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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Flu Shots?

"With the budget problems in the county, is it a yearly thing to give county employees and family members flu shots? Just heard about it from a family member who got his last week. What they didn't tell him until afterwards was that he got the H1N1 shot."


  1. Anyone in the county can get "free" flu shots (obviously someone is paying for these shots, but I think it may be a state or federal grant, I'd be surprised if it's county money). But it's not just county employees; if you want a swine flu shot, then you just schedule it with the county health department. No fee is charged for it.

  2. There is also no charge for seasonal flu shots for adults at the Health Dept. You can give a donation if you wish, but if not, that's ok too. Medicare cards are accepted if you have them. The fee for children is minimal at $15.

    As Marc said, there is absolutely no charge for the H1N1 shot at the Health Dept.

    I find it hard to believe that someone received a vaccine w/o knowing what it was beforehand, because the nurses always ask if that's what they're getting, and they (the patient) have to fill out/sign different paperwork for each vaccine they're receiving.

  3. I don't think your family member was paying attention. You have to sign forms saying what your are getting and read the possible side effects sheet. Them sneaking in a H1N1 shot is ridiculous.

  4. It doesn't matter what grant or branch of gov that pays for it IT IS ALL OUR MONEY THE TAXPAYERS MONEY you people talk like it is really free only to the 55% that dosn't pay taxes wake up people!!!!!!

  5. There's difficulty in even giving the H1N1 shots away. Was the pandemic rhetoric simply political jockeying?

    Happy Harry's in West Fenwick is advertising "Free H1N1 Shots". Originally, they advertised them at a price.

  6. 11:56 This person was told he was receiving a flu shot and yes the paper was signed. No, he did not know about which shot he received until his wife mentioned it to him later that day. I never used the word "sneak". I asked if it's a regular procedure for county employees and family members to receive these for free.

  7. H1N1 was a big scare tactic form the drug makers.

  8. would that be the swine flu vaccine that was recalled or the one that was insufficient or the one with the mercury in it? or the one the media the health companies and the government overhyped for a pandemic that never happened?
    just curious which one you were being protected against.
    keep drinking the Kool Aid!

  9. All H1N1 flu shots are free of charge and you are given paperwork to sign before seeing the nurse to get the shot. If you choose not to read, then shame on you. There is a charge for seasonal flu shots at the Health Dept. unless you have Medicare. If you have Medicare, it is free. You also have paperwork to sign.

  10. 11;06; Who's fault is it, the family member for signing a consent form without reading it and not asking questions about anything he didn't understand or maybe the nurse for reading the form and not his mind? 12:35; You're right we do pay taxes. map

  11. Dear Dopes,
    The cases of H1N1 were rising rapidly until the vaccine was distributed to the masses. Then, the number of new cases decreased rapidly. Correlation? Of course. H1N1 has caused significant mortality and morbidity in a younger population. Look at the statistics, it was very real and very nasty. Open your eyes and stop blaming government for everything.

  12. 7:18
    Are we really dopes for not believing everything we hear on the Main Stream Media - which caters to the Big Pharma Corporations?

    Come on. Stop the name calling and think for a minute. There are millions of us out here who are educating ourselves about H1N1 and the fake pandemic. We also have learned that there is thymerosol (mercury) in almost ALL vaccines! We are learning the links between thymerosol and Autism, and other nervous system problems and diseases.

    We are being told lies by these corporations. Try reading the ingredients of various vaccines and the processes by which they make them using aborted fetal tissues and animal kidneys etc.

    Educate yourself. Stop believing everything you hear on television and use the computer in your hands! Please for you own sake and your friends and family.

  13. 7:18 Brazil last year height of their winter and the flu scare! more people died from big pharma's other meds and the problems associated with them then died from the swine flu virus! 814 to 1400.
    don't ever let the truth interfere with what you believe! just keep drinking the KoolAid!


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