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Friday, August 01, 2008

Turn On PAC 14 Tonight At 7:30!!!!!!!

If you want to see a show of complete BS, turn on PAC 14 tonight. Here are some of the highlights.

John Pick said the Volunteer Firefighters didn't offer to buy furnishing for the new Fire Department. That's complete BS! He went on to say they bought some things that were nice but not needed. He then said the Fire Station financed land issue and borrowed on lease purchase 20 years. The Fire Boat they bought in 1997 for $13,000.00 and cost them $3,000.00 a year to upkeep. HELLO, I guess so when it sinks two or three times a year because no one will keep it up. Sounds to me they were wasting $3,000.00 a year for work that wasn't done. He then stressed how big our Port is and they need new one to help boats in distress. Louise then asked how many calls had our current boat went on, he said ONE last year to help a boat in Fruitland in distress. He then said Salisbury and the Salisbury Zoo were at Tawes Crab Feast to let people know we exist and that we had a Zoo. He then said there were actually people who didn't know we had a Zoo. HELLO! Get a Booth for just the City and put a big sign in the back that shows a picture of the Salisbury Zoo. After all, I thought the Zoo was the pride of Salisbury?

Yes Folks, make some popcorn and enjoy the show.


  1. Is this show going to have her flying Monkeys jumping through hops for her? The puppet show she controls can be seen on any City Council rebroadcast.

  2. Everyone knows that we have a ZOO.
    Salisbury is a ZOO , come see us!

  3. Any chance of hooking them up to lie detectors while on-air, or perhaps some sodium pentathol slipped into the Jack Daniels?

  4. The Volunteers did offer and had planned to buy the furniture for the new station. Mr Gordy made it known to all that he had convinced the city to buy it. He further stated that they now had more money to play with after this news. Well, they should have let the Volunteers buy it. The City bought some ugly and uncomfortable IKEA LOOKING mess that nobody sits on.
    This is just a small nugget of the total scam that went on. There was and still is swapping and scamming going on today. The biggest scam was the land purchase and the cloud around it. But who is going to question it. This is Barrieville and those who ask are dealt with. Some day the TRUTH will come out and the public will see the greatest scam ever in the Bury.

  5. If a fire ever breaks out around any of those oil/gas containers I don't care what kind of boat and equiptment you buy we'll all be watching it burn.


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