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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Me, Too! Vulnerable Dems Adding Their Names To GOP Bills

Vulnerable Democrats in both chambers have signed on to Republican-sponsored bills as they seek to boost their bipartisan credentials before the election.

With the midterms less than six weeks away, several Democrats returned to Washington last week and added their names to Republican proposals, many of which were introduced more than a year ago and have little chance of passing in the current Congress.

Rep. Rick Boucher (D-Va.) co-sponsored to a measure tweaking the Democratic healthcare law, as well as a controversial proposal to change immigration laws that grant “birthright citizenship” to anyone born on U.S. soil.

Rep. Gene Taylor (Miss.) is backing a full repeal of the healthcare law, becoming the first Democratic House member to do so.

And, in the upper chamber, Sens. Blanche Lincoln (Ark.) and Michael Bennet (Colo.) decided last week to co-sponsor gun-rights proposals that had been sitting on the shelf since the middle of 2009.

Lawmakers add their names to proposed legislation throughout the year, and Democratic aides point out that each of the representatives has a long record of supporting GOP proposals.

More here


  1. Running away from Obama in droves.

  2. It amazes me that every time there's big elections coming up they all decide to "look like" they've gotten off their duff and are doing something.
    Don't fall for all this folks! It's a smokescreen they're using so you'll re-elect them! Then after the election - nothing will get done AGAIN!


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