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Tuesday, August 04, 2009

White Marlin Tournament Update

Boat: Orion - Palm Beach, Florida - 93.50 lb White Marlin (73.50 inches) 2nd Largest Ever ---- $900,000.00+ for now.

Transmission broke on the boat and he had to fight it from the bow for a period of time. Hooked it at 9:30am. One hour to fight.

Keep up to date at http://www.wmophotos.com/marlincam


Salisbury News, (sbynews.com) will be featured on ABC World News Tonight with Charles Gibson at 6:30 PM. I received a call about 1/2 hour ago from ABC asking if they could have permission to use the above photo for a piece Charles will be doing on Health Care Protests. Mind you, this is somewhat last minute but they really want to use the photo and hope to get it fit into the program.

In return they will make sure they put up "sbynews.com" as credit for the photo. Hello Site Meter!


World News with Charles Gibson is working on a story about health care reform protests, and we are interested in using the following photo. http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2009/07/kratovil-protest-couple-of-over-zealous.html

Please let me know what we would need to do to get permission to use this photo.


Arlette Saenz

Arlette Saenz A ABCNews-World News with Charles Gibson
Graphics Production Assistant - Office:"

AP ENTERPRISE: Biggest Revenue Drop Since 1932

WASHINGTON – The recession is starving the government of tax revenue, just as the president and Congress are piling a major expansion of health care and other programs on the nation's plate and struggling to find money to pay the tab.

The numbers could hardly be more stark: Tax receipts are on pace to drop 18 percent this year, the biggest single-year decline since the Great Depression, while the federal deficit balloons to a record $1.8 trillion.

Other figures in an Associated Press analysis underscore the recession's impact: Individual income tax receipts are down 22 percent from a year ago. Corporate income taxes are down 57 percent. Social Security tax receipts could drop for only the second time since 1940, and Medicare taxes are on pace to drop for only the third time ever.

GO HERE to read more.

Kratovil's Town Hall


I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to email you something earlier about today's Congressman Kratovil's town hall meetings. I just returned from the Congressman Town Hall meeting at the UMES extension office and there had to be close to 90 people jammed in that little room in the middle of the day.

The congressman really didn't seem to want to hear much of people's opinions on how he voted FOR the Cap and Trade tax and the biggest explosive issue was healthcare. He seemed more interested in explaining to us, his views, in careful political terms. People of all ages were there though there was a large amount of seniors, and EVERYONE one of the opposed government run healthcare. There wasn't one person there in support of government run healthcare.

Kratovil seemed to want some form of "healthcare reform" out to the bill being discussed, while everyone urged him to vote against the whole thing. It did get a bit heated as Kratovil tried to deflect concerns of socialized medicine, the elimination of private insurance, end of life counseling, the un-sustainable costs and taking 2.5 Trillion out of the private sector, the medical coverage of illegal immigrants, and on and on in the horrible bill. I honestly thought some people might break down in tears while others were so angry, I worried for their blood pressure. While these brave, informed, and smart Americans made me so proud, I was very disappointed in Kratovil's dismissal of these people's opinions. Promptly after one hour he cut off the comments and left without any assurance of how he will vote on this bill. If he's "undecided" like Cap and Trade, this country is in serious trouble.

Congressman Kratovil says he is undecided on his vote and wants to hear what you have to say. Come out to any and all of the following events and voice your opinions. Bring signs to rally outside these events. Signs suggestions are: “No Socialized Healthcare” “Hands Off My Healthcare” “My Money, My Doctor, My Choice” or anything in this vein.

Bring friends and neighbors!

Kratovil's "Congressman in Your corner Events"

THIS Tuesday, August 4th and Wednesday August 5th

5pm – 6pm Congress At Your Corner
Mardela Middle and High School
24940 Delmar Road, Mardela Springs, MD

Wednesday, August 5th
9:00am Dorchester County
County Council Chambers
501 Court Lane
Cambridge, MD 21613

You Wanted CHANGE, You Got It!

I listened to this twice thinking my ears had deceived me! Prepare to be shocked!

Click this link: http://tinyurl.com/mcmq6h

On Page 425 of Obama's health care bill, the Federal Government will require EVERYONE who is on Social Security to undergo a counseling session every 5 years with the objective being that they will explain to them just how to end their own life earlier. Yes...They are going to push SUICIDE to cut medicare spending!!! And no, I am NOT kidding YOU! So those of you who voted for Obama have now put your own parents in dire straights...Congratulations!

Also, planned denial of medical care for seniors.

Scale Cop Wrecks In Delmar

Moments ago one of the Scale Cops that pulls over people running the scales on Rt. 13 pulled out of their station and rode the shoulder of Rt. 13 trying to chase after someone running the scales.

A Jeep pulled out, (not seeing him) and the chase vehicle had to swerve and ultimately went air born off the side of Rt. 13 just North of the Saturn Dealership and struck a telephone pole.

We do not know if there are any injuries but it has been reported that "these Officers come flying out of there regularly chasing after guys with two lawn mowers on a trailer trying to make a living."

Two Rescued From Delaware After Boat Sinking

By Vince Lattanzio

Two people were pulled from the murky waters of the Delaware River Monday night after their boat sank, according to the Coast Guard.

The 15-foot pleasure boat was floating near the Tacony-Palmyra Bridge around 9 p.m. when it began to take on water. Both occupants eventually fell into the river when the boat became completely submerged, the Coast Guard said.

An unidentified person was rescued by a Good Samaritan in another boat just before 10 p.m. and rushed to Aria Health's Frankford Hospital. That person's injuries appear to be minor, according to sources.


Health Care Debate A Campaign Cash Cow

Health industry groups garner for lawmakers' attention with contributions

By Bennett Roth and Alex Knott, CQ Staff

- During the first half of 2009, health industry groups contributed almost $1.8 million to 18 lawmakers overseeing the House side of the action on an overhaul bill.

For 15 of the 18 congressional leaders, health-care-related PACs accounted for the largest or second-largest contributions each lawmaker received from any industry during the first six months of 2009, a CQ MoneyLine analysis of campaign finance reports shows.

Six of the 18 hold the top Democratic and Republican leadership positions in the House. The remaining 12 chair or serve as the ranking Republican on the Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce, and Education and Labor committees, all of which have had a role in shaping the House health care bill (HR 3200).

GO HERE to read more.

U.S. General In Iraq Nixes Early Pullout Plan

Odierno disagrees with adviser's memo, which said it was safe to leave

- The top U.S. general in Iraq said Tuesday that he disagrees with a colonel's memo urging an early troop withdrawal even though the security situation is better than expected since American forces turned over security in urban centers to the Iraqis more than a month ago.

Gen. Ray Odierno, the first senior American official to comment on the memo, told The Associated Press the Americans need to stay the course in Iraq.

GO HERE to read more.

Issa To Emanuel: Back Off!

August 4, 2009

WASHINGTON. D.C. – Following reports that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has been orchestrating an effort to intimidate members of Congress and Governors who raise legitimate concerns regarding the effectiveness of the stimulus, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a letter to Emanuel saying “While this type of scare tactic may work In Chicago, it will not work to intimidate me or other Members of the United States Congress.”

“I and others have dared to bring these facts to the attention of President Obama, the Congress and the American people,” Issa wrote. “You’ve unfortunately reacted by once again resorting to the playbook of the Chicago political machine.”

Last month, Politico reported that Emanuel had “launched a coordinated effort to jam” Senator Kyl and other Administration critics… “[A]fter seeing Kyl and House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) again paint the legislation as a failure on Sunday talk shows, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel directed that the letters from the Cabinet secretaries be sent to [Governor] Brewer, according to two administration officials.”

Issa noted, “The fact that the letters were coordinated by you to maximize the level of intimidation is supported by the timing, structure, and content of each letter. Not only were the four letters all sent the day following Senator Kyl’s remarks, but they were also remarkably similar in tone and sentence structure.”

Letter from Ray LaHood, Secretary of Transportation:

On Sunday, Arizona Senator Jon Kyl publicly questioned whether the stimulus is working and stated that he wants to cancel projects that aren’t presently underway. I believe the stimulus has been very effective in creating job opportunities throughout the country. However, if you prefer to forfeit the money we are making available to your state, as Senator Kyl suggests, please let me know [emphasis added].

Letter from Ken Salazar, Secretary of the Interior:

Some key Republican leaders in Congress have publicly questioned whether the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is working and suggested cancelling all projects that are not currently in progress. I believe they are wrong. The stimulus funds provided through the Recovery Act are a very effective way to create job opportunities throughout the Country. However, if you prefer to forfeit the money we are making available to Arizona, please let me know [emphasis added].

“At what point do you believe your practice of Chicago-style politics violates a public official’s right to speak out in favor of alternative policies,” Issa asks. “The American people have a right to know what role you played in developing the threatening letters to Governor Brewer and whether you intend to continue to engage in these tactics in the future.”

In order to assist the Committee with its investigation of this issue, please provide the following information by close of business on Tuesday, August 11, 2009:

Your response to Politico’s report that “White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel directed that the letters from the Cabinet secretaries be sent to [Governor] Brewer, according to two administration officials.”

A full and complete explanation of the development of the four July 13 letters from the cabinet secretaries to Governor Brewer, including but not limited to the role you or any other White House official played in writing the letters or encouraging the writing of the letters.

All records and communications between you and Secretary LaHood, Secretary Salazar, Secretary Donovan, and Secretary Vilsack referring or relating to the decision to send the July 13 letters to Governor Brewer.

A full and complete explanation of the role of the Democratic National Committee and the White House Office of Political Affairs in authoring, encouraging, facilitating, or directing the four July 13 letters from the cabinet secretaries to Governor Brewer.

You can view a copy of the full letter to Emanuel by clicking here.

COMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND GOVERNMENT REFORMhttp://republicans.oversight.house.gov

Vacation Ideas?

Anyone out there got any ideas for an inexpensive weekend vacation? Driving distance, Family style with pre-teens?

PNC Bank Robbed In Salisbury

Here are a few pictures from the scene moments ago. The Post below shows a good shot/image of the bank robber. The Bank will remain closed until the Police leave the scene. A special K-9 Dog was brought in by the Maryland State Police in Somerset County. This Dog works better than any of the others as he/she tracks concrete and pavement better.

An Interesting Message On Cash For Clunkers


Your customers may be interested in the following information should they pursue the "cash for clunkers" deal marketed by the government and car dealers. Hidden amongst the pile of paperwork a buyer is quickly urged to sign without reading is a form that I am still wondering whether or not it is a government form or a dealer form. I suspect a dealer form. The dealer informed me that this form is required by the government but like the many questionable things that came out of their mouths, I suspect it is a dealer form designed to completely protect the dealer and not the buyer. I did not sign this form as the dealer would not guarantee my traded clunker (which was a very usable vehicle and had a value of about $4500) would be available again should the government for whatever reason (ANY REASON) deem my trade invalid. As you can read for yourself, by signing this form, the buyer agrees to pay the dealer $3500/$4500 within 10 days and only accept salvage fee for payment of their trade (usually $50) in the event the government chooses not to pay the dealer reimbursement for the cars/clunker deal. To me, this form is going to "catch" a lot of people that go ahead and sign deals with dealers and then find out the government money has run out and they end the program without reimbursing dealers for deals made. I have attached a copy of the form - I had to scan this form with minimal scanning software. If you can't read it let me know. For some reason, my software would not scan this into microsoft word to allow it to be a text document.

The local dealers are also padding the tax, title and tags fees with their own "processing fee." This is a bogus fee of $100 or more they throw in at the last minute of financing in a one lump package with tax, title and tags.

Please share with your readers that they can save themselves a lot of angst in the car buying process by doing a few minutes of research on the internet at Edmunds.com to find dealer invoice prices and manufacturer incentives and rebates. All rebates, incentives, manufacturer marketing support - new term for dealer incentive are intended by the manufacturer to come off of the invoice price, not the sticker price. Edmunds also lists TMV pricing to show what other people in your buying area are currently paying for invoice pricing (interesting how invoice prices fluctuate!).

Also, another tidbit of hard learned information. Suggest to your readers that they negotiate any accessories for their vehicle including a 3rd or 4th ignition and door lock key before they sign any paperwork. Dealer pricing on key fobs and programming fees run over $300 per key if you wait until after the deal is signed. However, with a little research and savvy, you can pay a local car locksmith for the same service at about $100. You can do even cheaper yourself by obtaining a blank transponder key (not a key fob), obtaining a service bulletin for your vehicle under the title "keyless entry system" (internet search), having the key cut by a locksmith for about $5-$10, use the service bulletin directions to program your new key yourself and whala, you save a bundle. To program yourself, you initially need to have 2 programmed keys before you can program a 3rd key yourself.

Hope this is helpful.


Reported bank robbery at the PNC bank in the Twilley shopping center. More news to follow!

UPDATE #!: Above is the image of the bank robber. If you know this individual, (white male) please contact the Salisbury Police Department immediately. More to come.

This guy better turn himself in because from what I have heard they got finger prints.

In N. Korea, Bill Clinton Aims To Free Reporters

Former president seeks release of American women detained since March

SEOUL, South Korea
- North Korea welcomed former President Bill Clinton to Pyongyang with flowers and hearty handshakes Tuesday as he arrived in the communist nation on a surprise mission to bring home two jailed American journalists.

Clinton landed in the North Korean capital in an unmarked jet. On arrival he shook hands with Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Kwan and the deputy speaker of parliament. Footage from television news agency APTN showed Clinton bowing and smiling as a young girl presented him with flowers.

GO HERE to read more from MSNBC.

The Other Side Of Cash For Clunkers

According to the Handsome, Cool and Charismatic Barack Hussein Obama, the Cash for Clunkers Program was a huge success. Perhaps did stimulate the economy for a short run. It did help The United Auto Workers, Obama’s G.M. and the car dealers.


The Cash for Clunkers Program rewarded the car industry, yet again. Another THREE BILLION DOLAR BAILOUT for the United Auto Workers. THREE BILLION DOLLARS!!!!

To fund The Cash for Clunkers program, the Confused and Indecisive Obama administration initially re-appropriated one billion dollars from the 787-billion-dollar-dollar economic stimulus package launched February. When securing the $ 787 billion for the economic stimulus package, Barack Hussein Obama told us that every cent of the money was needed to cover critically important programs, upon which the very survival of our economic system depended. We are assuming the additional two billion dollars for the Cash for Clunkers Program will also come from the economic stimulus package. Here is the question: which critically important program will be cancelled now that it is being denied funding of three billion dollars? Not three thousand dollars, THREE BILLION DOLLARS!!!! Does Barack Hussein Obama no longer consider one his critical programs to be critical? Was the program he cancelled one of his many favors to campaign supporters, favors that have absolutely nothing to do with stimulating the economy? Whatever. Hard-working Americans will pick up the pieces.

A large percentage of the individuals who took advantage of the Cash for Clunkers Program are poor (sorry, I don’t use absurd terms like “economically disadvantaged”). Picture this: When the poor single mom drove her clunker into the car lot, she probably didn’t have a car payment. However, after experiencing the Cash for Clunker Program and leaving the lot with a new vehicle, she probably does. She will enjoy her fuel efficient upgrade until she finds herself unable to pay her new car payment. Who will pick up the pieces then? Has Barack Hussein Obama really helped her? Did Barack Hussein Obama place her in a vehicle she cannot afford? This sounds reminiscent of the housing debacle, caused by the NINJA loans forced on banks by Barack Hussein’s Obama’s ACORN and Clinton’s Community Reinvestment Act. Instead of giving securing homes for individuals that cannot afford them, Barack Hussein Obama is giving away the un-affordable car! It appears Liberals in Government are unable to learn by their mistakes. Whatever. Hard-working Americans will pick up the pieces.

Did you catch the Clintonesque Spin the other day? He child Obama is proud as punch that the Cash for Clunkers Program ran out of money in one week. He is too financially blind to recognize the obvious—that his administration couldn’t even manage correctly budget that program. This is terribly frightening, if you think about it. And he’s promising not to raise taxes with his New Canadian Health Care System?

The THREE BILLION DOLLARS just given to the auto industry could have been given to train more doctors and nurses to provide healthcare to the ten to forty (the actual figure is debatable) million individuals without Health Insurance (notice I did not say “without Health Care”; the uninsured in America receive far more care in our emergency rooms for free long before the average Canadian or English citizen receives his or her care in their National Health Care joke of a system. If you don’t believe me, look it up yourself. But please, don’t waste your time looking anything up on a moronic liberal website like MoveOn.org, the website that told you General Petraeus betrayed you and that we lost the war in Iraq.

Imagine, the THREE BILLION DOLLARS could have been spent on training doctors and nurses and providing the uninsured with $5K/year (average annual health insurance premium for an American family). And if it did fall short, Joe Soros and Oprah could flip the rest of the bill. I hold them responsible for the imbecile we have in the whitehouse.


For good insight on the health care issue, go to www.dickmorris.com.

The Salvation Army & JT


Let me introduce myself. I'm just a regular guy who has always supported the Salvation Army over the years, and applaud the good work you do. I rang the bell for you in the past, and I intend to do the same for you this year.

Something very troubling has got my attention, and I feel it necessary to weigh in with my opinion. It appears than a certain local hate blogger, JT, has decided to attempt to politicize the Salvation Army's Christmas fund raising campaign. He is bragging on his website about the derogatory email he sent you about Joe Albero. It is apparently his agenda to scare you into banning Joe and his friends from the bell ringing program this year. I have no idea how well you know Mr. Albero, or how much you are up to speed on Salisbury city politics and the local blogging world. But what is important to know is that JT and Joe generally represent opposite ends of the political spectrum. JT and his allies have experienced several setbacks at the ballot box lately, and they are not happy about it, and are seeking revenge anywhere they can get it. They were also not happy about Joe's active involvement last year in coordinating the local bell ringing on the north side of town, and the huge success it was. "JT" actively discouraged people last year not to participate and contribute. It obviously didn't work. The good people of Who-Salisbury-ville came thru, as we all knew they would.

It is my hope that you are planning to rise above this sort of political mudslinging, and continue a policy of inclusion in the bell ringing campaign. Mr. T claims to have thousands of followers, but from what I have seen, I would say that is an absolute lie. I noticed that there was no mention of him or his legions of friends volunteering to fill the void that would be created by excluding Mr. Albero- just threats of retaliation if you did not give in to their demands. JT is quick to pretend to be high and mighty, and to make accusations about Joe, but a quick glance of his site will find- among other despicable things- a photoshopped image of him hanging Joe in an old-fashioned gallows. (A death threat?) You will also find many vile posts and pictures of our 2 dedicated local councilwomen, who have never attacked him in any way. It this the type of thing a man with Christian ideals presents? I think not. But he has the nerve to criticize articles on Salisbury News.

I am sorry that the Salvation Army, and you personally, have been unfairly put in the middle of something like this. I will continue to support your good organization regardless of how you decide to handle this. But I will give you my commitment to make an extra added effort to assist. should you be victimized by threats and retaliation by the"the SG". That man truly possesses some cartoon-like personality traits! I have no doubt that there are many others who feel as I do.

Have a blessed day!

Editors Note: This was clearly a letter sent into the Salvation Army on my behalf from a loyal reader of Salisbury News. First of all, thank you. I have made some changes to the letter but highlighted those areas so many will know what was originally being said. We will NOT give out this persons name or Website.

While we have refused to post anything about this guy, this letter is important. It's important because JT, BT, AW, GC, LC, MD and others will do anything to destroy Salisbury, including the Salvation Army. Mind you, it's cold out there Folks and if JT thinks he can stop Joe Albero from ringing a bell and raising money for a great cause, so be it. It just shows you the man will do ANYTHING for attention because he's a liar who makes up stories just to get attention because he's broke, penny less. He mooches off you the taxpayers and runs a Blog laughing in your face because you pay his way. He does not work and he's in his 30's.

I strongly encourage those of you who do choose to go to his Site to simply stop going there any more like I have done for the past 3 months. This will show him that you will no longer participate with a guy who lives in Section 8 Housing for $35.00 a month. Collects disability checks every single month ON YOU and clearly if he can run a Blog 24/7, he's capable of working. He collects food stamps and every time any one of you go to his Site you are supporting a very mentally challenged man who has a thing for 8 year old little boys. If that's your style, so be it.

In the mean time, I will be ringing a bell once again for the Salvation Army this year and there's not a damn thing that overly obese dead beat of a man can do about it. If he's still claiming he's getting thousands of hits, he's a liar. We look at Analytics regularly and he doesn't even get 100 hits a day, he's a liar. You don't see them showing my Analytic Numbers because it would clearly show TRUTH versus LIES.

To my Friend who wrote this letter, Thank You! To those of you who support the Salvation Army, Thank You! Together we're making a real difference in the right direction, are you listening JT. Please contact the Salvation Army and let them know how you feel about this matter.

Barrie Comegys Has Hissy At Council Work Session

During the reign of her late, lamented highness Barrie Tilghman we were always told by the likes of party commissar Gary Comegys that they had to “listen to staff”. They also rubber stamped every proposal emanating from HRH. Hell, Comegys wouldn’t even go after the Tilghman clique when they misplaced millions of dollars.

Tonight, thanks to our friends over at TwoSentz, we learn that the Barrie Comegys majority on city council went against the city’s planning staff, the Central City District Commission, Urban Salisbury, and Mayor Jim Ireton by refusing to donate a parking lot for the proposed new library.

In all fairness, I don’t know whether I would have supported the deal or not. Wicomico County sure isn’t going to pony up for a new library any soon, that’s for sure. However, I’m not the one who supported an Historic District Commission that cost Salisbury taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars because of stupid behavior on the part of a member or two. I’m not the one who has been a human rubber stamp for some of the craziest stuff seen in municipal government. I’m not the one defending a police chief who has seen the city he is charged with protecting become nationally infamous.

Regardless of the merits of the proposal, I think we have a clear case of simply denying the new mayor. Gary lost, Louise Smith can’t run for re-election (unless she wants to explain a double-digit tax increase and myriad stupid statements), and Shanie Shields hasn’t the capacity for original thought. They got walloped in the last election (even if Shanie did win by one vote), so they want to make Ireton pay.

Keep it up guys. We need the amusement. Many of us will continue to criticize Ireton when we disagree; support him when we think he’s right. One thing’s for certain – we’ll never rubber stamp his every proposal or oppose him for the sheer sake of it.

Here’s looking forward to 2011.

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

Wicomico Big Land Grab – Part II

Here we go again!

After failing to pass legislation that would strip Wicomico land owners of their property rights earlier this year, the NIMBY enviro coalition led by Wicomico councilman Bill McCain, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, WET, et al are at it again.

Under the guise of securing certification from MALPF (the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation), McCain and his pals will again argue that stripping land owners of their property rights – WITHOUT COMPENSATION – is somehow required to make those merry Marxists in Annapolis happy.

Again, it will be a tough fight.  Again, we’ll have to see if County Executive Rick Pollitt will break his word (as he was prepared to do with the ill-fated McCain / Pollitt / Cannon compromise.  Again, we’ll have to see if councilman John Cannon decides to vote in favor of our property rights (and hence, our liberty) or buckle to a group of left wing special interests and dilettantes.

Expect to see cash thrown at this by the likes of CBF (at least two postcards per household).  It’s going to be a bumpy ride.


YOUR Tax Dollars Hard At Work!

I don't give a crap what the excuse is here, someone's head need to roll on this one. Governor O'Malley, are you watching? This IS your Eastern Shore.

Not So SMART After All

Then a photo of a wreck in Jefferson Parish, LA (near New Orleans ) between two trucks and a Smart Car. Think I'll pass on the Smart Car.

Harvey P. Hastings III To The Isshin-Ryu Hall Of Fame On July 31, 2009

It was a great weekend in Knoxville, TN for the 30th anniversary of the Isshin-Ryu Hall of Fame. It was nice to make the trip with my sister Suzanne, my brother Eric, and my nephew Eric Jr. We were greeted at the Hilton by my Step Mother Denise and my little sister Erin of which I haven’t seen in a good while. Unfortunately my brother Scott and sister Ellen couldn’t make the trip but it was still great that almost the whole family was able to attend the ceremony for dad. I can honesty say that I have never been so humbled in my life to hang out with guys like Tom Lewis, Bob Maxwell, and Wayne Wayland which are some of the greatest martial art masters that have ever been. I was floored at the end of the evening when Tom Lewis and Bob Maxwell presented my father with a promotion to level 8 in Bando and also 8th degree black belt in Isshin Ryu. This promotion has raised my father to the rank of Grand Master. I am trying to compile some photographs of the evening and will pass them along once they become available. Please read below the biography that was put together for my father for his induction. There are a few things here that I didn’t even know.

Thanks to all that attended and especially to all of my family whether they could make the trip or not as we know your hearts were there for dad,
Ted Hastings

Master Hastings was born in Salisbury, MD on December 15, 1935.  He started boxing age 9 at the Salvation Army Boys’ Club.  He entered the National Guard 1951-1953, and the US Marine Corps 1953-1956.  During his time in the Corp, he boxed for the Marine Corp and won several tournaments between 1954-1955.

He studied Judo under Nick Allbert, 1953-1955, and received his Black Belt in Judo, 1954.  He received Black Belt in un-named (later recognized as Gogu Ryu) Korean style under Major Leong (ROK) in 1954 as well.

He began his study of Isshin-Ryu under Master Tom Lewis and was awarded Black Belt in the mid 1960’s. He considered Isshin-Ryu his Heart and primary style of Martial Arts.  In the early 1970’s, he received Black Belt in Bando under Master Muang Gyi.
Master Hastings won the US Heavyweight Kickboxing Championship in 1973.  His Full contact fight record as an adult, both amateur and professional (boxing, kick-boxing, and pro-karate):  64 and 2…lost first and last matches.  One of his many adventures in life was to ride a bicycle from Maryland/Delaware line, south to Key West, Florida, then north to Chattanooga, Tennessee, and then back south to Atlanta, Georgia, stopping and teaching at many Karate studios along the way - 73’ 74’ 75’.  He furthered his studies under Joe Corley in Tang Soo do in 1975.

In 1975, he founded Florida Karate and Health studios and developed KOBA Ryu style  - kicking and training techniques are based on Korean styles.  The heart and hard training are from the Okinawa Isshin-Ryu style, the intellectual approach and animal techniques are from Burmese Bando, and the punching and blocking are from American boxing.

He became head official for NKL (National Karate League) under founder Chuck Norris in 1976 as well as became head official and chief architect of rules and procedures for PKA (Professional Karate Association).  During this time, he started the Florida Black Belt Association and wrote articles for Black Belt and Official Karate Magazine between 1975-1977.

Master Hastings conducted first-ever sanctioned professional judges and referees school, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, circa 1977.  He trained top ranked kickboxing and pro-karate fighters Jerry Rhome, Joe Corley, Steve Shepard, Bobby Sullivan, Tim Hautamaki, Jack Ballard, and Bill Clark.

He was Center referee for many world title bouts featuring fighters such as Bill Wallace, Benny Urquedez, Steve Shepard, Jeff Smith, and Blinky Rodrequez. Television appearances include ABC Wide World of Sports and CBS Sports Spectacular.

He currently lives on his ranch in foothills of Wyoming’s Wind River Mountain Range, Boulder, Wyoming.  Although no longer active in the Martial Arts as a teacher or practitioner, he plans to start a book on the subject as soon as he’s completed his fourth novel, Journey to Ecatabana and Palmyra…the second in a series about the Oregon trail written under the master heading of “Passages To India”; both are historic novels.  The first two novels, The Graymalkin Comes and Track Of The Wolf should be available by spring.  Both are modern day westerns.

Man's Best Friend

A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead..

He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them.

After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.

When he was standing before it he saw a magnificent gate in the arch that looked like mother-of-pearl, and the street that led to the gate looked like pure gold. He and the dog walked toward the gate, and as he got closer, he saw a man at a desk to one side..

When he was close enough, he called out, 'Excuse me, where are we?'

'This is Heaven, sir,' the man answered.. 'Wow! Would you happen to have some water?' the man asked.

Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up.'The man gestured, and the gate began to open.

'Can my friend,' gesturing toward his dog, 'come in, too?' the traveler asked.

'I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets..'

The man thought a moment and then turned back toward the road and continued the way he had been going with his dog.

After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, he came to a dirt road leading through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed. There was no fence.

As he approached the gate, he saw a man inside, leaning against a tree and reading a book.

'Excuse me!' he called to the man. 'Do you have any water?'

'Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there, come on in.'

'How about my friend here?' the traveler gestured to the dog..

'There should be a bowl by the pump.'

They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it.

The traveler filled the water bowl and took a long drink himself, then he gave some to the dog....

When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man who was standing by the tree.

'What do you call this place?' the traveler asked.

'This is Heaven,' he answered.

'Well, that's confusing,' the traveler said. 'The man down the road said that was Heaven, too.'

'Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates? Nope. That's hell.'

'Doesn't it make you mad for them to use your name like that?'

'No, we're just happy that they screen out the folks who would leave their best friends behind.'

Fat Boys Seafood


I saw a post recently about how disappointed someone was with Fat Boys Seafood. I read this with interest, as we were getting ready to purchase a bushel of crabs to celebrate our son's birthday and were trying to get the best deal. I went to several places and Fat Boys was the only place that acted like they wanted our business. Fat Boy's prices were right in line with everyone elses AND they included 2 lbs. of large shrimp free! I dealt with Jan and she could not have been nicer. When we arrived Saturday, the crabs were freshly steamed as was the shrimp and they even offered to steam our corn for us free. The crabs were nice size and meaty - we were very pleased! They were good, friendly people and we will definitely use them again!


Lose, Lose When You Talk About Race

by Victor Davis Hanson
Pajamas Media

Why the Gates Affair Bored Us

President Obama and the subject of race remind me of the proverbial camel’s back and straws: the American people shrugged off “typical white person”, then forgave the clingers speech. They bristled a bit about “No more disown Rev. Wright than…” and started to become concerned about “downright mean country” and Michelle’s never before being proud of the good old U.S. Sotomayor’s “wise Latina” and self-referencing “as a Latina” ad nauseam did not help. Nor did Attorney General Holder’s slur that we were “cowards.” And now the Gates affair. Minor of course. But it is the proverbial straw that finally seems on this issue to really be breaking the back of the American people, who are not only tired of racial evocation, but tired of Barack Obama and those elites around him using race for self-serving sermonizing — especially given their former confidence in Obama to lead us to racial transcendence. So read on…


African-American professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested in his own home by a white policeman for disorderly conduct (I think mostly for insulting a cop) and then subsequently released. Such misunderstandings happen all the time. Many in the Civil Rights community, however, were outraged at the arrest. And they cited Gates’ treatment as proof that racism was still very much alive in the age of President Barack Obama.

America Snoozes

But as details emerged about the incident, the outrage of the African-American self-appointed leadership oddly failed to ignite even liberal America. And why it did not tells us much about a changing United States. So let us list the ways in which we did not much care whether or not Professor Gates had to go down to the station for screaming epithets at an investigating police officer.

Race Is Not So Simple

1) America is no longer a white/black country. Due to liberal policies, tens of millions of Asians and Hispanics have recently immigrated to the United States. And far from seeing themselves, along with blacks, as a unified “people of color,” they split along various class and racial lines on almost every issue.

Intermarriage has created millions of Americans who don’t consider themselves part of any race. Gates may be a professor of white/black racial bias, but millions of nonwhite Americans have evolved beyond his easy dichotomies. Tens of thousands of Koreans, Filipinos, Mexicans, Hondurans, and Punjabis living in America are no doubt mystified by Gates’ furor. Most in their own lives perhaps instantly profile those on the streets of their neighborhoods not by race, but in rough accordance with their perceptions of prevailing crime statistics. From my travels in Hispanic, Arab, Asian, and European countries, I would speculate that those of African ancestry are treated most equitably (by far) in the United States.

No More Monolithic Poor

2) There is now not only a black middle class, but an elite one as well. Professor Gates is one of the highest paid professors in the United States. As soon as he was arrested, the African-American mayor of Cambridge, the African-American governor of Massachusetts, and the African-American president of the United States all weighed in on his behalf.

When he sneered at the arresting officer “You don’t know whom you are messing with,” Gates was quite right — and so was released almost immediately once the calls came pouring in. In contemporary America, the wealthy and influential Gates, and his close political friends, are part of the establishment — and Sgt. Crowley who arrested him a member of hoi polloi without capital or chums in high places.

America shrugs that when an elite like Gates, a zillionaire like white-faced Michael Jackson, or an Bruno-Magli shoed O.J. gets caught in their own self-induced legal jams, they will too often immediately revert to racial victimization and try to convince America that they are living in Mississippi circa 1930. Good luck with that in the multiracial 21st century.

Living Is Stereotyping of Some Sort

3) Gates’ accusations of stereotyped racism, the President’s assertion that blacks are unfairly profiled by police, and Governor Patrick’s claim that the arrest was the nightmare of every black man — all failed to register with the American people.

Why? Because such allegations, even if they were true and some may well be, are only part of the complex 21-century story of race and the police. Attorney General Holder may call the American people cowards for not engaging in a national conversation on race. But the Gates incident, and the reaction of the Massachusetts governor and the president of the United States, reminded them why they don’t welcome these melodramatic “conversations.” Such therapy sessions never involve questions of personal responsibility — specifically why African-American males commit crimes at rates both higher than the general population’s, and at levels higher than other minority groups that likewise struggle with poverty and unfairness.

I know a number of Punjabis in rural California. Most are much darker than Henry Louis Gates. They lack his money, influence, and contacts. English is not their first language. Their turbans and clothes set them apart from the Mexican-American majority establishment — and they are the objects of jokes and worse. But so far I have not heard a single one complain that as persons of color they either cannot make it in a racist America or they need affirmative action as remedy for our collective sins.

Do As I Say, Not As I…

4) There is an official “truth” that our elites mouth, and a private one that 300 million live by. If Americans regret that a young African-American male might be unduly pulled over while innocently cruising Beverly Hills (and they bristle at such unfairness), they also regret that a white person who took a wrong turn and began biking or driving into Watts or South Central might well be assaulted — or worse. So profiling means different things to different people.

Yet these are private angsts that are never voiced. A John Edwards, Robert Kennedy, Jr. , Barrack Obama, or Al Gore may lecture us on our assorted racial, class and environmental sins, but we suspect that in the past they have chosen to live in rather aristocratic fashion, well away from the failing and often dangerous schools and neighborhoods that the objects of their disdain often struggle within. If Al Gore jets back and forth from his mansion to cash in on global warming, Rev. Wright leaves his white enclave and three-story new mansion to rail about white privilege. No wonder most Americans snored about Gates-gate as a tiny flare-up involving more class than race.

Crying Wolf

5). Most Americans simply do not believe Gates or a Governor Patrick or a President Obama that they experience much racial discrimination in their lives. They may, but again most tend to think their class mitigates it. To the extent race is raised by the well-heeled, it is more likely by such African-American elites themselves, and proves to be of career advantage (as I can attest after serving on nearly a dozen hiring committees in the California State University system. One Dean once brazenly called to demand, “Just don’t dare send me up a white guy, period!”).

Most elite African-Americans I know are not worried so much that the police will profile their children (although many will publicly attest that), but privately are far more worried that their sons’ upper-middle class tastes, accents, and “acting white” assimilation will incur fury from the black underclass — and with such disdain real physical danger as well. That is a tragedy that remains unmentioned.


I talked to a number of people about the Gates mess. None were really sympathetic to his writ. And I noticed two other general reactions among friends. One, almost everyone had stories of being pulled over or visited by police in which a wrong word might well have earned them a trip to the pokey. (My own is being pulled over a few years ago by a young hot-shot highway patrolman on a motorcycle (flattop hair, bulging biceps, tough-guy persona) for going 65 in a 55 mile per hour zone. When I pointed out that the car ahead was going 80 mph, he said “So what if he was?” (good point). And when he snarled that I had presented him the insurance form rather than the registration (I had not), I suggested that he read it more closely before speaking. The result was that I waited 20 minutes in the sun while he sat smiling behind my car, oh-so-slowly writing out a ticket. Moral: you just smile and do what the cop says).

Two: almost everyone (minorities included) I talked with could recall one or two personal incidents of some criminal action committed by a minority male against their person or property. Call that profiling or stereotyping. I could attest at least four (other than the near yearly crash into my vineyard and fleeing driver and abandoned vehicle): 1976, walking to the 7/11 in East Palo Alto and being attacked by an African-American male; 1978, riding down University Avenue in Palo Alto near 101, and having two black males ride by in a truck, get out and try to steal my bike with me on it; 1990, having three Mexican nationals burst into our home intent on robbery; 1998, having three police cars rush into my driveway in pursuit of fleeing Mexican national local drug lords, 2006 having an African-American burglar break into my house, waking my daughter as he ran out with her purse. And so on — all incidents of no statistical import, but the sort of anecdotal remembrance that millions share and which unfairly or not make them at least understandable of why individuals make choices in where they drive, live, and work.

Is such recitation racism? Were not, after all, those who depleted my AIG 401(k) account probably wealthy whites on Wall Street? Was not the broker who took my fruit and shorted me $1000 most likely a white professional? Perhaps.

But my point is only the public’s perception (born out by crime statistics) is that while financial and business elites may rob more from one, minority males in urban contexts engage in violent crime at higher than national averages and are more likely to use violence against one than the suspicious fruit trader or stock broker. That is an empirical fact, not a racist slur. Again, like it or not, crime soared in the 1970s-1990s and millions of Americans were the victims of robberies, break-ins, and assaults, and they have made the necessary adjustments in the way they shop, walk, visit, and drive — often all concealed beneath a veneer of denial.

And that unspoken fact too was in the background, when the president lectured us on the injustice of police supposedly profiling by race. (I think the President took one look at the Washington, D.C., public school system, and made the necessary profiling and generalizations to put his kids in the exclusive Sidwell-Friends prep school, as do many of the D.C. liberal elites.) All in all, a sensitive issue, made worse by the sort of uninformed presidential grandstanding that we have witnessed all too much in these last six months. (Since assuming office, the president has managed to slur in generic fashion those in the Special Olympics, surgeons, the elderly, vacationers to Las Vegas, and the police (more no doubt as well), building on his campaign stereotyping of “typical white people” and the middling classes of Pennsylvania — is there not a sensitivity trainer somewhere?)

Next postings will be more observations on Europe and the past, as I leave today overseas to give some lectures on Mediterranean history.


Sarah Palin Resurfaces To Support NRA

Sarah Palin made her first public appearance since resigning as Alaska governor at a National Rifle Association (NRA) event Saturday night in Anchorage. Palin gave a "stirring" speech on the Second Amendment right to bear arms, according to the group.

According to the NRA, Palin's speech to 130 people was the highlight of a four-day Gun Collectors Seminar. (The event was closed to press, so Palin's remarks are not available; details of the event are from the NRA's blog.)

GO HERE to read more.


Free Movie at the Zoo. See Fern Gully on the big screen at 8:30 pm on Thursday, Aug. 6 at the Salisbury Zoo. Bring a chair or a blanket. Call the ZOO at 410-548-3116 for more information.

Health Care Reform

When you make an appointment to meet with your Congressional Legislators in person or at a Town Hall Meeting, be sure to use some of these questions:

1.) Will you oppose any healthcare reform bill that in any way promotes End of Life Counseling, i.e., euthanasia?

2.) Why is Congress and the president pushing through a healthcare bill that would cost another trillion dollars over the next ten years? Shouldn't we concentrate on getting the debt under control first?

3.) How can government promise to do more with less? Will you oppose any healthcare reform bill that in any way limits my access to healthcare or medicines recommended by my doctor?

4.) Why are you imposing additional mandates and taxes on small businesses, which create the overwhelming majority of new jobs, in the middle of a severe recession?

5.) Why are you trying to force us in the direction of more government involvement in healthcare when everywhere government-run healthcare has been tried, quality declines and care is rationed?

6.) Why are you and the White House rushing this bill through Congress and ignoring the concerns of the American people?

7.) Why do you believe bureaucrats can make better decisions than me about what kind of health insurance I should have? And will you guarantee that any healthcare reform bill passed by Congress will always allow me to choose my own doctor?

8.) Why are you throwing affirmative action/racial set asides into a healthcare reform bill?

9.) Will you oppose any healthcare reform bill that uses my tax dollars to pay for abortions?

Need info on ObamaCare, go to these websites....

20/20 Segment on Canadian Health Care:

Arlen Spector's Town Hall Meeting with angry voters:

Obama was for the Government Run Healthcare before he was against it but now for Government Run Healthcare:

Defend Your Life Website with Health Care Bill information:

Tony Passaro
Bel Air Tea Party Coalition

Giving Up Wine

I was walking down the street when a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked me for a couple of dollars for dinner.

I took out my wallet, got out ten dollars and asked, 'If I give you this money, will you buy wine with it instead of dinner?'

'No, I had to stop drinking years ago', the homeless woman told me.

'Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?' I asked.

'No, I don't waste time shopping,' the homeless woman said. 'I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive.'

'Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?' I asked.

'Are you NUTS!' replied the homeless woman. I haven't had my hair done in 20 years!'

'Well, I said, 'I'm not going to give you the money.
Instead, I'm going to take you out for dinner with my husband and me tonight.'

The homeless Woman was shocked. 'Won't your husband be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting.'

I said, 'That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like after she has given up shopping, hair appointments, and wine.'


Nighttime Temporary Road Closures in Sussex County for an Oversized Load

Thursday, August 6

-- The Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces that temporary road closures for a short period of time beginning at 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 6 and ending at 5 a.m. on Friday, August 7 will be in effect to move an oversized load from Selbyville to Frankford.

The following roadways will experience temporary road closures:

* Route 113
* McCabe Road
* Pepper Road
* Shockley Town Road
* Gum Road

Delaware State Police will accompany the oversized load to help alert motorists of the closure and provide intersection control along the route. The move will take approximately six hours at a speed of 10 miles per hour.

Motorists are advised to be aware of lane shifts and expect delays.

One Reason Why Salisbury News Has Become So Successful

Every once in a while I'll pop on Site Meter like I did at 10:00 last night and take a look at how people arrived at Salisbury News. Almost 50% of the people who are shown above were referred to us by Google, Yahoo and other search engines.

Because we produce so many articles, (56 articles for one day alone yesterday) Salisbury News has become a major player on the Internet and while some can't believe the kind of numbers we reach each and every day, quite a bit of them now come from these search engines.

There aren't many local names you can type into Google where Salisbury News won't come up in the top ten, if not number one. I guess after 4 years of doing this it was bound to happen. So for those nay sayers who continue to be in denial, this image should keep you quiet for a while, especially when it comes at 10:00 at night.

For the tech people who understand what it means to reach so many people by a Google or Yahoo search, not too shabby, eh!