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Monday, February 18, 2008

County Council Meeting Is At 6:00 PM Tuesday



Room 301, Government Office Building, Salisbury, Maryland



February 19, 2008 6:00 p.m.

6:00 p.m. John T. Cannon, President Call to Order

Opening Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance

6:05 p.m. Approval of Minutes of February 5, 2008

6:07 p.m. Matthew E. Creamer, Council Administrator Capital Improvements Program Public Hearing

6:27 p.m. Matthew E. Creamer, Council Administrator

1. Resolution 10-2008-Council approval of FY07 State Capital Project Grants Application and Agreement-Youth and Civic Center Renovations

2. Youth and Civic Center Restoration Bonds

3. Resolution 11-2008-Re-appointment to the Employees’ Retirement Investment Trust-Daniel Kwiatkowski

4. Resolution 12-2008-Re-Appointment to the Employees’ Retirement Investment Trust-Patricia Petersen

5. Shared Facility Agreement-Village Down River

6. Liquor Control Board Audit Presentation

6:45 pm. Edgar A. Baker, Jr.-County Attorney

Public Hearing:

Resolution 13-2008-Donation of land for Pittsville Recreation Facility

6:55 pm. Comments from Attending Citizens

7:05 p.m. Council Members’ Comments

7:10 p.m. Council President’s Comments

7:15 p.m. Adjournment

7:30 p.m. Open Work Session:

Board of Education-Discussion of Choices and Ombudsman program and

Information regarding gang activity in the schools

County Council Office Budget

8:20 p.m. Closed Work Session:

Discussion of Property Acquisition

County Council Office Budget

The County Council reserves the right to close a portion of this meeting as authorized by Section 10-(508) a of the State Government Articles of the Annotated Code of Maryland.


  1. " 5. Shared Facility Agreement-Village Down River "

    Is the County geeting into sewage treatment now that the City has modernized and enlarged the WWTP? Go figure.

  2. The Bd. of Ed. is paying big bucks for the Ombudsman program as an alternative to kids who won't work or behave in the alternative school. The new program won't take any special ed. kids or any kids on medication. Why are we paying so much for something that does nothing for some of our most serious offenders?

  3. After watching pac14, I'd like to thank Mrs. Prettyman for asking about the $51,000. spent on renovations for 1 store by Alessie Co. And the other councilman for asking about the bidding process. I can understand why you wouldnt want to get into detail during the meeting,but I feel this should be investigated thoroughly. I dont believe there was any bid process followed and $51,000. for renovations is ALOT for a small store. I'd love to see those invoices and the contract. At the least it's a conflict of intrest and I as a taxpayer of WI. Co. of 49yrs and a contractor, insist that mr. Alessi be fired at once. If its found there were laws broken then he too should be prosicuted to the fullest!


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