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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Obama Administration Steers Lucrative No-Bid Contract For Afghan Work To Dem Donor

The Obama administration this month awarded a $25 million federal contract for work in Afghanistan to a company owned by a prominent Democratic campaign contributor without entertaining competitive bids, Fox News has learned.

Despite President Obama's long history of criticizing the Bush administration for "sweetheart deals" with favored contractors, the Obama administration this month awarded a $25 million federal contract for work in Afghanistan to a company owned by a Democratic campaign contributor without entertaining competitive bids, Fox News has learned.

The contract, awarded on Jan. 4 to Checchi & Company Consulting, Inc., a Washington-based firm owned by economist and Democratic donor Vincent V. Checchi, will pay the firm $24,673,427 to provide "rule of law stabilization services" in war-torn Afghanistan.

A synopsis of the contract published on the USAID Web site says Checchi & Company will "train the next generation of legal professionals" throughout the Afghan provinces and thereby "develop the capacity of Afghanistan's justice system to be accessible, reliable, and fair."

The legality of the arrangement as a "sole source," or no-bid, contract was made possible by virtue of a waiver signed by the USAID administrator. "They cancelled the open bid on this when they came to power earlier this year," a source familiar with the federal contracting process told Fox News.

"That's kind of weird," said another source, who has worked on "rule of law" issues in both Afghanistan and Iraq, about the no-bid contract to Checchi & Company. "There's lots of companies and non-governmental organizations that do this sort of work."

GO HERE to read more.


  1. It's only wrong when the other side/party does it..........

  2. Just like the Obama's porkulus program that he called stimulus. Paying off his buddies for helping him get elected. Typical thug politics. Waste our money on his friends. He should be kicked out of office and run out of town on a rail.

  3. Hmmm, no sympathy Chaney!

  4. obamanation is corrupt and this is yet another example. He should not be criticized because he is liberal and black, and he tries hard.

  5. All politicians are corrupt or they never would have gotten elected in the first place.

  6. The Co. was already contracted for the job and simply got renewed.

  7. Obama and his admin are all a bunch of PUKES!!!!!!!!

  8. man ther just tryin to take jobs away from us here in America. It makes me so angry to see Obamanation givin ar jobs to foriners!

  9. This isn't about Obama. It wasn't about Bush either.

    This is the business of war. The corporations run our government. The banks finance the borrowing for the war. People are making money off of killing. More than half of the "war" is private commercial corporations.

    They use the young Americans who volunteer as posters for the ideal of their tyranny. They are killing people and the young poor Americans who do it for a job are becoming corrupted as well. They return from war and become police. The use the same mentality against us right here at home.


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