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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Salisbury Police Arrest A Man For Child Sex Abuse

Apolinar Ramirez Riano, 53yoa of Mexico was arrested for Child Sex Abuse, 3rd Degree Sex Offense, and 2nd Degree Assault. On 12/28/2009 a detective assigned to the Child Advocacy Center responded to PRMC-ER for a report of child sexual abuse. It was learned that the victim, who is 7yoa, was left in the custody of Ramirez along with the victim’s siblings. Ramirez is a distant relative of the victim. Ramirez is accused of taking the victim to his bedroom, binding her hands with a shoelace, and then touching the victim in her private area. Ramirez then performed a sexual act on himself. Ramirez was arrested and released to the custody of Central Booking.


  1. Disgusting!!! Let's make sure we don't just focus on Leggs but all of these disgusting perverts!

  2. How do people get their jollies off on this stuff! Maybe the Judge will actually lock this guy up for good so we don't have another Sarah Foxwell incident on our hands!

  3. Here we go. Does this guy have a green card? Is he going to be removed from this country? How much is it going to cost the tax payers to deal with this guy? Obama will make him a citizen before it's all over.

  4. Show his picture!!!!

  5. Why is there only 1 police officer looking after 171 sex offenders in wicomico county, If this town and its officals dont get there ACT together i am selling my house in SALISBURY and moving to a SAFER PLACE, WE ARE FED UP.........

  6. This guy is never going to be released...it looks to me like he's got no money and therefore no hope for a technicality to get him off-which is great. Joe, what is going on with the family, the story says there are siblings involved, what happens to them now?

  7. Guaurantee the State tries this case! Its a winner for them! No $ No high priced lawyer to face! Otherwise, we'd probably see a PBJ or something. State can add another win to their awesome record!

  8. Don't be so sure about this guy not getting out of jail. Don't forget that we will pay for a public defender for him. I agree that he and any other illegal family members should be deported. I'm tired of paying to keep these people in our jails. If they are illegal they should be deported BEFORE they commit crimes because they are criminals anyway just for being here illegally.

  9. 10:59
    I agree. Why pay to have to defend him when hes here illegally. Take all his information and deport him ASAP it will be cheaper for a plane ticket than to have to defend him and house him in prison. Make sure that information is kept and he can NEVER become a citizen of the USA. I dont care if they are guilt or innocent if you are caught here illegall you are deported.

  10. If he is deported, he most likely will come back into the USA illegaly and do this again. Keep him in jail here and we will all be safer. I don't like to pay for this scum either, but if deported, he will be free to come back.

  11. Put him the same cell as Leggs and maybe they can abuse each other and their rocks off.

  12. wow, I wonder who stamped the passports for our founding fathers? Wait, you say they didn't have passports? what? they were here unwelcome by the natives? What?? wait a minute now, you're trying to tell me that our ancestors just came to this country with hope and dreams, hoping for a fresh start to work hard and make a life but didnt have a passport!! Ok, now I get it, WE can do that but no one else can..... sounds fair. Come on people , lets not start down that road of clean out the illegals they are all bad and they are sucking the system dry! thats absurd. Women who have 10 kids to keep getting their welfare checks are sucking the system dry. but they were born here so I guess it ok

  13. Ok here is the mob mentality again. Where does it say he is illegal? And if you are so sure he is and he will just jump the border again then why not use our tax dollars to try him and make his spend time in prison so that he will be less likely to jump the border. Not all Mexicans are illegal!

    Try focusing on the point that yet another innocent baby has been harmed in an unforgivable way, and leave race and nationality out of it. And yes I am a white American and I believe the illegals need to be dealt with with a firm hand, but there is a time and a place for it and it isn't here.

  14. Way to go, Child Advocacy Center! Another awesome job!

  15. If you leave him in gen pop in jail long enough,they can mail whats left of him back to Mexico in a shoebox.

  16. Great job Tom in catching the perve! Hope to see the new chief give King, Underwood, McMenany, and Wilson the credit they deserve for all the hard work they do in our streets. Maybe all the others who are just there to collect a paycheck will follow. God bless you all.

  17. where does he live and where did it happen?

  18. 12:39- who is Tom? Case search says it was Det. Ryan Mitchell who arrested this guy. I believe he is at the CAC?

  19. The article says he is from Mexico...how much more "illegal" than that can you get??
    Keep on letting these fools cross our borders, drive cars, vote, receive free medical care and legal service.
    They all practice this type of sexually deviant behavior in their countries as a normalcy.
    If we don't fight back in Sarah's name, we haven't seen anything yet.

  20. 2:51 said "They all practice this type of sexually deviant behavior in their countries as a normalcy."

    Oh come on now, don't be such a bigot. That's just rediculous. Yea, this particular guy is a deviant, but to say that about all Mexicans is just hateful.

  21. Tom was the responding officer who went out and apprehended the illegal alien for CAC. Mitchell is an excellent detective also! Good men doing a good job.

  22. The article says he is from Mexico...how much more "illegal" than that can you get??

    I've been to lots of countries, legally, and there are many, many people who visit the US from other countries, including Mexico, who have their documentation in order.

  23. I here he was wanted by I.C.E. for an immigration violation also.

  24. Way to go SPD, now shoot him while he is trying to "escape". Problem solved.

  25. So you say he was just here visiting? It says he took the little girl to HIS bedroom. People that are just visiting do not have BEDROOMS. It would have said a bedroom.

  26. When it comes to prosecuting these deviants, Ms. Ireland should be the prosecutor. She is articulate, prepared and incredibly smart. She doesn't mumble or fumble in the courtroom. No offense to Davis or any others on his staff, but she has got to be the choice if we want convictions. I've served on many juries in this county, and she is the most impressive prosecutor in the states attorney's office.

  27. Solution to sex offends---

    Hola my name is Apolinar Ramirez Riano (Click) POW! OOOUCH! Thump.

    Hello my name is TJ Leggs and (click) POW! OOUCH!Thump.

    Get the message? 45 cal round $1.25Glock 21 $600.
    Watching a registered sex offender being shot in the penis, Priceless.

  28. Good job, SPD. Now get him into a clean spot so i can get a shot. I only need a feather's worth of daylight. And one shot is all i'll need. Case closed.

  29. When are they going to put up a fence and protect our borders from these Mexicans.

  30. wrap him in Birthday Paper...Bind his hands....Place him in the Recreation area...HOLA PINATA TIME BOYS!

  31. hey not all the mexicans are the same there are more whites in prison for being sexual offenders than any other races so what are yall talking about ? a criminal is a criminal no matter wat races you are


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