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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Salon owner decries Pelosi 'set up' claim as 'absolutely false,' says she's received death threats

The owner of a San Francisco hair salon visited by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi earlier this week denied what she called the Democrat's "absolutely false" accusation that she had been the victim of a “set up”.
ESalonSF owner Erica Kious told "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday that Pelosi was serviced by an independent stylist who rents chairs in her salon. Kious said she decided to share the now-viral security camera footage when she found the Speaker indoors without a mask in what she called a "hurtful" display of hypocrisy.
Kious spoke to host Tucker Carlson hours after Pelosi addressed the backlash, claiming that she had frequented the salon “over the years many times," and demanding an apology from the owner " for setting me up.”
"There was no way I could've set that up," Kious fired back. "I've had a camera system in there for five years. I mean, I didn't go in there and turn cameras on as soon as she walked in and set her up. So that is absolutely false."
Salons in San Francisco had been closed since March and could only reopen for outdoor hairstyling services on Sept. 1. Pelosi said she understood that coronavirus restrictions allowed for a one-on-one appointment indoors.
The salon owner says she has received death threats, people have threatened to burn down her salon, and gone online and trashed her business, because they feel she threw Pelosi under the bus!


  1. Nancy YELLS to media people are DYING FROM COVID stop asking me questions about not Wearing mask and media obeys. Irony

  2. Yes Nancy you were set up and guess what
    You got caught
    End of story

  3. How many homeless people did you step over to get into the salon Nancy?

  4. And Nasty told everyone to go to Chinatown to celebrate Chinese New Years as the Wuhan virus was spreading like wildfire 💩🤡

  5. So instead of apologizing, she claims she was set up? I am confused...did she make you come to her salon? Did she forcefully remove your mask? Typical, gets caught and immediately places the blame on someone else.

  6. 9:37 AM- Typical democrat politician.

  7. With her money she couldn't get a person to come to her mansion?

  8. Pelosi NEVER admits her Guilt , it is always somebody elses Fault !!!

    Gotcha stupid ass right on camera video & she still Never conceads !!

  9. Guess it was all Trump's fault , like everything else , as she claims !!!!


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