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Monday, February 18, 2008

Have YOU Ever Received This Message?

The Daily Times Story Chat can, at times, be very interesting. You see, whenever "I" get on there and post a comment, the next thing I know someone sends me this message telling me I'm no longer watching this topic. OH YES I AM! However, its not until I go back on there and post another comment that they'll allow me to get a message every time someone responds.

That being said, does this also happen to you, or am I simply chosen because I am who I am?

1 comment:

  1. The Daily times is using PHPBB for their boards, which is a free BB, and can be flaky at times. I would say chances are that the boards have an error in them, that might or might not have to do with you. If someone has been editing the DB for your account, or delteting posts made by you, then this is entirely possibly that the database is messed up just for your account.

    My suggestion would be to delete your account and create a new one and see if it continues to happen. Also check to make sure you have the box checked to watch it when you reply, sometimes, by default that is turned off.


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