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Friday, August 01, 2008

Mikulski, Cardin Announce More Than $150,000 For Easton Volunteer Fire Department

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Benjamin L. Cardin (both D-Md.) today announced the Easton Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) in Talbot County has been awarded $155,838 in federal funding through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program (AFGP). Senator Mikulski is on the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the AFGP and fights each year to increase its federal funding. Senator Cardin is a member of the Budget Committee, which each year sets priorities for funding to federal agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security.

“I know how important this funding is to Maryland communities – often it’s the difference between life and death. First responders protect our homes and communities, and the federal government has a responsibility to protect them by providing them with the tools they need to do their jobs safer and smarter,” said Senator Mikulski. “Every day when our first responders report for duty, they don’t know what they will face. That’s why I fight every year for the equipment, training, and staffing our protectors and communities deserve.”

“First responders have always been on the front lines, keeping our families and our neighborhoods safe from harm. I thank these brave men and women for their continuing service and sense of duty to our community,” said Senator Cardin. “I am proud to support federal investment through local grants like this, which is essential to ensure our community heroes have the equipment and training they need to do their jobs safely and efficiently.”

The Easton VFD will use the funding to replace 21 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) units and their air cascade systems. The new equipment will enable the Easton VFD to achieve National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) compliance. For more information, call Tim Knotts at 410-822-4848.

This is the second award for the Easton VFD. In 2002, the Department received $37,400 to purchase a mobile fire prevention trailer. Since 2001, Talbot County fire departments and emergency medical services have been awarded nearly $1 million in AFGP funding.


  1. Have the SFD vollies ever received this? If not, why not? OR is Barrie too proud to ask?

  2. No, unfortunately the SFD has not received it but not for lack of trying. Every year, grant applications have been filled out by the SFD to no avail.

  3. Mikulski is soon to run again for re-election.

    Her retirement will be $125,000 per annum for life.

    I'm not impressed with her so called 'fighting for money' when she's feathering her own nest with our hard earned money.

    I've listened to her shenanigins for so many years that it makes sick to my stomach to hear her last name.

    Her next move is to say she's fighting for funding at Wallops Island for more jobs. That's BS. . .Wallops has not had descent employment numbers since WWII.


  4. Salisbury isn't getting grants because of the chief and deputy chiefs running their mouths to a congressman's chief of staff. Not to mention that the city doesn't need the money since they wasted over 10 million dollars on an unneeded new station and they have in their budget 5 new big toys for the boys that won't play. What would they need the grant money for, they just recently spent a million dollars on brand new breathing apparatus and threw away perfectly good breathing apparatus because they wanted to be like New York.

  5. Perfectly good breathing apparatus??? Where are you talking about? I know it isn't Salisbury! That MSA junk we just got rid of was so old and unreliable it was a safety hazard. Also, 75% did not meet NFPA standards due to not having integrated PASS alarms! I don't know where you got your info from, but the SFD was well overdue for an SCBA upgrade. On another note, part of the reason we went with Scott (aside from the fact that they are THE best) is that ALL of the departments surrounding Salisbury have Scott. Can you say interoperability?

  6. Doesnt meet NFPA standards... Neither does their fishing boat but you dont see grants for that.

  7. Doesnt meet NFPA standards neither does the fishing boat they have but you dont see grants rolling in for that.

  8. A Million Dollars? I don't think so idiot. Get your facts straight before you go with your diarreha of the mouth.


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