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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Palin For 2012: Will She Or Won’t She?

Multisource political news, world news, and entertainment news analysis by Newsy.com

Sarah Palin’s latest high-profile visits are putting new heat to the fire of speculation surrounding the big question: Will she or won’t she make a presidential run for 2012?


  1. I don't think she will, She is more valuable as a speaker ginning up conservatives and driving the left mad.

  2. If she DOES run, we'll have Obama for 4 more years.
    Think about that!
    I want somebody NEW! Somebody I feel I can TRUST and neither of these are the ones!
    A number of people didn't vote for McCain because of Sarah Palin.
    Her "credentials" haven't changed and she still QUIT the last office she did hold, let's not forget that.

  3. 10:31 is correct

    I'd vote Obama in a heartbeat against her, of course I'd probably vote Obama anyway It all depends if the next person is better, or not.

  4. She didn't quit she was sued out of office by the left. She had to take a job in the private sector to be able to afford to defend herself against frivolous law suits. I give her credit for not dragging the state of Alaska through that it was a selfless act and the left should be ashamed.

  5. Please, please run Sarah. You messed it up for McCain.

    10:31 is correct. I am democrat who considered voting for McCain but did not because of Palin.

    She does not make the left mad. she just amuses us. Anyone in their right mind understand that this woman has no chance. Why do you Republicans continue to shoot yourself in the foot by supporting people like Palin, O'Donnel and the rest of teabaggers? Why can't you understand that this divides your party even further.
    Why can't you relate to someone like Scott Brown or Olympia Snowe or even Michael Steele.

    If you're fed up with Obama and Democrats and want them out then Palin and O'Donnell are not your candidates and Beck and Hannity should not be your mouthpieces.

  6. she is not the answer to our problems. unfortunately, she is better than obama. so, id vote for her if that were my choice. then again, i just might write-in gilbert godfrey. *sigh*

  7. How is she better than Obama? She does not even know the basics of government that we all learned in civics class. She thought as VP she would be "in charge" of the senate. Without a cue card she can't do any interview. There is no reason she should be running a country.

  8. Mike Huckabee for President!!!!!!!

  9. 12:47 She doesn't know the basics of gov't and obammie thinks there are 57 states. Pick your poison.

  10. She won't run.I think she has found her niche as a conservative activist.She does a good job of that but she wouldn't do a good job as President.

    We already elected an incompetent in 08..lets not do it back to back

  11. 11:10...

    Sarah, is that you? Wah, wah, it's everybody else's fault. Wah, wah, the media is mean. Wah, wah, I got caught putting expenses on my government account that I shouldn't have but I'll point fingers at others who do it.

    Palin's been exposed, and the best thing that could happen to the Dems would be for her to get the GOP nomination.

  12. I would love to see Sarah Palin on the Republican ticket.
    She is going to give me another 4 years on the office.

  13. 3:31 The truth hurts buddy...lol She was found innocent so where's your proof? Democrats have clogged the court system with frivolous cases designed to drive people away for years own it! She has a heck of a lot more experience the Obama. The fact is in 2012 the Republicans could run a Osama bin Laden and win!

  14. 3:31 I bet Sarah is more of a man than you are!

  15. Hillary will run against Obama and she'll win the Dem primary. Palin couldn't hold a candle to Hillary and I don't even like Hillary. If we're going to give the country away I'd rather it not be to Sarah Palin or Obama. We're in better hands with Hillary and that is frightening.

  16. I am not planning to run against Mr. Obama. It is unfortunate that Sarah Palin is the Republican favorite so far. Just tells me how deeply delusional the right has become.
    OK I have to go because Bill's been in his office for too long with that new intern.

  17. I believe that Sarah Palin would make a great president, or a vice president, or best of all my new intern.


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