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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Phoney Stimulus Jobs In Crisfield And Princess Anne


According to Recovery.gov, the Maryland Hawk Cooperative at UMES (zip 21853 ) created 23 permanent jobs with spice and extract manufacturing. According to Dan Keenan who filed the paperwork, this is actually a group of 23 legal foreign born Latino restaurant and grocery owners that borrowed $73,888. as a revolving loan for bulk purchases of spices and re-packaged for their use and resale. The submitted forms, however, incorrectly categorize this as 23 PERMANENT JOBS. No jobs here, just a loan to existing restaurant and grocery owners.

In Crisfield (zip 21817), 16 permanent jobs are claimed by the Housing Authority of Crisfield for $649,800! This at a cost of $40,612. per job. In actuality, this was a short term project, six weeks, to retile the floors of 330 units with vinyl. The submitted data shows 1 construction engineer, one supervisor, 10 flooring tile installers, and four laborers. Although only a six week contract and not permanent, the tile was purchased locally and several laborers were local residents. The submitted forms, however, incorrectly categorize the creation of 16 permanent construction jobs The Housing Authority stated that the forms leave no opportunity for clarification of temporary/permanent postions and they do not intend on issuing any corrections to Recovery.gov. Sorry, no jobs here either.

CRISFIELD HEADSTART RECEIVES $138,314.00 to add 17 Children

www.Recovery.gov descrbes this as ongoing operating costs and initial start-up for early childhood.

The framework calls for one teacher and one aide for 17 children. Mr. Dean Burrell of Salisbury Shore-Up oversees Crisfield HeadStart was hard pressed to explain utilization of $138,314. for this single class.

Burrell's attempts to rationalize these expenses include three meals during a 51/2 hour day, medical, dental care, and 10-15 days training for support staff.

Certainly staff training is included in days worked and would never be paid out separately, it is called 'professional days'.

Another concern is how this class will be financed next year.

Check out WWW.RECOVERY.GOV for yourself. Enter zip code to learn spending in that area.

Crisfield $649,800
Princess Anne $205,596
Somerset County $33,709,427
Somerset County Commissioners $8,499,057.



  1. This is what we are borrowing billions of dollars from China for. If Obama and the Democratic party are not stopped soon, we are all doomed to a life of poverty. God help our children. Multiply this by every city and county in the country and it is easy to see why we are trillions of dollars in debt with no end in sight.

  2. It is very sad that our elected officials are so incompetant that the only thing they know how to do is spend money foolishly. This type of spending will only destroy this country and it seems that no one at any level of government really cares.

  3. Good work Joe. We all need watchdogs to expose this agenda.

  4. There is NOTHING about this president that's real.
    Obama is a phoney, and so are his speeches

  5. At least the residents of the Housing Projects will have nice floors.

  6. This is very disturbing, please find out more if possible. The officials at the local level should be making this information known to the public instead of just taking the money and spending it foolishly while all the while knowing the numbers do not add up.

  7. i am sure it is the same way in wicomico county to so dont just pick on somerset county

  8. somerset county , nuke em.

  9. Obama has done a fine job , has he not? He is a typical leader of the African American people. This is what you get , how much can you steal , how much can you give away , he is trying to love-up to the depressed areas to keep his
    power. Money has power. 7.62 also has power.

  10. Grant mentality-

    Hurry up and spend it on what is defined because if we don't use it we will look like we do not need it and we will not get it next year. Hurry up, Hurry up, get it off the books.

  11. Typica redneck BS. Keep it up.

  12. The Government (and I capitalize that word unwillingly) will never be able to keep itself honest. When money is received through the Gov., corruption will happen every time. We, the People (and I capitalize that word proudly) are the best ones to spend our own hard earned money because we know first hand how hard we worked to earn it.

    Lesson here: will you learn it?

  13. I totally agree Orson

    OMG word verification


  14. surprise! surprise! surprise!


  15. how many jobs are listed for the new free well on Smith Island?

  16. 8:20 I couldn't agree more.

    The lazy slug class is growing ever larger under Obama.
    The working class that pays for everything is shrinking ever smaller under Obama.
    Whent he trend lines of the two classes meet, real change will happen.
    The lazy slug class will be starved out.

  17. I'm familiar with the Maryland Hawk Cooperation UMES. They have for years been getting grant money that has been wasted. The amount this time is small in comparison to other amounts they have received over the years. This group needs to be investigated by the authorities.

  18. Hey 6:17- You should be in jail. I hope the Secret Service picks up on your ammo reference...Joe- You should be ashamed for publishing that comment.

  19. We can do something in the upcoming elections.Kick their arses out.

  20. Thank You Joe.... Now only if the media could step up to the plate and do the same thing..

  21. Just another day of entitlement programs in the great country of Yeswecanistan.

  22. Somerset is just a small but typical example of the wasteful spending. Check out Wicomco county. Just enter the zipcode and the recipients of $$$ will apear on the map. Happoy Hunting.

    rusized*8 million for county commisioners
    33.7 million for county

  23. Maryland Hawk Coop should be INVESTIGATED. Let's look into this wasted grant money. Are these illegal alien business owners?
    Are we funding illegal aliens in restaurants and markets?

  24. You want to see waste? Just go to UMES and look at the incredible waste of money your tax dollars fund. Ask some of the employees of UMES what they do. After they give you a job title, ask them what that involves. 95% will not be able to answer that question. As far as Somerset County goes, what can I say?! BIG FISH, SMALL POND SYNDROME!!


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