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Thursday, December 31, 2009

To Sarah Foxwell's Family & The Volunteers

United we stood and we walked side by side

Family and strangers with just hope as our guide.


A community together on that Christmas Day

Our heart's swelled 3 times or more as the cartoon would say.


You became OUR family on that very sad day

She became OUR child in her own special way.


Not a piece of grass was over looked or unturned

In hopes that Sarah would soon be returned.

No one would give up and some didn't go home.

Around local fields, they continued to roam.


The search did continue until Little Sarah was found

And again we rallied and all came around.

With teddy bears and flowers we placed to remember

She was in our heart's on this sad day of December.

As we went to sleep that night with a prayer in our head

We hugged our children as we tucked them in bed.

May Sarah Rest in Peace

May the family have peace too

My thought's and prayers

Will always be with you.

Special thoughts and prayers to the Aunt who took Sarah into her heart and her home.
Cindy Whetzel


  1. Amazing Very beautiful thank you cindy!

  2. I can feel the goodness in your heart from here.

  3. Cindy ~ you did an amazing job. This is beautiful and touched my heart. God bless you!

  4. Cindy that is beautiful. Wish you had a blogger ID so I can get up with. We're old friends and neighbors-Sue H.

  5. That hit home.Thank you

  6. Mrs Heatherington I presume...

  7. A candles flame so easily extinguished,
    with one swift breathe.
    no light now shines, where the candle lay.
    Only a memory of the brilliant glow.

    A shooting star shines brightly across the
    darkened sky,
    a momentary glimpse,
    in a flash of light.
    All too soon faded and gone.

    A silent prayer,
    A fervent wish,
    A haunting memory of a bright light
    too soon extinguished.

  8. wow amazing.....If Sarah's aunt is reading this she will love it.

  9. Beautiful.

    and kind.

    So many awful things have been said about this aunt. I don't know her. Her "criminal" record is only divorce, child support and custody battles. That is not "criminal."

    Many blame her, but no one blames her more than herself, I'll bet. Everyone makes mistakes in judgment. If she had lost Sarah due to drowning by looking away once to often, or to a stranger at a mall by allowing her just a little bit of freedom to look at a doll one aisle over, people would be kinder. We don't know what lie Leggs may have told her to make the "sex offender" status sound like a set up.

    Cindy has shown us what true compassion is about. I don't know you either, lady, but thank you. You made everyone a little more human. (And you made this grown man cry.)

  10. You spoke what I felt in my heart that day, Cindy. That was beautiful!

  11. God Bless you Cindy!

  12. qustion does any one know if the aunt knew that guy was a sex offender. Just wondering everyone is wondering. That was very nice god bless


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