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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Antifa.com explains a lot!

Try typing antifa.com into your search bar and see where it takes you! 
Nuf said!


  1. Now we know why Joe Biden won't denounce antifa or blm the democratic party is funding the chaos.

  2. Replies
    1. The Nazis we’re Jews.
      Don’t forget that!

      Yes, it means you must rethink everything you’ve been told about WWII.

  3. Biden and his brown shirts.

  4. This has been found to basically be a prank...same with mini-strokes.com goes to trumps page.

  5. The USA Today website offers a fact check on this, and Biden has nothing to do with this at all.

    This is as stupid as saying that Trump supports and endorses the KKK, because they officially endorse him as the candidate for 2020. It's bad logic, and bad thinking.

    Biden has repeatedly denounced the violence perpetrated by Antifa since June 2nd of this year.

    Complete garbage.

  6. 8:40 If you are referring to this as being a "hack", it has been like this for months!!! Nice try tho.

  7. @ September 3, 2020 at 9:09 AM

    Never said this was a hack... if you had read the fact check you would see that it the site was purchased legitimately. What the intentions of the owners are is unknown, but it would appear they want it to look like Biden supports Antifa, which is false.

  8. @ September 3, 2020 at 9:37 AM

    That is not a refutation. If you are ready to eat at the adult table, and can counter the claims with facts and evidence, then I'll care about what you have to say.

    Till then, I'll keep ignoring you down at the kids table.

  9. 8:40

    Please show us examples of Hiden Biden repeatedly denouncing Antifa.

    They don't exist since he hasn't.

  10. Did the Fact Check do the work to follow the money and ensure there were NO TIES, not even indirectly, to Hiden’ Biden?

  11. Googled antifa.com today. No website or redirect. Only news stories.


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