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Friday, December 11, 2009

It's Been Reported

Just thought you should know Food Lion on Snow Hill Rd, Salisbury now has private armed uniformed security during the evening hours. Clerks tell me they have been in place for aprox 2 weeks. Its a shame we have to pay for this thru our purchases instead of the chief doing the job he is suppose to do.


  1. I can tell you last night at 5:30 I made two stops coming from SU.
    First at the Exxon on the corner and secondly at Walgreens close by. At both places I was approached by lone men looking for cash. They were both scary characters. I have heard that in DC there is a police campaign for no one to give any money to anyone on the street.

  2. This is also true at the Tilghman rd. location

  3. I'm from the DC area and I can tell you there is no such law. Hobos down there usually have a severe mental disorder, friendly though.

  4. I have been approached several times at Giant-both in the store and in the parking lot.

  5. i saw the tilghman road "security". he was playing around with a couple of teenagers (girls) for at least 10 minutes while i was in the parking lot waiting.
    great way to be on the lookout.

  6. At my small business, we had to hire a security force also. His name is GLOCK 45ACP. He is doing a great job so far. I hope he never has to put his training to use but if he does you all will hear about it and there only be testimony from one side...

  7. I can vouch that these guys are there....was in there myself last night. It's ashame that it's come to this, but nice to know that retailers are trying to protect their patrons.

  8. Police could be doing a better job, but this says more about Snow Hill Road than it does about them.

  9. That food lion on Nanticoke has a state police cadet with a pistol for atleast a week now. The cashier said they have been robbed three times in the past two weeks and the chinese food rest. at the other end of pecan square has been robbed once also. Cadet in food lion looks like an ass though, wouldnt stop staring at me like he was hard or something...

  10. I don't know about hired or not but the guy I saw at Food Lion on Snowhill Road last night had what looked like a FAKE pistol in his gun belt. I doubt very seriously it was real and if it was he most likely didn't have bullets for it. My first thought of him was if I went up and said BOO he would have peeeeeeed himself. Looked like a MSP cadet and if so they are not allowed to carry a firearm and in that case I had more fire power in my belt than he did! I'm glad to see a security officer there but it won't take long for the thugs to figure out they are all show and no do! Pack your own heat and you can protect yourself and your loved ones.

  11. Kudos to these organizations for trying. The crime problem is really twofold. The MAIN problem and the heart of it all is the lack of punishment for crime. This is a problem countrywide and is deeply rooted in the liberal persona. Statistics show an average of 50% of felons are repeat offenders. Some areas have implemented a 3 strikes policy. This is truely a waste of time and money. Three occurences of agravated assault by a homeless person will get them: 3 meals a day, Cable television, Medical Care, and a warm bed. All provided by our tax dollars.
    The FIX: Correct the three strikes program.
    The first ofence (if possible) would be served in a local jail, and would provide hard labor without compenstation. The cells would have a single pillow and wool blanket on the floor. The temperature would be kept at 50f in the winter and 100f in the summer.
    The second offence would be a felony PERIOD. The housing would be similar to the above, and there would be a minimum two year stay.
    The 3rd would be death by hanging PERIOD. What is the purpose of allowing an appeal for someone who has been this much trouble.

    There is no possible reason why this would not reduce crime to about 0. Even better would be to make the hangings public and require everyone to witness one prior to graduation of high school.

    Seem gruesome? Possibly, but what is worse: humanity through forced discipline(as above), or escalating crime, and fearing the lack of humanity.

    The second problem is a lack of enforcement. This can be narrowed down to a specific area (like salisbury)

    Very simple fix here. Stop wasting tax dollars on junk. Invest in the police force and stand behind the people who protect us, or should have protected us. I am talking to you Webster, you absolute P.O.S. Your lack of competency should be considered a felony and I wish you hard labor and a miserable life.

    As you can see, I for one am tired of our pansy approach to everything;
    Oh the poor criminals,
    Oh the poor ...
    oh the poor ...

    You either dominate or disappear. I am personally thinking of moving to a more conservative nation, like france.

  12. WOW, Obama was correct, new jobs ARE being created.


  13. I lived outside a large metropolitan city that didnt have to have armed guards at grocery stores with thousands more ppl around. Its great that they are doing this but how pathetic does it make the Salisbury area appear. Most of the cities residents have a huge amount of denial towards anything bad about the shore. At least the grocery stores arent in denial and are well aware of the high crime levels.

  14. I am glad to hear this. Because of the increase in crime in my sorry home town, I have decided to not do any shopping after dark. If I don't make it in time after work, I just don't go. I feel that if something were to happen, I would not feel safe. Why? Mostly because my police chief does not care enough about his public.

    I wish someone would rob one of his family members. Maybe that would make him wake up and smell the crime.

  15. It's a shame that a normal law abiding Maryland citizen doesn't have the right to carry concealed and protect themselves and their family.

  16. The answer to the crime problem is so obvious but no one on here has offered it yet. Get rid of the rental properties.


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