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Monday, February 02, 2009

Can You Find Waldo?

Salisbury Police Chief Webster and friends let their hair down at his son's wedding. If you're going to put it out there, we're going to find it and we're going to publish it. How's that picture of me on the wall at the SPD looking right about now Chiefy?

If you'd like to see this video in FULL SCREEN, GO HERE.


  1. That's Chief Webster and his son!!!! Holy Poop!

  2. OMG this is hilarious. I found Waldo. Waldo is Chief Webster and he sure looks good with that pink boa around his neck.

  3. OMG! Joe, I don't know how you do it man but that's unbelievable!

  4. Better watch your back now Joe. That is just too funny.

  5. You should get the one of the Mayor falling down drunk at one of the firefighter parties. I heard about it but I've never seen it.

  6. Better save the money they want to spend on that new fire station. SPD is going to need a new roof after Chiefy sees this. ahahahahahahahaha

  7. Holy Cow! Looks like old chiefy is having too good a time.

  8. Joe, I have to admit, you have the biggest set I've ever seen. What a classic.

  9. That was funny. Saw it in an email a couple of weeks ago. Simply the worst Best Man Speech EVER!

  10. This town has gone nuts. Horny firefighters, a drunk Mayor and a Police Chief who takes photos of tallywackers. That just GAY. Stop the madness please.

  11. At first I thought you were wrong but I clicked on the link and was able to see the full screen. It is Chief Webster. To each his own. This leaves a new understanding on what might be underneath that suit and tie of his.

  12. The Mayor did almost pass out drunk at the SFD banquet. She had too many jello shooters and could hardly put a sentence together. It was quite an embarassment quite frankly. It didn't realize at the time that she had a drinking problem, but I have learned alot since. Fulton Bagwell found her weak spot that night.

  13. Towny, if I were harrassed as much as Mayor Tilghman, I'd have a drinking problem, too. Joe, I realize that this posting does amuse your readers, but how ethical is it to print a picture of someone attending a family wedding?

  14. Is this really him or just a guy that looks like him? It doesn't make sense to me that this is his son's wedding--the groom is the guy who gets the dance here, right? So that would not be Webster.

  15. Ethical? I'm not a lawyer and I'm not a politician. I'm also not the freakin Police Chief who allows posters of me in the SPD with an X through them calling me a Cyber Terrorist.

    The Chief of Police can kiss my butt when it comes to ethical. It takes TWO to play a good game, I just played mine back.

    Since when is a Wedding off limits anyway? Give it a rest dude and enjoy the video.

  16. Look at it again. The almost naked man goes over to Chief Webster and starts rubbibg up agaiunst him and dancing for him. It's about 3/4 of the way through. Use the link so you can get thye full screen shot.

  17. It looks to me like the chief is enjoying himself a little too much.

  18. Sure enough! I have to say, it is pretty funny. I actually saw this a few weeks ago, it is going all around the internet. I never noticed who it was before! Honestly, I have no problem with it, they were all having a good time.

  19. I understand that this is a wedding and weddings are to celebrate and be fun, BUT HECK YEAH I laughed my butt off. I also think that as Chief of Police Webster should have been.... ummmmmmm should we say a little less likely to get into the act.

  20. I rest my case on that idiot!!

  21. Well, this shows the true Chiefy we are stuck with here in
    Smallsberry. an't wait for the changes in the city come April or so.

  22. Anon 2:22 Joe didn't record this video. This it out on the web on Blip TV. Someone in the grooms wedding party put this out on the web for the world to see. So if you want to talk ethics, talk to his son the ASA in Baltimore, its his wedding and his wedding video.

  23. joe, i left a comment about an hour ago, about it looking like it was a great time and you didnt post it? was it too wordy? you have always posted my comments before? whats up, what did i do wrong? No bad words were used??
    just wondering?

  24. I rejected on for using all capitol letters.

  25. oh okay, i am sorry about that.

  26. I would have just died on the spot. Good thing the bride and groom are good natured otherwise this could have been disastrous. Thanks for the laugh. Oh, did I mention the chief looks good in that pink boa?

  27. nothing to be ashamed of people having fun, you go webster

  28. That was too funny. I'd have a drink with that guy

  29. That's funny! I don't care who you are!

  30. The little respect I had just went out the window. Chiefy, you need to leave Salisbury. You are not welcome here.

  31. Smile your on candid camera. Oh my this is a gem.

    You aced the chief here Joe, game, set, match. He's simply unfit to be a leader. This is a great example for young officers trying to move up in rank, do the right thing, and this is what they have to look up to?

    Skeleton's in the closet, does the chief wear a thong? No wonder the hookers went unchecked for so long.
    When I paint, my masterpiece. Chief, meet Mona Lisa.

  32. The shame of this type of behavior it that the men and women of SPD have to work for this individual.

    What a disgrace to his profession!!

  33. This was a great toast. Nothing Webster has to be ashamed of. THis was a toast with humor and friendship.

  34. About 5:50 in. ROTFL!

    Saw this on the Internet before it appeared here, and didn't even note the chief becuz this be fuuuunnny!

    Can't stand Webster, but I'm not going to rap on him for this. This is love and happiness. Good for all of them, Chiefy included.

    That bride's the best of all cuz can you imagine having your wedding upstaged by THAT! Good on her for an open heart full of humor.

    (My bride woulda killed me! Or at least my best bud.)

  35. Now this is a wedding I want to go to! Forget all the stuffy old people sitting around listening to lame tunes. I think it was a great video, and surely doesn't warrant any thing other than a good time.

  36. Joe, you do not respect yourself and as d of reputation do you think you have with most people in Wicomico. They won't need to set up many chairs at your funeral.we can see from this envasion of privacy, you respect no one else. You are worse than those that you harrass. Your loyal readers are low class followers hoping you will get in trouble and also entertain them.Not one of them would back you in case of need. What kind of reputation do you think you have in Wicomico? They will not need to set up very many chairs for your funeral.It is not too late to change your abusive ways and disregard for the welfare of others.

  37. That is so GAY. If that best man isn't gay he wants to be. Cheefy really loved every minute of it.

    Looks like Cheefy was taking pictures for his pleasure later. Wonder how many times he looked at the pictures and took care of business. (wink, wink)

  38. ok.. if you think officers (of any rank) no matter the agency act, any differently at a PARTY, then your simply a tool bag!! that was way funny and shouldnt be a matter of bashing or anything of that nature. it was a PARTY....not a court hearing!!!!!

  39. This town, collectively, has gone stark, raving mad.


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