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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Open Letter To President Obama And Congress Of United States

It is time to accept the fact that the United States of America is at WAR. Our country has been under attack by radical Islam since the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993. Ignoring the attacks will not end the jihadists desire to kill all non-muslims, it will only enbolden their efforts and convince them of America's weakness. Radical muslims will not unclench their fists. How will you protect America, Mr. President? How will Congress protect America?

This year, under your watch Mr. Obama, three muslim terrorist attacks struck America - in Little Rock, Fort Hood, and the Detroit bound flight on Christmas Day. Your actions show America as weak when missiles are pulled from Eastern Europe to appease Putin, when radical muslim terrorist terminology is banned, when you delay a response and that lagging response is tepid. Enemies respect strength and actions. Words must be followed by actions, strong actions. As president, your main task is to keep us safe. Nothing else matters if you fail at that. Your duty is to keep America safe from attack.

Why have you, Mr. President, not enacted all the recomendations of the 9-11 Committee?

Congress, why have you stood silent in not seeing the 9-11 Recomendations fulfilled?

Enacting other leglislation is meaningless if Congress can not pass laws that protect its citizens.
We, the people, expect all 9-11 Recomendations enacted promptly.


Gitmo must remain open.
No more Gitmo prisoners should be released to any country.
Jihadsts must be sent to Gitmo and interrogated.
Jihadsts are not a law enforcement matter.
Jihadists are non-uniformed combatants and eligible to be held indefinitely.
NO Gitmo detainees to be tried in lower Manhattan.
All trials at Gitmo and those trials to be military tribunals.
Gitmo detainees not to receive civilian trials.
End probe of CIA operatives from past administrations.
Politcal correctness must end.
Profile the groups that are blowing up aircraft:Young Muslim men paying cash for tickets and without baggage.

Mr. President and Congress,

These actions have sadly been neglected on your part and this dereliction of duty must end immediately. You were elected to protect and represent the people.
We expect and DEMAND that you fulfill these law-based requisites.



  1. W.A.R

    Watching America Rot

  2. Americans screaming at the top of their lungs for FACISM.

    We don't see the false flag attacks for what they truly represent. Therefore, we ask those who perpetrate them to now protect us from them.

    We are seeing the reality of Hegelian Principles:
    Create a problem
    Wait for the reaction
    Provide the solution.

    It is kind of like the Mafioso burning down your business so you will be convinced that you need their protection.

    America is stupid.

  3. america is f'd. with the current stated of this nation, illegals everywhere, uneducated voters, liberals running the media clamoring for big government, and the stupid average american wanting nothing more than a six pack and american idol!
    arm yourself and hunker down and wait. sooner or later the rubber band is going to snap!

  4. Pres. Obama does not seem to possess the leadership qualities, nor have the intellectual understanding of the war with terriosts. Therefore, those that continue to look to him and his administration for the leadership role essential to protecting our Country are going to be continually disappointed.

    Our hope is that somewhere within the Congress or through the 2010 election, leadership will arise and courageously and boldly begin to once again address this on going threat to our National security.

    To quote my grandfather, Obama is as "useless as teats on boar hog" when it comes our National Defense.

  5. 3 more years of a weak Democrat in Office
    We Saw this with Jimmy Carter and we are doomed to repeat it, I wasnt driving around town in a car my Parents bought with a Obama Bumper sticker on it. Unfortunately we are going to have to deal with weak, tepid responses from the Democrats who are in Office, Hope and Change will be in 3 years when we vote them out!!!!!

  6. We could end the big o administration by simply everyone demanding that he show his birth certificate. He is a Kenyan and not eligible to hold the office of president. Waiting for a muslim to do much about terrorism is stupid.

  7. 10:02
    It's already being demanded. The case goes to court Jan 26th, 2010 In California. The judges name is David Carter. I'm sure if you google it you can find out more information.

  8. I saw a nice Honda sedan the other day with an oval Obama sticker on the bumper. I next noticed that somebody had dented the bumper pretty badly right where the sticker was, and I don't think it was an accident. That about sums things up, don't it?

  9. Let's hope and pray that 10:48 is correct and that a judge will find Obama ineligible to hold the position which he has been elected to. Why isn't this big news? I haven't heard anything about it on the MSM or even the conservative talk shows?

  10. Good old PresBO.The weak and ignorant voted him in and now you have your own in charge.

    Once again it will take fredom loving Americans to straighten up your mess.The freedoms you enjoy are gladly provided by doers and not by whiners.

    God Bless America!

  11. With a muslim in the white house , we have a problem. I'm ready to go to war NOW!

  12. The majority of Americans are just plain stupid. Why would they elect the most liberal, least experienced, terrorist loving, non-citizen to the office of president. I can only say again, they are stupid and uninformed.

  13. Obama is killing the democratic party. The more they support him the more likely it will be that the republicans will sweep the congress next year. Just keep doing what you are doing Obama, the election is rapidly approching.

  14. Can you refresh my memory as to when the 9/11 recommendations came out and who the President was at the time?

  15. Once again - The people who voted these incompetent - yes, incompetent, spineless morons in office, i hope you're satisfied. I do not wish any harm to ANY american. Never have, never will. But the only way our president is going to see that these muslims who believe in Jihad are NOT his friends, and he cannot reason or talk with them, is for them to bring his feet to the fire once. Then maybe he'll see. And then maybe not. His campaign promise - "i'm going to sit down with the terrorists, and resolve our differences" - And they quicky told him they had NO DESIRE TO TALK WITH HIM. Wake up call? Nah. His head is hard. So americans will suffer for it. Until we demand a change. Hopefully 4 years of this crap will wake up America. Again.

  16. the united states needs a eye for a eye and a tooth for a tooth maybe then the violence will stop. no appeals execute them.

  17. 12:14 -

    So, the best way to be patriotic and show you love America more than anyone else is to rip up the Constitution and forget everything we have been built on?

    Ok. Tell me how that works out.

  18. The judge that sought charges for Philadelphia's New Black Panthers was promptly 'relocated' to the south as retribution. I wonder how Judge David Carter will fare? He may be 'rewarded' even prior to the January trial.

    Does anyone recall the liberal outcry when Bush legitimately 'fired' federal attorneys in the south? It was loud, mead spirited and endless.

    The support for the Philly judge seeking charges against the Black Panthers has been nonexistent.
    Speak out loudly America!

  19. Ever notice all the obama/biden stickers on all the people's vehicles who wanted change? And to start a more "peaceful approach" to dealing with the planet's muslim fanatics? Strange how it historically reminds me so much of how the jewish people "peacefully" accepted Nazi doctrine in 1933. And even after they awoke and began to resist, it was one helluva fight after that. Won't it be a sad joke on the american people - no matter what your nationality, to find out down the road that the chief executive may not even have been an american? Okay. he's got his time in the seat. next election, let's make sure HE'S OUT!

  20. 1:14PM-

    I can not even believe you are trying to compare the democratically elected president of the USA to the Jewish reaction during the onset of the holocaust. If you don't have enough historical perspective to draw accurate comparisons the feel free to keep your mouth shut. You are seriously embarrassing your fellow Americans by carelessly throwing around the holocaust to further your own personal political interests.


  21. 10:02-

    Are you SERIOUSLY still a "birther"?!?! hahaha ooook- let me help you out... here it is:


    Now I have a question for you- if Rush Limbaugh dies in Hawaii, are you gong to think it's fake too?! hahaha


  22. I'm so sick of the blatant disrespect for the current president. Bush was the biggest idiot ever elected. The state of the economy was a result of his revenge for his daddy but Obama is supposed to correct in 1 year the 8 years Bush ran the country into the mud. He's in Texas sitting on the money he made from the high oil and gas prices laughing his a@# off. Get off Obama's back. You got a black man in office and you good ole' eastern shore boys have to get used to it. Thank god the rest of the country doesn't think with the same Jim Crow mentality that 'some' people here on the shore do.


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