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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Shocking FEMA Training Video Founding Fathers Were TERRORISTS

Shocking video of a FEMA instructor teaching officers that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and others are all terrorists.


Don't let anyone tell you that our government isn't trying to take us somewhere we don't need to go. They are interpreting history to make our founding fathers look like terrorists and here is the proof.

This video had 55 views when we posted it.


  1. Not surprising when you learn that in some school districts textbooks are being rewritten in a 'liberal' light. There are organizations fighting this and I know of at least one book that highlights some of the misinformation.

    I'll try to get back to this post to let folks know what they are as I don't remember the author or the exact name of the book off the top of my head.

    If anyone does please post.
    Bottom line is we are losing the America most of us grew up with and loved. The freedoms, liberties, and values of our society are rapidly evaporating. Liberals are trying to make our country a slave to the world.

  2. Eventually even the dinosaurs will have died out because of right wing policies. These people will stop at nothing. We must preserve our knowledge of what REALLY happened in the past or the liberals will erase every second of it...

  3. man what's up with that? I can't believe it. Washington and Jefferson - terrorists? C'mon. Where will this all end? No wonder the American Resistance Movement is recruiting successfully. I checked it out yesterday. So our founding fathers were terrorists. Huh. Maybe we should just bowed down to the british. No No No! This is wrong. I'm joining ARM.

  4. Hey Obamabots,
    can you even feel that you have been brainwashed, or is it like drugs where you don't care?

    Sometimes I want to help you lefties, but most of the time I realize it's a lost cause because you've been promised utopia and the price of shackles

  5. Was this taken out of context?

  6. His point is: In many cases, the only difference between a "terrorist" and a "freedom fighter" is which side you're on.

  7. So sad, the folks he spoke about were radical but for the right reason. For the last 50 years we have been the guiding light, but I am not sure where we are heading.

  8. I have a feeling this was taken out of context. This may have been a way of helping law enforcement officer understand the mindset and motivations of Terrorists. I doubt very much that they were trying to let them know that Terrorists are right in what they do and will eventually win.

    NOW, what if I'm wrong? then i say that this guy should be charged with treason and incarcerated. show the next 5-10 minutes of the video and I'll make up my mind.

  9. wasn't the Boston Tea Party basically an act of terrorism as defined by today's standards

  10. History has traditionally been written from the perspective of the victor. Having said that...in or our of context, this video only undescores how far this country has drifted (to the left) from our founding Libertarian values. From a country of 4 million people crying our for self determination, to 330 million crying out for the goverment to take care of them they call that socialism) We have lost our way. Sadly, most lack the fortitude to do what is necessary to make our way back.

  11. 11:12 - no they weren't trying to say that terrorists are right and will eventually win. They are trying to impress upon the law enforcement community that the motivation behind the militias doesn't matter. The fact that they are trying to accomplish the same things our founding fathers accomplished doesn't matter - they are terrorists. In order to justify that mindset they must also impress upon the officers that the founding fathers were also terrorists by definition.

    My position, and that of a growing number of Americans today, is this. If todays "domestic terrorists" of the U.S. are the same as the founding fathers of 200+ years ago, then the government of today is just as oppressive as the British government of colonial times. Our government has labeled these people as "domestic terrorists" in order to garner support from the citizens of the U.S. This is proof positive that the U.S. Government is conducting a propaganda war (psyops)against the citizens of the U.S. It starts planting the seeds in children while they attend the government run school systems by controlling the cirriculum and is enforced throughout our lives. Luckily a significan number of Americans can still taste the liberty afforded us through the sacrifices of the freedom fighters of the American Revolution. They can still feel the loss of lives suffered throughout our nations history as we took the necessary steps to protect those freedoms from foriegn threats. Will we continue to stand by and let those internal enemies of liberty destroy the
    fundamental freedoms for which so many of our forefathers made the ultimate sacrifice? Will we hand our children a nation devoid of the principles of liberty upon which this was built? Will we hand them down a nation in so much debt that there is no chance of becoming financially solvent and subsequently no chance of remaining autonomous in the world theater? The ball is in our court as citizens. How many freedom loving Americans are among us? If you were living 234 years ago would you have bowed down to the King of England or would you have been among those who fought against tyranny? Answer that question.


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