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Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Daily Times Is Starting To Make Me Sick!

OK Folks, one thing you may not be aware of is how Newspapers and Magazines sell ad space. It's done by page views. The Daily Times has titles to articles up of interest and when you click on it you'd THINK you were going to that particular article.

Salisbury News is quite a bit different as you see the entire article on the main page and then we offer you TWO days worth of articles on one main page. OK, so what, right?

Well, I just went to look at this article on the Daily Times. When I got to the bottom of the article I realized, wait a minute, there's ANOTHER page. For the heck of it I clicked on that page and quite frankly that was a very short page, so I thought that was it, that's the end of the article. But then I saw Page 3 at the bottom and again for the heck of it I clicked on it only to find one more sentence to close the deal. Now, just reading that article cost me 4 pages of time and different advertising along the way. Was the article worth it, absolutely not. Was the learning process worth it, absolutely!

Considering we have more page views in one day than the Daily Times, yet we have two days worth of articles on one main page, that says a whole lot right there. When you advertise with Salisbury News you'll not only get more readership on line, your ad will basically run for TWO DAYS! The sad part is, they're skimping and IMHO screwing their advertisers into believing they have more traffic than they actually do. Salisbury News doesn't play that game. Why in the heck would we make our visitors click FOUR TIMES to read one article?

They're desperate people, believe me. If you don't fully understand what I'm telling you, click on the link above and then scroll to the bottom of the article. When you think you're done, look at the bottom of the page and then click on page two and then page three. It's ONE article.


  1. my husband just bought the sunday t for the first time in over a year, and was shocked how the pages are literally shrunken down to magazine size. he says he feels like a giant trying to read the tiny pages!

  2. Joe,

    I am 45.

    When I was much younger, The Salisbury Times was tossed on my porch around 3pm....I think they realized that most knew the obits by then, so they had to beat the coffee crowd with an early press.

    WBOC is just one step ahead. ask Lisa Spicer.

    Chester F

  3. Hey where is that post on that multimillion dollar ladder truck?? I have a few comments I need to make.

  4. Or you click to read an article and instead you get "A few quick questions" asking your zip code, age and sex. If you keep your computer clean and wipe cookies and browsing history you will be asked again, and again, etc....
    I'm sure they use the info to sell all that advertising.
    By the way I put in that I was born in 2005, my zip is in California and I'm the oppisite sex.

  5. CPM (Cost per Thousand) advertising is dying. Marketers now want to pay for performance. Without the click to the advertiser´s web site an exposure is worthless.

  6. Joe give it a break, the newspaper sucks, we all know it, you waste my time and yours trying to educate us on the complexities of the newspaper world.

    SBYNEW is a great electronic choice, too much crime and sports for me, but, I like the rest of it a lot.

    The electronic media is the wave of the present and the future. It is quick and easy, and the newspaper is a outdated and cumbersome way of reaching folks, however, the newspaper gives us some precious social exchanges that cannot be replaced. What on earth are husbands and wives going to talk about at the breakfast table without the paper reading to each other. The "uh, and look at that...I told you Marie, those guys are up to it again" There are a whole set of social activities that revolve around the newspaper, and they are intrical to our society. Where were would we meet our neighbors and say good morning, how would we bark at our offices that we had our coffee without our paper and someone must provide one before we can go on with our day. What would we use to smack the dog when it puts its nose in places it should not.
    It tells us who has died,and maybe we cut out the obit. and put it in our family bible, it tells us who is born, sometimes it tells us something we need to know, but most of all it gives us a chance to question others "did you read the article about the...?" to another person whom we might not talk to otherwise, it is a social instrument, give it a break, it is like motherhood and apple pie, it is something we all use for differing social reasons, not information, we all know that information is everywhere except the local paper.

  7. Hey Joe! You still read the DT? Thought you swore it off bro?!

  8. 11:08 - LOL, I always put in I was born in 1911 and my zip is 21111. They must have asked me that survey 30-40 times during the past 1-1/2 years so I keep giving the dummies the same answer for "interupting" my reading. A totally worthless statistical research tool.

  9. I just noticed it too-its annoying when your computer already takes forever to load a web page.

  10. Ok..I'll ask...Whats the deal with the 11:50 p.m. post?


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