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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama Eyes Freeze As CBO Predicts Huge Deficit

Plans for a new jobs bill and a request for war funds would add to the total

- The latest congressional budget estimates out Tuesday predict a $1.35 trillion deficit for this year as the economy continues to slowly recover from the recession.

The Congressional Budget Office report predicts a sluggish economic recovery and continued high deficits that present twin political problems for President Barack Obama and his Democratic allies.

The report sees a slow rebound of the economy, with unemployment averaging 10.1 percent this year as the economy grows by just over 2 percent. It would grow only slightly more next year with an unemployment rate of 9.5 percent.

GO HERE to read more.


  1. Cut taxes and increase jobs. No government jobs. all private sector.

  2. Everyone screams cut taxes but they don't want to cut the expenditures that require taxes/borrowing i.e medicade, medicare, social security, defense.

  3. Obama is trying to close the barn doors after the horse got out.

    What a dip-$h!t

  4. He needs to "freeze" all the unspent "stimulus money"' and pay it back to China.


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