, and my father fighting tooth and nail to try to get her Medical Assistance for her to stay in the Nursing Home. Social Services is selective in who they harrass. They certainly don't want to be percieved as racist.

    Okay, I'm done ranting now. Thanks for letting me vent, Joe.

  7. 8:29, another idiot. THe story clearly reads "...up 17% over [a] year ago". So you believe that all of a sudden all these people decided to scam welfare at once?

  8. It's Bush's fault, in some weird way, in some reality. The President and Democratic Senate and House have absolutely NOTHING to do with the economy and our dismal economic indicators. That dang Bush -- WHEN will he stop interfering and sabotaging the savior of the world?? Obama can't do ANYTHING without Bush getting in the way and messing my man up. EVERY time Obama comes up with a new idea, Bush is right there to screw it up. We need a new "czar" to investigate Bush's nefarious interference.


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