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Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's Snowing In Delmar

I just looked out the window and noticed it has started to snow. It's light, mind you, but as the evening moves in I'd say it's going to get colder so let's be careful out there.


  1. Just look out the window at the end of February and see snow. Where is the news media talking about Global Warming now?
    Hold on to your hats, when the Democrats pass the carbon tax, you will literally be taxed for air!

  2. Darn Joe, I thought you were crazy until I looked out my window. Indeed it is snowing in Delmar.

  3. Hey, I can remember back in the late 70's, perhaps the early 80's, Maryland had one of its biggest snowfalls that I can remember. I lived in Bowie at the time.

  4. It was in the late 70's and kids were out of school for more than a week. The back roads weren't plowed for days and travel couldn't happen.

  5. That huge snow storm would have been in Feb of 79. I was just a kid, but it seemed like there was 3feet of snow or more.

  6. Let's just hope it is a pass over snow...lol
    I can remember shoveling out a lot of No Acumiliation snow in the past

  7. We just had a nice little snow burst and all gone again, back to the mixed. It was pretty while it lasted.

  8. Sunny in Mardela. Snow/Rain/Sleet mix was very short lived.

  9. If I could borrow that new ladder truck, I might be able to see it from here.

  10. "That huge snow storm would have been in Feb of 79. "

    Yes it was (drifts were up to 5 feet tall in Salisbury), and led to most of the East Coast watching the first live coverage of the Daytona 500, which ended with that fight between the Allison Brothers and Cale Yarborough. NASCAR took off from there, and never looked back.

  11. I remember it well. The date, 02/19/1979...it came pelting down so hard we couldn't see the house across the street, literally. It wasn't that wide a street either.

    We'd just been through a very cold snap, so the ground was frozen, but the temps were hovering right about and ABOVE freezing. (Yes, I have seen it snow like hell at 36 degrees, often it just depends on the upper air temps what actually comes down, like today).

    It was all over in about 3 hours, at least 2 feet, massive drifts.

    I was still living at home, but an adult, nobody went to work that day. But by NOON, it was time for a party, can you say BEER RUN?

    Dad's old station wagon plowed up the street, the snow was soft, but there was traction enough and drove the nearly 4 miles into town on Old OC road, we stopped at a friend's house after the convenience store stop, visited for about an hour and it was another WILD ride home.

    By the next day, half of it had melted, within two days, it was all gone. It got warm. The roads were pretty much cleared within about 30 hours due to the climbing temps.

    Anyone else remember that day?

  12. I don't remember it. I was 2.

  13. nope don't remember..wasn't born lol.. I do remember getting a nice amount of snow in 96 though..we were outta school for a while.


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