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Sunday, February 22, 2009

D.S.P. UPDATE: Fatal Crash On South Union Church

Sunday, February 22, 2009- State Police Probe Fatal Crash on South Union Church

Sussex County- Detectives have completed their initial investigation into this crash.

A 2007 Chevrolet Silverado (operated by Carlos R. Garcia-Ortiz, 24, of Ellendale), was traveling northbound on South Union Church Road, south of SR16, Ellendale Greenwood Highway, when the operator lost control and went off of the right side of the roadway and struck a row of trees. The vehicle veered back onto the roadway and began to rotate at which time the operator was ejected. The truck went back off of the right side of the road and ended up in a ditch adjacent to the roadway.

Emergency personnel arrived on the scene and pronounced the passenger, who was still in the truck, dead at the scene. She was identified as Laura E. Rosario, 40 of Ellendale.

Drug impairment is believed to be a factor in this crash on the part of Mr. Garcia-Ortiz. He was transported from the scene to Milford Memorial Hospital. He is expected to remain in hospital care for several days, and upon his release, he will face the following charges: Vehicular Homicide 2nd, DUI, No Valid License, and No Valid Insurance.

The roadway was closed for approximately 3 hours.


  1. Sorry the lady is dead, wish her family my thoughts...

  2. Doug, I'm with you in offereing her family my thoughts and prayers. How much do you want to bet the perpetrator was an illegal?

  3. Thought about it a lot, I was taught not to trample on a persons grave. Ill leave that for another post.

  4. So does this type of thing justify the need to allow local Law Enforcement to take illegals to the local detention center for deportation. Would she still be alive or was it her time not matter where she would be. Big issue.

  5. If indeed these are illegals,
    I can't think of a better post to help magnify the problem of illegals. There are almost 200 posts concerning money wasted on a ladder truck in Salisbury. How many tax payer dollars are used right here on Delmarva on people who shouldn't even be here? I guarantee it is well above what Salisbury paid for that truck. These people have decimated the construction labor opportunities that used to be for young legal Americans. And don't tell me the illegals are the only ones willing to work. Contractors who hire illegals, As well as customers, who pay contractors, who hire illegals bear the responsibility of correcting this. If you hire a contractor demand they use documented labor. I, personally now use a verification process (e-verify) before anyone is hired. If you use illegals, I will tell you that a group of contractors has formed to expose this economic terrorism cause by illegals in our area. ICE officials welcome our help and white government vans will be showing up at a job site near you!
    The victim has my respect as a human. R.I.P.

  6. if this person is convicted of dui because of illegal drugs and my son's killer walked because there is no set limit for imparement when it comes to drugs then the states attorney better be ready for a law suit that will make his head spin. because my son was killed the the very same way and he wouldnt even allow a grand jury try the case, thanks for discriminating against my son .

  7. and my son was a leagal citizen

  8. dont post it . its still going to make some shocking news thankyou


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