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Monday, February 02, 2009

City Council Work Session TODAY

Closed session
• Consult with legal counsel/potentiallitigation as permitted under the Annotated Code of Maryland Sections 10-S08( a(7)(8)

Open session - immediately following closed session
• PAC 14 discussion

• Briefing on Station #2 feasibility study - Fire Chief See
(Council received a copy of the feasibility study through the City Administrator's
January 22, 2009 memo)

• Performance measures - John Pick/Lore Chambers
• Policies on annexation funds - John Pick
• General discussion/upcoming agendas
• Adjourn

It's very important to be at this meeting. Hear for yourself first hand how the city is planning to blow a few million more of taxpayer dollars while crime runs rampant through our streets. How many more dead bodies do we need before someone stands up for the police department?

If you can be there, please do so. These are OUR dollars, not theirs.


  1. This meeting should be fun, listening to See get cut off by Gordy explaining the whys and how tos. 3 idiots all in one room, Hoppes is there for decoration, they don't let him speak.

  2. Anon 616 Pm I guess no one cares.

  3. Hoppes is there for decoration?? In his own mind. Gee, that's a pretty big decoration. I hope they don't charge by the pound.

    Why did all three of them go to the meeting in three different cars?? What a waste of expensive fuel.

  4. What's up with that $45 million dollar lawsuit the council wasn't informed of? Boy I bet Bassett took a whomping over that.

    Great job Greg Lakshaw


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