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Friday, August 01, 2008

Hip Hoppers Chris Brown & Rhyianna In Ocean City Maryland

Last Saturday 7-26-08 we were fishing at the Oceanic pier in OC when there were a crowd of people getting on jet skis. Someone told us it was Hip Hoppers Chris Brown and Rhyianna and everyone starting taking Pictures. One of the Body Guards had a young kid with a pro camera escorted off the pier. When they returned from jet skiing my wife went to take more pictures from the city sidewalk and was told by one of the Body Guards that she could not take pics, she cited the photographers bill of rights which we both carry in our camera cases he got real nasty and made hand gestures which seemed to us like he was going to shoot her, what do you think?

Keep up the good work and I wish we had one of you in OC! Glen in OC.

There has been rumor that these two are dating. Maybe all those Tabloid Magazines will want this story? LOL ANOTHER Sbynews.com Exclusive. Joe


  1. So do we call you "Mr. & Mrs. Paparazzi" now, Joe? I guess the Photographer's Bill of Rights is what allows you to take the less-than-flattering pics of our local "celebrities." My favs are still the ones of mare in the red coat doing her "Stop, In The Name Of Love" pose and her discreetly shooting you the finger while supposedly scratching her nose!

  2. Just some young people out for a day the beach getting a tan.

  3. Actually I would shop those around. The mags would probably pay something for them, especially of them together. It is definatley Rhianna, her star tattoos on her neck are visible in one of the shots.

  4. For one I think that rappers or as the more commonly know by hip hoppers ( to make them more civilized sounding and acceptable to the public eye ) are nothing special at all and are way to commercialized. So do society a favor and look for someone to take a picture of that could make a positive influence on our youth. For two I think taking pics of celebrites on vacation is rude. I don't blame them for getting angry. Look how far it goes in Hollywood and also the death of Princess Di. Leave people be. Enjoy the finer things that god has given you and stop idolizing these so called stars.

  5. Hey Joe, last time that the Town had FunkMaster Flex car show in town, they had the HUGE riot at Secrets where like 10 people were arrested and the guy got bit by the dog.

    This weekend, they are back in town. Whats your opinion on this. Do you think that they will have problems again???

    Barry C

  6. I think OC has an excellent Police Force as well as Seacrets having excellent Staff to handle ANY problem that comes their way.

    To assume something might happen in advance is unacceptable. You can prepare for it butu quite frankly I hate it when our very own Government scares us in the same way making people worry another 9-11 might happen. It's BS!

  7. FYI THEY DON"T RAP! Chris Brown is more like R&B and has an excellent voice and is extremely talented at dancing. Rihanna doesn't rap either she sings like an R&B style as well..not as spectacular as Chris Brown but certainly not something to be looked down on. Get your facts straight :) have a fabulous day

    P.S God gave them the talent to sing and dance like STARS so why shouldn't they be treated as such.

  8. Does that girl ever smile?

  9. hip-hop sucks and leads our children down the wrong path. its not even music in my opinion. the new generation of kids are a joke, no future there.

  10. tie a net on the ear rings and you would have a bridge net. what a joke.

  11. Joe. Normally I agree with you, but this crowd is vermin. I often comment that I make my true living judgin what is in someone's eyes. Look at your own pictures here. There is no "love" in those eyes....BTW aren't they just a "flavor of the week" for the Soulsuckers who destroyed MTV? I'd rather see a picture with a kid with a fish that has a hook dangling out of its mouth. Can't look any worse than these pieces of urban garbage.

  12. For all of those who don't know, both Chris brown & Rhianna are singers. Pop and R&B. Not rappers.

  13. Yeah, true. I hear that Secrets isnt having the same type music and are not having the rappers back this year to DJ so that should cut down on some of the riff raff between the different DJ's. Some DJ's dont get along with others. Hopefully everything is peaceful.

    Barry C

  14. Actually I have to agree with the earlier posts about idolizing these people.

    Ok.... they have a few more $$$ than the rest of us... so? That makes them special? Heck... look at the all too famous "MC HAMMER"

    .....you CAN touch this... and I bet it would only cost a $1.

  15. Not that any of the sbynews readers are following these two, but I don't get people who follow the personal lives of celebrities. I hear people talking about what these celebrities do, wear, drive, their home lives etc. I got news for these people. Celebrities don't care about you, whey do you care about them? They are not your friends, family, or acquaintances. Why would you care?

    Just my 2 cents.

  16. "To assume something might happen in advance is unacceptable."

    What?? So we shouldn't be prepared in life? When the intel comes in you need to have a plan... if not, you look the fool.

    If there was a riot last time, and they're back... Then you have to be ready!

    Guarantee that if someone got hurt, this time around, I''m sure the family would say "It's ok, you didn't have to be prepared for it happening again."

  17. Damn
    This is great!
    shows who watches SBYNEWS
    Don't blame joe for the pics
    we took them
    love the controversary!
    keep up the good work Joe!
    G in OC

  18. "I think OC has an excellent Police Force as well as Seacrets having excellent Staff to handle ANY problem that comes their way."

    Maybe you just can't read, Idiot?

  19. I agree with anon 11:34-somebody will pay money for them-maybe a pretty good sum too.

  20. go to youtube search jordin sparks and chris brown "No Air"...

    it's not rap idiots.. learn about something before you go bashing these people.

  21. Idiot?!? Sup with that Joe?

    You'd rather make the change AFTER something happens?! ie: 9-11, the Virginia Tech shooting etc etc etc

    I guess you actually know all the events (that the Gov't makes you "worry" about) that DON'T occur, bc they WERE prepared for from obtained intelligence.

    Guess you have buddies out there so you can't bash them... like you do every other person/group you are against.

    Bottom line... it DID happen before, and they weren't ready for "ANY problem that comes their way".

    They failed... they need to learn from the event... and prepare so it doesn't happen again.

    Seems like common sense there Joe

  22. Joe,

    I couldn't agree with you more!!
    Immediatly after the towers collapsed the President got on TV and said that we could not allow terror to change our way of life.
    So much for that...
    since that day our lives have forever changed. There are so many new rules, regs, and loss of personal liberties that it has become ridiculous.
    Fear is the commodity of the day: Fear of Terrorist,
    Fear of Workplace Rage,
    Fear of School Shootings,
    Fear of Traveling etc etc.
    It is going beyond the pale, Freedom is not Free. It has a price, but legislating away our freedom is not currency that we should be using.
    Do a little survey and watch the news for one hour and see how many times there is a story that is somehow related to terror and watch how the story is spun to relate to our personal safety.
    We are being deluged on a regular basis with scare tactics, and we are buying it hook line and sinker.
    Have you watched what is going on in the City's that are hosting the Republican and Democrat Conventions?
    It's out of control!

  23. How did the topic of the OC police being prepared for another possible riot, that happened recently, turn into losing personal liberties??

    Let's just focus on being ready for trouble makers coming back to OC so we don't lose personal lives!

  24. Fear of Terrorist
    Fear of Workplace Rage
    Fear of School Shootings
    Fear of Traveling

    Well, when bad things occur, people begin to fear it. Simple as that!

    Then, after something bad happens, you have to fear the wacko copy cat artists who want their moment in the spotlight.

  25. Big Deal...

    They bot jist one stip away from heddin bak to da projex...

    They ain't nobuddy!

  26. I don't know what is going on here (I was the guy who referred to this crowd as vermin earlier). Wymzie...you've lost control: Are you comparing the ultimate terror incident in our country (that has happened like once), with the UNBELIEVABLE increase in gun violence on EVERYONE our own streets across the entire nation. Did I actually just read what you wrote? Just in Salisbury alone don't we have open fields of fire outside dance clubs with women and children taking collateral damage, hookers ending up dead in garbage piles, and gang-on-gang violence; and you think I am over-reacting because someone spooked me so much that I now expect a terrorist to drive a plane into Market St. and such? Gun violence and murder in our community is very real-I don't fear because someone tells me there is a goblin in my bushes. But if I know there is a crowd like this nearby, it is always a good time to clean my own guns so just in case they go ghetto and force entry or try to shoot up an area next to where my kids are...well lets say I ain't going out like Tupac or Biggie.

  27. Watch a little LESS liberal news. It is better for your health and you will live longer and happier. Gloom and doom is what puts money in their pockets. BTW Rap R&B SOS they all portray themselves the same way when put in front of the camera.

  28. Joe did not take these photos.. someone else did and the photographer even signed their name to the story

  29. Crafty Joe. Not approving any more comments (at least not within the past hour) bc the final post agrees with you!

    Glad we all have voices on here!

  30. I dod ot think they like getting their tails wet

  31. Anon1:36
    Maybe I should clarify...
    What I am saying is that bad things have been happening all over the world since the beginning of time, including the good ole days of the ole USA.
    Lets think back in history for a moment. When the white man settled this continent, we terrorized the natives. As we engaged in our westward expansion, if one were to ask a white family on a wagon train about their encounters with the native people they considered the natives to be terrorists. What about the North and South during the Civil War? Both sides were thought to be terrorist by each other. During the Civil rights movement both Blacks and Whites thought each other to be terrorists. All of these times were horrible times in our history, and lives were lost and people were hurt. Prostitutes have been being killed since the beginning and salloons in the old west were shot up regularly.
    Yet with each one of these incidents we have answered it by enlarging our armies and police force.

    All of these things were done in a response to fear. Fear is a terrible thing; and in this age of instant information, and a 24 hour workday, fear is being shot at us from every direction. Never before in history have we had the ability to send news so quickly and with instant news comes instant fear.
    All I am trying to say is bad things are going to happen, because there are bad people in this world. I don't believe that enlarging our government, police forces, and our armies are necessarily the solution to these problems.
    Quite frankly, I think an armed populace that is able to defend itself is far safer than expecting everyone else to defend us.

  32. You certainly can't prove their celebrities by me. I don't care for the music or the message that most of it sends.

  33. Never heard of either one of them. Yaaaaaaaaawwwwwnnnnnnnn......

  34. heard of both and both are multi multi millionaire talented musicians... i wouldnt ask you hillbillys for musical choices anyway, so dont worry... just because local sewage pond rednecks dont know of some WORLDWIDE famous artists doesnt mean anything other than, they probably are something big...

  35. Is it one of your photos in People magazine this week? The mag has a photo of them both riding jet skis in Ocean City.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Is it one of your photos in People magazine this week? The mag has a photo of them both riding jet skis in Ocean City.

    5:19 PM

    Go here for that photo...



    The couple may be keeping mum about their romance, but you can't miss the fun they're having on jet skis off the coast of Maryland!

  37. I think I saw a picture of that babe in an old National Geographic.

  38. no we didn't take the people mag pics but there were two young guys taking pics also and were escourted off of the pier by their bodyguards
    I stuck up for the kids with cameras but wwas told the pier manager wanted them off
    we hope they got paid good
    by the way Joe.. when can we see the check?
    Just kidding......
    see photographers rights law at
    for what a photographer can and can't do
    G in OC

  39. Okay, here's my question. Why is it that when you see a black singer (rapper), he/she has to have a whole bunch of "protection"/security staff around them??? Do they really think that they need protection from the public? Or is it the need to feel important and that someone might hurt them? It's absurd.

  40. Holy Cow, they actually have their clothes on!

  41. Anon 5:12-they might be multi talented and welathy musicians I just have never heard of either. Sorry if I dont listen to that type of music whether it is hip hop/rap/r and b. Shhheeeesh. I cant get excited about any celebrity famous to me or not, riding a jet ski. Tom Cruise could fart on the boardwalk for all I care, I have better things to hold my interest.

  42. look at the ham hock biceps that one guy has, tyical of someone in the big house a long time

  43. Jet skis are probably stolen.

  44. Saw all three at the Fountains Table Restaurant last week

  45. thanks for the story, my son who's 15 and listens to Chris' music said to me Friday (25th) he overheard it in H2O that the couple were in OC. But I didn't believe him. I guess he was right after all.

    I"M SORRY, BUT I MUST OF MISSED THE PART WHERE THIS WAS "NEWS"...big friggin' deal.Name a hurricane after "smiley" !!!!

  47. Actually, the "riot" that everyone is talking about didn't actually happen at Seacrets. It happened at Fagers Island on a Sunday evening AFTER the Funkmaster Flex show left town. The riot was ACTUALLY because of University of MD basketball star Steve Blake's Bday party. I was there and saw everything!

    I work closely with Funkmaster Flex and want to clear up any misconceptions of "Rappers" causing trouble in Ocean City. I think senior week brings in MORE problems than any rapper, or celebrity could bring hands down.


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