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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Suffolk Community College Professer Caught on Tape Trashing “Dictator” Trump to Students ON SECOND DAY OF CLASS! (Video)

Anthony Salvarore Sr. posted video on Thursday on Twitter from his daughter’s second day of class at Suffolk Community College in Selden, New York.

The video was taken during his daughter’s second day of humanities class at Suffolk College.

Professor Janet Gulla went on a tirade against President Trump calling him a dictator who is “really ruining our country.”

Anthony’s daughter filmed Professer Gulla going off on President Trump is class.
This is happening in schools around the country.



  1. Gee paying tens of thousands to sit on these classes and being forced to listen to the teachers political views is not what she, her parents or us as taxpayers who may have tax dollars going to these schools are paying for. They, the teachers and professors are there to " educate" not indoctrinate nor push their political views. And if the student were to speak up they would more than likely not get a good grade or pass the class!

  2. Nothing will happen

  3. And yo are paying how much to have this happen? It's tome Junior gets a job and forgoes indoctrination and joins the real world of inventing and fixing things.

  4. And you Sir, let it continue to happen by sending your kid there to listen to the trash.

  5. These "professors" are the geeks dressing up at night as ANTIFA dissidents and rioting and spewing crap at the police. Need to be taken down.

  6. That’s how ignorant left wing educators are these days , Trump is the opposite of a dictator and their own philosophy is a dictatorship

  7. The college's and universities are the biggest threat to AMERICA. If they were defunded?? All this goes away. We all know NOT EVERYONE belongs in College. So why must we pay for these Degenerates??

  8. The insanity continues.

  9. ONLY Democrats are your Dictators in America


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