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Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Comment Worthy Of A Post

x684867 has left a new comment on your post "Proposed Legislation For Sexual Offenders":

Many people say sex offenders cannot be rehabilitated. However, the Texas State Auditor in 2007 released a report showing that sex offenders who completed the Texas Sex Offender Treatment Program (SOTP) were 61% LESS LIKELY to commit a new crime. That seems to show promise.

After all, in 2002, the US Dept. of Justice reported that only 5% of sex offenders released in 1994 returned to prison for a new sex crime.

Yet we spend millions on registration of more than 650,000 sex offenders in the US based on information available in the early 1990’s when research on sex offenders was poorly funded–if it was even considered.

Treatment works. The research shows this.


“An Audit Report on Selected Rehabilitation Programs at the Department of Criminal Justice.” Texas State Auditor. March 2007. Report No. 07-026. Retrieved Oct 20, 2009. http://www.sao.state.tx.us/reports/main/07-026.html.

US Dept of Justice Report on Sex Offender Recidivism http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/rsorp94.pdf

Editors Note: What do you think Folks?


  1. 61% success rate? Not good enough IMHO

  2. wow, that's really good news! NOT!!!!
    61% so that means that not quite half commit additional crimes. would you want to take darn near 50/50 odds with your child?
    I know how to make sure we can get that number of additional crimes to 0%, death penalty!
    I am always amazed how the liberals think it is ok to kill innocent life and then rant and rave when those who are not innocent are comdemned! learn to differentiate!

  3. Yea, only 5% returned to prison for a new sex crime?? Well, that's because they're better at hiding, manipulating, threatening and not getting caught AGAIN. I was repeatedly a victim as a child in the Maryland Foster Care System. It's hard to find someone to listen to you, to believe you 'enough' or take you serious 'enough' when you're only 6-12yrs old. Yes, this was 30 years ago, but it seems things have not changed much since then....

  4. First, I believe absolutely NOTHING that comes out of Texas. Go ahead, Bush lovers, fry me.

    Second, if it costs millions in tax dollars and it only protects a single child from a sexual preditor, then I say it is money well spent!!!

  5. I'd say the first offense is one too many. Ask the victims and their families how they feel about it. Many of these offenders strike again and the next victims may not even report it. I vote for one strike and you're out! The Bible says Jesus said we should tie a millstone around their neck and throw them in the ocean.

  6. Wrong!!!Their sickness is something very dark and black inside them..it will always be there...And nobody will change my mind about this.

  7. I think treatment is taking a chance. Our community has unfortunately seen what has happened when the justice system gives too many chances. We lost a precious little one.

  8. what does the program consist of?

  9. i just like the way the say less "LIKELY"

  10. Castration has a 100% result! 49% still likely is not good enough.

  11. Great! Let's send them all to Texas!!!

  12. If it will help then I am in favor of it. When it reaches 100% less likely then I MIGHT consider letting them back into society. Until then just keep them away from our loved ones.

  13. My question would be that if that is correct then would the auditor feel comfortable leaving THEIR child with a sex offender?

  14. The report is percentage heavy, and n number limited, which make it hard to calculate a statistical significance.

    This study also only looks at sex crimes, and does not list recidivism rates among other crimes, nor consider what comparable crime categories would be.

    All that being said, this discussion alone makes me happy. Lets work with facts, and data, and make good decisions. I believe a person (judges) intuitions should be followed. I believe a whole person and story should be judged (not just whatever facts the court decides to allow).

  15. BS! Lets say that is right.(not)What about the other 39% that it didnt rehab?? Thats a BIG number to have running around un-rehabbed!! Its a sick sick epidemic and I cannot stand these types of people that go digging up numbers to somehow make a sexual offender okay. Okay? Okay? More than likely the author of that post is or has somebody close to them thats a PERV! 39%. That means that if true(not) 39 out of 100 cannot be rehabbed. Once a molester, always a molester. Period.

  16. I can't leave my name because of my connections to Law Enforcement; I hope you understand.

    Based on my experiences with sex offenders, I don't buy the statistics one bit. These audits, reports and statistics can be skewed in any direction the researcher want them to go.

    An arrest and conviction of a sex offender is the first time the offenses have been reported. Sex offenses of all types are the most under reported crime in the US. It is because of fear of the offender, fear of public ridicule and blaming, and embarrassment. Families usually want to keep the "family business" private and do not report. An abduction like the one of Sarah Foxwell does not occur as often as people fear; most offenders are family members with constant access to the victim.

    If a sex offender has been arrested before, most cases are Nolled or Stetted. Or plea bargains galore prevail. I have seen offenders with henious charges plea them down to a simple assault-no sex offender registration then.

    In short, I don't buy any of the reports. And I don't buy any "rehabilitation" nonsense. I've seen more than enough evidence to know it doesn't work. "Chemical Castration" doesn't work either. I've seen offenders, who for one reason or the other can not perform sexually STILL continue to molest. It's almost like OCD.

    Just my humble opinion.

  17. That 5% was probably PBJ, NOL Pros or Stet! They dont go to jail when DEALS are made do they??

  18. Rehab. , NOT. Death penalty only!
    The green mile will work for them.

  19. depends on if the sex offender list is to be trusted. there are predators on it, but there are errors on it:

    1) you are out in the woods and need to pee and someone sees you. you get on the list
    2) you are done surfing and changing your suit and your towel accidentally falls, you are on the list
    3) you walk to get a cup of coffee in your own house and someone sees you naked, while they were trespassing on your yard, you are on the list
    4) you get in a fight with your girlfriend and she has an axe to grind, you are on the list.

    the issue is that there are errors on the list. If errors can be corrected and if the court understands the circumstance and only place true predators on the list, then I dont have a problem with it.

  20. more govt BS. thanks sjd

  21. I think sex offenders do what they do not so much for the sexual shit but for power and control. Some where in themselves they realize that they are powerless in real life and are not in the (high) position in society that (they) think they should be, so they get that power and control the only place they can, from innocent little children. Sick bastards.

  22. I'm not willing to take the chance. Once and you're done. You libs want to rehab 'em, let 'em live with your family when they're finished.

  23. I think it is BS! I don't care what any study shows (and the percentages weren't that great anyway). Anyone who would sexually offend any small child does not deserve to be rehabilitated. It won't happen anyway. Their sickness is a kind that can't be cured. And I agree with previous post - castration won't work either. I'm all for it but only if they still keep them locked up. CHILD sex offenders deserve no second chances... They've ruined a life or many lives with their evil ways.

  24. If a child sex offender has to blend back into society, I would support a branded " child sex offender " on their forehead. Any future occurrence and the cruel and unusual punishment provision should not apply and the victims family could design the punishment and put on the internet.

  25. THANK YOU 12:42! Law Enforce.... I too have been in the courts and have seen these sick people plea and and the State let's them walk with these Stets! I don't know how the States atty's office can look themselves in the mirror knowing that an arrest has been made based on evidence, testimony, professional witnesses, grand jury indictments and they deal! Litle boys and girls lives are at stake and they deal. Why would they deal I ask? Come on everyone! Its got to stop being who you know, or how much money will it take and start being about criminals that lurk in the lives of these little children. Most abusers are family and guess what that means? Yes, a Stet means they get to go home and be with the same children (victims)as if nothing has happened in the States eyes. Well it did happen and those little children have to live with the fact that they were molested and no one (State)cared. Think of the emotional nightmare these children go through when the only alternative the State gives them is (Stet) to be with the very one that abused them in the first place! Its so easy to see the deals and why they happen. The victim becomes the defendent and the perv walks. Why? Why? The blame truly lies with the State, Judges and high dollar lawyers! We're not dumb! We know why they are high paid dont we?? Playing with childrens lives. God will have a field day with these folks someday. I know of one that if he repeats I will be having a field day. Promise.

  26. Less likely to return to prison is not less likely to continue to commit those crimes. I believe they just get better at hiding it. It's also typically a crime that doesn't get reported.

  27. When a study is conducted to uphold an opinion the outcomes can and will be manipulated in order to continue receiving funding...just a thought to ponder. Another thought to ponder is you can ask any professional that is not biased to convince people otherwise and they will tell you a sex offender cannot be "cured" they are given tools to not sexual assault again. However, drug addicts and alcoholics are also given coping mechanisms to not use again and what is the reoccurence rate for those things?

    It is not good enough to tell someone if they get the urge to sexually molest or attack a child to try and walk away because obviously those disgusting excuses for humans cannot and do not control their impulsive thoughts, if they did they wouldn't have done it the first time.

  28. was this study done by a convicted sex offender! Seriously??? One time is too much! Why take a chance...the only promising thing about this "study" is that they will repeat again!!! and again!! the study was done a few years ago...not long enough to say any percentage was rehabilitated!!! So they didn't repeat within the first few years after this course, but does not mean it just won't take them 10 years to repeat!

  29. sounds like the author of this is a pervert or knows someone who is. there should be NO second chances for someone who molests a child. if you keep giving them chances like tj leggs was it will keep getting worse. we all have seen what happens with chance after chance. first time offence death penalty. then maybe these perverts will understand and get it through thier sick minds to leave children alone.

  30. Every so often someone dismisses a sex offender study on grounds that make no sense, today we have such a case. The sex offender study's the AUTHOR has quoted is about recidivism (of former sex offenders), and first time sex offenders (former non sex offenders)Who should society be more concerned about?

    The laws targeting former sex offenders MAY prevent some recidivism, but lawmakers have totally ignored the group causing the majority of NEW sex crimes by former prison inmates. Now, for every ONE sex crime committed by a former sex offender, there are SIX sex crimes committed by former non sex offenders.

    That folks is something lawmakers simply ignore, and focus on former sex offenders. Now, consider this, all those NEW sex crimes committed by former non sex offenders, is causing further public and lawmaker hysteria of former sex offenders! So my question is simple, if non sex offenders released from prison are causing 86.6% of all new sex offenses, and, 83% of all new sex crimes against children, why do lawmakers do nothing about this? The evidence is in lawmakers hands, they ignore it. Why?

    I'll take an answer from anyone, that is a logical answer. Including the Author of the original Post.

  31. I keep hearing and reading that these guys are sick. They are not sick , if so ,they could take medicine and get well. If you are sick you go to the doctors and he will make you well , or he may rape you , who knows. These are BAD guys , not sick guys. These are the guys we need to destroy. These are very bad guys not sick guys. There is a big difference between sick and bad. Please do your home work. If you think they are sick , then you are making excuses for them , maybe you are the one that is sick.

  32. they are still 39% likely to destroy the lives of children.... Castration is the only method with a 100% success rate.

  33. Boy, you people are close minded. I will say one thing for you, though: You don't let the facts stand in your way in reaching your conclusions!

  34. I don't believe sex offenders ever lose the desire to recommit sex crimes. They will always have those tendencies.

  35. Wrong!!!Their sickness is something very dark and black inside them..it will always be there...And nobody will change my mind about this.
    AMEN TO THIS.........
    People really need to learn about castration. HERE IT GOES:
    Chemical castration is the administration of medication designed to reduce libido and sexual activity, usually in the hope of preventing rapists, child molesters and other sex offenders from repeating their crimes. Unlike surgical castration, where the testes are removed through an incision in the scrotum,[1] chemical castration does not actually castrate the person, nor is it a form of sterilization, hence the term "chemical castration" has been called a misnomer.[2].

    Chemical castration is generally considered reversible when treatment is discontinued; in the case of Depo Provera, "no permanent physical change is wrought in the body."[2] Castration has, from time to time, been used as an instrument of public and/or judicial policy despite concerns over human rights and possible side effects

    if castrated it DOES NOT stop the erge for sex, what' in a sick mind will always be there.
    I was a victim on rape and it went on for many years, back then no one talked about it,im 45 now and the pain never, ever goes away. and i just totally agree with most of these post, they can not be helped, they are sick mother F***ers who dont need to be on the face of the earth.


  36. Put them in prison and keep them there-recidivisim rate 0%

  37. Hey 61 Percent... That's Great... So how do we do this? Do we just pick 39/100 to execute? Just askin'

  38. Anyone with this problem is a time bomb.
    What about the new sex offenders we have yet to learn about?
    I knew a school teach, had been teaching 15 years, come to find out that gym class was just a way to feel up 15 year old girls.
    I dont know what works , maybe someone else does.

  39. I haven't read the links provided, but would like to know the seriousness of the offenses commited by the "rehabilitated" offenders.
    Most likely included in these reports were those convicted of having sex with underage willing participants.

  40. Nothing, repeat, nothing has been shown to 100% reduce recividism in released sex criminals: not chemical castration (periodic injections of testosterone-reducing drugs), surgical castration (removal of testicles by surgery) or extensive counseling, and certainly not by registration programs.
    A 100% recidivism reduction rate is unattainable, except in science fiction (I'm thinking "A Clockwork Orange"),by death or never releasing the perpetrator from prison. If you want maximum protection of the masses from these predators, those are your choices.
    And remember, even if you lock all of these people up forever, more are being created as the clock ticks.

  41. Anon 3:21pm 100% is attainable! Lock em up and treat them in prison with no job credits or good time credits. That will get us 100% period.

  42. A bullet is the best rehab for sex offenders

  43. what a load of CRAP! you can get a survey/report/study to support any position you take.

  44. 3:21 Then it sounds like we'll have to kill em' all to get satisfactory results. Game on!!

  45. Even IF treatment does work...who cares? Why should are tax dollars go to rehabilitating people that rape, molest and murder America's children!!!?

  46. That is absolutely rediculious! I agree with 12:24. If they are so confident in their "statistics" then they can take the rapers, molesters, offenders and any other sick dimented individual's and let them reside there and get rehabilitaion. To even suggest anything less then 100% for our families is outradious. You can't put a percentage on our childrens safty, and that is what will happen if this "rehab" is the answer (or what they think will be the answer) to these monsters doing these hanious crimes and then walking with a slap on the wrist. Which to me, is anything less then life in prision or death. It's definately time to put a foot down and put a screaching halt to this madness. I'm ALL!! for the "eye for an eye" approach

  47. You can bet that this audit was done for a whole administration that carried a degrading and abusive tone towards the weaker population and that there was a reason for the swaying of numbers.

    Here is the reality. Sex offenders and abusers are master minds of manipulation. For the normal person who has never experienced one, they can totally charm you and the outside world.

    Most sex offenders have learned to put on a false face and make the victim look as though they are crazy. It is very typical.

    And its always about a power trip because in reality they are insecure little wimps who have to prove their manhood by causing pain to the weak.

    If most of the perpetrators faced a real man with the threat of getting their ass kicked, they would shit their pants.

    That should be the real lesson, kick their F***king a$$ their head pops through.

  48. No Way! They ruin a life by committing just once...they deserve to have their lives ruined! After they do this once, they should never see the light of day again!

  49. I wonder how these people who believe in 2nd chances and rehabilitation would feel if the molesters were their neighbors, around their children and loved ones everyday? And for people who "don't believe in the death penalty", guess what, alot of us do support the death penalty, are sick and tired of paying our hard earned money to pay for these worthless POS's to sit in jail for the rest of their life. If you're so against the death penalty, how about you all rally together and start contributing to a "keep monsters alive" fund and then you can be responsible for the tab. I'm sick of it, i'm sick of political correctness, i'm sick of people complaining about what's fair or not fair. Try asking these children who are being molested if they think that's fair! And I don't believe I am heartless, in fact just the opposite, it's just that my heart goes out for the children and innocents, not murderers, rapists and child molesters.

  50. 3:36.....Enough said.

  51. Castration will hurt alot, but its not enough...Sodomy!!! broomsticks.. etc.. genetalia sp) dosen't have to be used to please these demented animals.

  52. In the cases of men who were accused and convicted of rape then exonerated by DNA, years...think Mr. Bloodsworth...later, I don't believe in castration or death for first time offenders, but the repeats are not going to fool me twice. As for the study/percentages, if you read to the very bottom, these numbers are for making the case that the prison system in Texas is overpopulated and these numbers show that some should be paroled to ease the overpopulation. Having been both the relative of a sex offender (who was convicted wrongly as a minor because there was no money for a proper legal defense) and molested myself by someone close to my uncle's family-this is not easy to say. This is a horrible crime that deserves the punishment, and we must all see that the court system hands out the proper punishment, but we must give them their day in court first.

  53. LEO,I cannot stress enough how much I agree with your comment.By the time an offender is charged for the 1st time,odds are they have already committed numerous sex offenses that went unreported.They dont just wake up one day and decide to do this,theres always a history of inaappropriate or deviant behavior stretching back to early childhood.These so called statistics from Texas are skewed because for every known sex offender there are 2 or 3 more who have just never been reported or charged with anything.
    For anyone out there lamebrain enough to think paroled sex offenders can coexist with us I suggest you "Google" Arthur Shawcross,or Kyle Bell,and see how you feel after reading how well these sex offenders were rehabilitated when they were released to wreck more lives.

  54. don't they put microchips in dogs now? its unrealistic to think there will ever be a law that puts sex offenders to death after one conviction. its a great idea, but will probably never happen. maybe the sex offenders who do get out of jail should have microchips in their bodies. although it won't stop them from re-offending, we will know where they go. i certainly don't think this is a solution. just an idea along with whatever laws we can change to try to prevent these sickos from hurting our children. just think, if TJ would've had one Sarah would've been found as soon as they took him in.

  55. the problem is keeping them in sex offender programs in prisons cost tax payers money$$$$$

    Atkins proposal- casterate them and make them pay for the procedure!!!!

  56. Yeah, I put a lot of faith in ANY study released by this vile government. If they stop breathing, they also stop offending.

  57. anonymous 12:44p.m.
    There is a list of offender and the type of act they committed.
    Two of my children were sexually molested by a neighbor, whom they also referred to as their grandfather. He had been charged but not convicted in two other states before we knew of him. He was charged and convicted for my oldest child (actually served 6 weeks total WOW!!!) never charged for my youngest. They said it wasn't enough evidence even though she told several people including a social worker what he did. A police officer never did question her. Some system. Trust the list, I will bet it is very accurate.

  58. Death will ensure that 100% of them will never commit another crime. Tell that shit to Sarah.

  59. Tattoo on each side of their nose CM.(child molester). This report/study is a farce. It lists stats for 1 year. Only 5% released in 1994 returned to prison for a NEW sex crime? Can that mean the other 95% returned for the same type of offense they committed before?
    Numbers are very easy to manipulate to serve one's agenda.
    A child sexual predator should require much more attention than those who are guilty of assaulting an adult. Both are very bad, but preying on an innocent child is the ultimate offense.

  60. it says NOT LIKELY it doesn't say they won't.

    To save millions, just shoot them all, no money spent on therapy that is only "likely" to work.

  61. You should see the "studies" the ACLU comes up with when they are fighting for the "rights" of pedophiles.

    People assume that everyone hops on board when it comes to protecting our children.

    When it comes to child advocacy, first you're shocked at what children are put through. Then you're shocked that there are more forces fighting for the rights of offenders than the rights of children. That's a real fact.

    Elections have consequences.

  62. show me a study taking one stance...and if you look hard enough...i will find another showing the exact opposite...sit in the lobby of the sheriff's office one day when they have to come in, you'll take one look at each one of them and know what they are there for...you cannt treat them, they are sick and need to be kept away from our society...

  63. Could we get a promise from Davis Ruark's office that there will be no stet, nol pros or PBJ for anyone charged with a sex offense against a child? Also no deals with someone charged with a sex offense a child that result in a simple assault charge or any other charge that does not mention sex offense against a minor? It seems Davis could make that change immediately with very little involvement from state legislators. WHY NOT?

  64. Joe, I have a method to cure ALL sex offenders. My method will work! Cut off the pecker, fingers, toes, tongue that could be used.

  65. People listen. We could sit here forever and try to come up with excuses and possible solutions. None of which will work.

    You could kill them after committing their first offense.You could cut it off. You could put then in therapy. You can drug them.IT WONT WORK!

    While i agree with life in prison or death based on the crime, I understand one thing. As long as their have been good people, and their are still plenty believe it or not, I saw it Christmas morning at the stadium first hand, evil people have always remained as well.

    What causes people to be this way? Born with it? Result of trauma during childhood? Who knows.

    The only thing we can do is to unfortunately inform our children about the monsters that walk among us. Police them on the internet. And keep an eye on your local child sex offender lists to know where the *known* threats are.

    I remember being raised by my grandfather him telling me to always have faith and respect for your fellow man until he gives you a reason not to.
    Sadly in todays world that is one of the only life lessons taught by my grandfather i choose not to follow, as these evil people live among us at our jobs, in our churches, and sadly sometimes in our own damn homes.

  66. Joe,
    As a victem of many preditors when I was young, I know that they can't change. They are mentally sick people and there is only one cure. I was a lucky one, they didn't have any laws protecting children in the 70's. If they did I would most likely be dead. Thats why we see more children disappear. Ask John Walsh. 1st time and they should never be allowed out in society again. Thats the only legislation that will work. We will still have those sick minds, we will still have victems, but we wont have these animals getting out to do it again.
    Tom Sawyer

  67. Well did you consider your second offense could land you in the electric chair or lethal injection in TEXAS ( Yea Baby . I would guess the fact that Texas has the rapid track to death chamber it just might have scewed the numbers just a tad.

    Now do the bleeding heart liberals that crunch the numbers want you to believe or know these facts. NO !!

    We as a free nation have become to soft on crime. I am sorry that is one area that needs reform.

    Any violent sex act against a child should carry a minium of twenty hard time. Upon release after twenty years. They should be required to wear a monitor at all times.

    Any violent sex act that results in the death of a child should be the express lane to the electric chair not lethal injection.

    I do feel that strong physical evidence should be present. In any death penalty case. I say i rather see 1000 guilty go free than one innocent man go to jail.

    Folks let face it crimes against vulnerable adults, seniors, and children are all special circumstance as far as I am concerned. The criminals and that is what they are. Criminals that prey upon these people are evil. There is salvation but no reform for these people. They can make peace with God while being wheeled down to the death chamber.

    O'Malley better do the right thing here. If he does not he is finished. I think he is finished anyway. The handling of this case should go Federal they still have the death penalty. It is not that Davis Ruark wont do the job he will. People can say what they want about Davis. That man showed his grit on this one. I saw him around the clock with Sheriff Lewis and Cpt. Elliott. These men have conviction that can not be taught. It is in you or it is not. Chief Deputy Baker had suffered such a great personal loss at the time of this incident showed courage and resolve many men could not. My hat is off to all of you.

    I hope that everyone takes the time to write politicians and continue the fight. Joe I know you will have a hand in keeping this issue in the public eye. Let this pain and anger become our fuel as a county to make sweeping changes on this issue.

    Happy New Year lets make 2010 a year of change. We may not be able to change the world but we have the power to change our State Law. We need to be the voice for Sarah and all children in our state that fall to this evil.

    M. Fisher

    Delmar, Md.


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