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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Trump Leads Biden At The Bookies Amid Surge In Black Americans' Support

The trend we have been noting for the last week has accelerated overnight and 'the streams have crossed', with the average bookie now seeing it more likely that President Trump wins the 2020 election that Joe Biden.

This huge swing comes as Summit News' Paul Joseph Watson notes that the results of a new national poll reveal that a stunning 28 per cent of black Americans plan on voting for President Donald Trump.

The Atlas Intel poll finds that Biden leads Trump nationally by just three points.

But the real story lies in the percentage of Hispanic and black voters who told the pollsters that they will vote for Trump.

According to the survey, 28 per cent of African-Americans say they plan to vote for Trump, a stunning figure.



  1. I’m not a bookie, but could have told you that before Joey threw his chit in the ring.

  2. I have seen the black support myself increase just on social media. Hispanic too which I am seeing in this area. Most people no matter have the same priority and that is their family. They want to be able to take care of their family and then the next generation take care and so on. This is why the economy always ends up being the biggest factor in the election.

  3. The Democrats know they are going to lose but will not except it just like 2016..the only difference is the violence. It's going to get bad after election till Antifa & BLM are crushed..

  4. Through voicing my support on social media for President Trump I have gotten regularly messages from black people mostly black women from across the country. 4 of them I now consider friends and we message regularly and have traded phone numbers. One young woman an esthetician is a small business owner. She is married her husband a UPS driver and they have a 4 year old. Her shop is in the suburbs of a large city. She has told me all kinds of things about 'growing up black." And it wasn't anything about experiencing racism. She actually said her whole family have not ever experienced it. She tells me about the complete dysfunction that is black culture in general and how they are jealous of each other dont' like to see anyone get ahead. She said got the best advice when her father told her do not open shop anywhere a black neighborhood because they will annoy her to no end wanting her services for free. She has told me there is for sure a good number of hidden support for the President in black communities.

  5. That's 28% who are willing to admit they are voting for Trump. Another 25% are going to vote for him too, they just won't say it publicly.


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