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Monday, February 02, 2009

City Of Salisbury Election Forums

For the benefit of all Members of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce and voters of Salisbury, the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce's Local Legislative Committee and Salisbury University’s Institute for Public Affairs and Civic Engagement will host a series of forums with the candidates in the May City elections.

Every Friday during the month of February at noon a candidate for Mayor as well as a candidate for City Council District 1 and District 2 are being invited to meet the voters. Each will provide comments followed by questions from the audience. The forums will take place at the Chamber office, located at 144 E. Main Street. The program is for the members of Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce and is also open to the public. Bring a lunch or you can purchase one lunch from Flavors Italian Grille, The Uptown Chef or other downtown restaurant.

This Friday, February 6th

For Mayor : Michael Della Pina

City Council District 1 : Shaney Shield

City Council District 2 : Muir Boda (invited)

For Friday, February 13th

For Mayor : Bob Caldwell

City Council District 1 : Cynthia Polk

City Council District 2 : Debbie Campbell (invited)

For Friday, February20th

For Mayor : Jim Ireton (invited)

City Council District 1 : John Chaney (invited)

For Friday, February 27th

For Mayor : Gary Comegys

City Council District 1 : Ralph McIntyre (invited)


  1. Why aren't they holding the candidate forums together so they can hear all of the mayoral candidates and council candidates at the same time. This is ridiculous splitting it up like this. No one is going to go every single Friday.

  2. Who is "John" Chaney -- it's "Tim" isn't it?

  3. This format is absurd.

    Have 3 separate forums, for
    1. Mayor
    2. District 1
    3. District 2

    And hold the one for District 2 after the primary, since that won't be on the ballot.

  4. Isn't the election in April and not May?

  5. It's not ridiculous if you are a Chamber member and a FOB/FOG. They can't have Gary answering questions in a real debate type forum. People would see and hear for themselves what a blubbering idiot he really is. Shanie...well just lets leave it at that. After all, Shanie is the one, when deciding on more police that said "CRIME IS UNDER CONTROL". Not long after 4 murders occured.

  6. Let's have a real debate! this is silly--the candidates will all just spin whatever they want. I would love to see Comegys try to debate Ireton. Good times!

  7. Comegys couldn't debate Ireton on his best day. I'll bet good money he can't hold his own with Caldwell either. Comegys is a glutton for punishment if he thinks he can.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Why aren't they holding the candidate forums together so they can hear all of the mayoral candidates and council candidates at the same time. This is ridiculous splitting it up like this. No one is going to go every single Friday.

    1:55 PM

    It is not a Forum. Someone is confused, but I agree they should all be together. The only ones separated should be Council candidates and mayoral candidates.

    2:27 pm, you are absolutely correct.

  9. Yeah, this is weird. Leave it to the chamber pot.

    Messed up the spelling of two candidates. Can you tell whose?

    Yah, that John Chaney is Tim Chaney. Tim's his middle name. I got a cousin who goes by his middle name, too.

  10. I went to school with Tim also and not many people would know him as John, that is after the first day of school. Forty years here most people know him as Tim.


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