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Monday, February 18, 2008

Big Brother Is Getting Bigger

I am in full support of cameras being installed throughout the City of Salisbury. Crime is simply out of control and clearly this Mayor & Council are not willing to enlarge the Staff for the SPD.

That being said, I noticed a brand new camera yesterday on the top of Randy Taylor's building overlooking the parking lot there. My only question is, is there enough crime in that particular lot to warrant a camera? I know of one car that was broken into there in the past year or two.

I can see cameras on Church Street but again, I cannot understand a camera being installed at the traffic light at One Plaza East, Main Street & Division Street? Is this a high crime area as well? I have never heard of a problem at that location.

OK, so this will come off as really paranoid but seriously, do they simply want to see who's Downtown and when? In the past I have spoken about how interesting it is that no sooner am I in the Downtown area, Chief Webster shows up driving around. Perhaps it's a coincidence he does show up at all different times of the day or night? All I know is, I now have one next to my building Downtown and they can tell any time I come or go. Installing the one they just did on the Taylor's building is completely blocked off by the Vernon Powell building being in their way, should they claim it's there to look into the other parking lot behind the Plaza.

Oh well, I certainly have nothing to hide but it sure looks suspicious to me.


  1. I think Big Brother is spying on you Joe!!

  2. Who is monitoring the feeds to these cameras? Did they take a cop off the streets to watch cameras all day and night? Are they there as a deterrent? I can think of a lot of other places a camera could be utilized to deter crime. Downtown is not even on that list.

  3. No Joe, you're not paranoid. Mayor Tilghman and Chief Webster are the ones who are paranoid. Dumb & Dumber.

  4. All the little towns got money from homeland security to buy cameras to spy on its citizens. caulk one up for Osama bin Laden.

  5. Look at the crack in the brick work of the building

  6. I don't like it, not one little bit!

    This is not police work!

    This is an invasion of privacy and it's wrong!

    Boss Hoggs' Wife

  7. Joe:

    To FOB's like that guy, you will always be public enemy number 1!

  8. Maybe if the SPD offererd a competitive salary for their officers and the size of the force was not the same as it was in the 80's, they would not have to put cameras in place of officers. I think everyone is overreacting though. These are no different than a store/home owner putting up surveillance cameras on their property. if you aren't doing anything wrong why worry? I was Joe that complained about all the graffiti downtown and when they put cameras up to catch what goes on when "no one is watching" he is the first to gripe. You can't have it both ways. The word "PARANOID" comes to mind. This is no different than Joe snapping a picture of someone on their property and posting it for all to see.

  9. That camera has been there for at least six months, can't remember seeing it there before then though.

  10. We need to increase the police force and the career fire fighters. There are not enough police officers out on duty each shift. Having a minimum number of Career Fire Fighters on the rigs at 3 is a disgrace. It is sheer luck that neither has had a LODD.

  11. How much is the city paying Randy Taylor to allow that camera to be mounted on his building?

  12. how do we know if it's a "city" camera?
    maybe the bldg owner had it put up.

  13. If this is a higher crime rate area then it will be justified. If a higher crime rate area has been neglectied in order to carry out a personal retaliation or just for shits n giggles, then it's abuse/misuse of Homeland Security money and appropriate actions will be implemented. Are you a gambling man Chief? Or perhaps arrogant?


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