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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Uber Users Will Have to Take Face Mask Selfies to Order New Rides

Uber users who have previously been reported by a driver for not wearing a face mask will now be required to take a selfie in order to verify that their faces are covered when requesting a new ride, the company announced on Tuesday.
"If a driver reports to us that a rider wasn't wearing a mask, the rider will be required to take a selfie with their face covered before they're able to take another trip with Uber," the company said in a blog post. "With the addition of this new feature, one driver's feedback can help ensure the safety of Uber for the next driver."
Since May, Uber has required riders to wear face masks and confirm their faces are covered before ordering a ride, but enforcement of masks will now be stricter.


  1. Read the disclaimer on the face mask box, sheeple. These absolutely DO NOT stop the spread of any germs, disease or viruses, only some dust.

  2. What more do you need to know about Uber?


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