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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Your Contract

After serious & cautious consideration... Your contract with Salisbury News has been renewed for the New Year 2010!
Thanks for all your support in 2009!


  1. From the people who supported the ousting of Mayor Tilghman and Chief Webster.

  2. Keep up the good work Joe! Hope you have an awesome & prosperous New Year. I have a STRONG feeling that 2010 is going to be a much better year than 2009 (as well as next decade compared to the current decade) for everyone!

  3. thank you joe for all the info u provided for us in 2009, we know u will do the same in 2010,you are awsome, keep up the great work ... hope you an your family have a safe an happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!! from the smith family,,,,,god bless

  4. Joe, what do you consider the top 5 news stories of 2009?

  5. Off the top of my head in order.....

    1. Sarah Foxwell

    2. Barrie Tilghman stepping down

    3, Chief Webster stepping down

    4. Salisbury WWTP failure

    5. Alexa Ratings for SBYNews.com

  6. HAPPY NEW YEAR, and see ya in 2010!

  7. That's got to be a tough one for you Joe.

  8. Happy 2010 New Year to you Mr. Joe!
    I wish you had time to put together some of the funniest, most impacting, or even the dumbest posts/comments for 2009. I think it would be a hoot to see them brought together!

  9. It is now clear that this is no longer a blog in the sense of being an opinionated editorial.

    SBYNEWS is a news agency. Joe and staff perform "investigative reporting" - something the main stream media no longer engage because it has become a mouthpiece for the failed 2 party political system.

    The main stream media has the duty of dividing us so that the Zionists can conquer us. It has created a false we-they paradigm of opposite view points. We argue with each other over our favorite elitist positions. We vote for elitist characters who pretend to serve our wishes. They do not.

    Our government lies to us at every option. The local government lies. The state government lies. The federal government lies. It is the job of an independent media to reveal the lies and hold our government accountable. The main stream media has failed us miserably.

    Our citizenry is ignorant of the massive conspiracy perpetrated against us by the elite international bankers. We are being tricked into supporting their pretend wars against people we do not know. Our young men and women falsely believe they are making us safe from an illusive enemy who does not seem to exist in any meaningful organized manner. The media offends our intelligence with fake reports of deranged mind controlled victims who try to blow themselves up - only to fail once again because they lack the common sense to buy a Bic lighter.

    Thank you Joe for the service you have provided on a local level. Thank you also for supporting some national news articles that would otherwise never see the light of day. Eductaing the populace is the most noble goal for a person involved in the NEWS BUSINESS.

    Thank you

  10. That's what I like to hear. Do not forget to send that really large payment to my house.

  11. Have a restful New Year's holiday, Joe. You have certainly earned it! Great job and keep the stories rolling in 2010.

  12. Thank you, Mr. Albero for a place to come for current events. I, too come here every morning for updates on whatever is happening around town. I wish everyone on here a happy and safe new year. Please, everyone, if you are out tonite - watch out for the other guy!

  13. I've said this before, but I'll say it again. Sbynews is MSM. Main STREET Media.
    Happy New Year.

  14. In terms of Salisbury's unfortunate events in 2009, the reelection of Shanie Shields is in the top 5. What others are there?

  15. Thank you, Joe. You've put in so much hard work this past year, especially over the past week. You rock!

  16. Joe and Staff. I’m looking for a thinking blogger. Someone totally committed to their belief. It’s more than that, too.
    It’s passion.
    It’s that fire in your belly, morally committed passion that leaps off the blog page.
    You know it from the moment you land on the blog and read the first sentence. You know this person knows what they are talking about, how to talk about it, and that this is place to find the information you want. You know you’ve come to the right place.
    There is no doubt. You know in an instant that this is someone who knows what they are blogging about.
    That’s a thinking blogger.
    One who not only thinks about their blogging, they know about that which they blog – down to their toes.
    These are the bloggers who will keep me thinking about their words long after I’ve finished reading them. Their passion boils up through their writing to flow out of the computer and into my heart and mind. Two, three, or four hours, maybe a day or two, or even months later, their words will bubble up out of my unconscious like an old song I can’t get out of my head.
    Their words invoke images, vivid thoughts, and possible changes of mind. Their words are food to my hungry spirit. I want more.
    Their blog represents a body of work which creates a sense of trust and respect for their opinion and advice. I know they honestly know what they are talking about.
    These are the bloggers who don’t need to brag, show off, or honk their horns. They don’t need parlor tricks on their blogs. They don’t need to. These are humble folks who blog about their passion and it shines through. It can’t help it. You know it, you feel it, you experience it effervescing from among the sentences on the page.
    You know this person is living, and writing, their passion.
    Most importantly, this kind of thinking blogger makes me want to tell someone about what I just read. Not later. NOW. And, without a doubt, they make me want to comment about what I just read. I can’t help myself. I have to share the passion!
    Yes Joe this is what I find in SBYNEWS and that’s what keeps me coming back. Wishing you and your staff all the best in the coming year!

  17. I will renew provided there's no price increase.

  18. Happy New Year Joe!! '10 is going to be a great one.

  19. Ben and Geri.....well put! I love the way you write!
    Sbynews,thank you so much for everything you do.Joe you are awesome! I am also a huge fan of Nancy Grace,and Joe I dont mind telling you it's like having a male version of her right here on the Eastern Shore.Thank You,Thank You,Thank You...
    Happy New Year

  20. Happy New Year to you Joe!! and to all of your readers and bloggers who help make this blog so interesting and informative..Thank you and your readers soooo!!! much for your caring and loving support of my family during our time of sorrow in the Anitra Pirkle murder. If it wasnt

    for your help and your blog I truly believe Anitra's killers would still be roaming the streets of Salisbury..I'll stand on any roof top or mountain top to let the world know "You're a good man Joe with a heart of gold"..I am honored to know you..All of your help and support will never be forgotten.. You are a gift and a blessing to this community.

    God forever bless you and your family as you face 2010 and may you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live..

    Pirkle Family


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