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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Delaware Electric Cooperative "Peak Alert"


6 A.M. to 8 A.M., Tomorrow Morning, December 11th

Because of the cold weather forecast in our area tomorrow morning, between the hours of 6 A.M. and 8 A.M., we are asking you to delay the usage of all unnecessary lights and appliances during these hours.

The largest users of electricity in the home during these hours are lighting and major appliances such as dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, water heaters and ranges. Other important steps to take might include adjusting thermostats down 3 degrees during this “Peak” time of 6 a.m. to 8 a.m.

By delaying the use of unnecessary lighting and appliances between 6 A.M. and 8 A.M., tomorrow morning, we can save energy resources, avoid high cost energy and help the environment.

We thank you for your help. Together we can “Beat the Peak”


  1. This is about the time that my hot water heater timer kicks on (5:30 am)....I can readjust since I don't roll out of bed usually until 8ish.

  2. i pay for the electric, so i should be able to do what i want.

  3. I hope it all breaks.

  4. What the heck does city pd have going on over by eastside deli? the roads closed down tight!

  5. I like how the power companies ask you to do this stuff to save THEM money but sure want to raise rates if they get the chance.

  6. Just wait till cap and trade gets passed. Everyone will be taking cold showers in the morning while they can see their own breath in the candle light.
    Oh wait, I forgot, candles emit carbon when lit.
    You will have to wait til sun up to shave.

  7. They ask us to do this so we all can save. In case you havent noticed the two power companies lowering their rates are Delaware Electric Coop and Choptank and both use Beat the Peak. If it keeps rates stable, I will help. Start getting a little educated b4 opening your mouth.


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