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Saturday, September 12, 2020

ESPN to Televise Protesting Players and Singing of Black National Anthem

The players have said they will protest and, if they do, ESPN says they will televise it.

Normally ESPN only shows the honor guard and singing of the Star-Spangled Banner prior to games. However, for their opening Monday Night Football double-header, ESPN will also televise the “black national anthem,” a song known as Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing. In addition, the network will also “show social justice movements, actions, as they happen.”

“Our policy is to cover the anthem when it’s newsworthy. That’s not going to change,” ESPN Executive Vice President of Event and Studio Production Stephanie Druley told reporters. “We are going to continue as we’ve done with the NBA and the WNBA. We will cover social justice movements, actions, as they happen. We’re not going to shy away from that.”

Druley stressed that ESPN does not view the social justice protests as being political.

“Look, we’re going to keep our main rule, which is when it intersects with sports, we’re going to cover it, and look, we don’t see the social justice movement as being political. It’s social justice,” said Druley. She can’t say if they’ll show the anthem for half the season or just two of 10 games. “I don’t know. We will make a judgment call every week. But I can tell you that Week 1, that first game, you will see the anthem — and you will see ‘Lift Every Voice.’”



  1. Jones Bey-Gay @ Section 8September 12, 2020 at 10:52 PM

    Dat my show Yo

    Foe Wheel

    feel me ?

  2. ESPN, I'm not being political either, but we have a national anthem and we do NOT need the televising of protests based on this "other" anthem. Goodbye, I don't need ESPN any more than I needed NFL.

    1. A "black" national anthem is not a national anthem. It's a church song! They can sing it in church, africa, or wherever but it's not a national anthem of any type unless of course they plan on overtaking America.

  3. I won't see it. EVER.

  4. I've been boycotting the NFL since the whole kneeling thing started. Now I'm adding ESPN to the boycott. These jerks are attempting to undermine the fabric of our heritage.

  5. Sorry ESPN, I for one won't be tuning in.

  6. Hey NFL .. what color were the majority who fought and died during the Civil War? Oh, right, they were white. What systemic racists. And, what was the color of the President who led the country during the Civil War, knowing that hundreds of thousands of white men would die to try to free the slaves? Oh, right, he and the warriors were white. And what color were the majority who supported the Civil Rights Act? Oh, right, they were white. And what color were the majority who supported the election of President Obama? Oh, right, they were white. In fact, they were white TWICE!!! And what color is the majority of people who pay your damn salary, and the salary of your teammates? Oh, right, they are white fans. You and your teammates are pathetic, anti-American hypocrites. You and your family should be ashamed. I hope that all fans just say NO. Do not support any anti-American sports league. Have a mind, and a conscience (unlike the athletes), and JUST SAY NO. It kills me, because I love sports. But I can no longer support radicals who want to (or in blind ignorance choose to) undermine the greatest country in the world. SHAME ON YOU, YOU PATHETIC PHONY.

  7. I wanna know where I get a BLM flag so I can burn it in the square

    1. Amen brother!!! Ill supply the matches!

  8. AA flag really? no different then the rebel or nazi flags RACIST!!! and...Its my right to protest by burning it in the town square...its not the american flag which i respect.

    1. So be it....i guess ill start sending donations to the clan.

  9. AA flag really? no different then the rebel or nazi flags RACIST!!! and...Its my right to protest by burning it in the town square...its not the american flag which i respect.

  10. Have not watched ESPN since March 14th. I am a better person for it!!

  11. I'll be busy watching my grass grow. which is more important then watching a pile of shit morph into a football game!

  12. And who the hell will be watching? NOBODY!

  13. Is my right to protest the flag and the anthem. how are these any different from the rebel or nazi flags in ideologies? black lives matter is no different!!!. A racist and exclusive organization that keeps out anyone who is religious, patriotic, family oriented, a non conformist racist, and
    Has a mind free to think. They DO NOT believe in our God-given rights! their anti-God! anti-American! anti-capitalist anti-freedom. I do believe in unity and being one brother and sister hand-in-hand but under the umbrella on the word and truths of JC not black might lives matters or anything man touches. BLM is A luciferian organzation, one of many. Currently involved in a coup of the USA. its principles and ideologies are luciferian based. so its doomed to misery and failure. When will these fools get it through their head paganism does not work

  14. 2 officers shot in CA both critical and blm blocked the entrance to the ER I will continue to pray like I have been that anyone who supports blm that their young grandchildren great grandchildren nieces nephews die in untimely and unexpected accidents. My prayers have been answered and it's happened before and it will happen again. if you support blm you better kiss and say goodbye because see you later might not happen and you may find yourself seeing a casket close on a face you never imagined and you deserve it because God hates you and your lying evil dark heart and he will continue to punish you for your evil ways on earth.

    1. Spoken like a true Christian....lol

  15. Wonder if they’ll give Lou holtz or hershel Walker the same platform they gave herbstriet, so they can get emotional about their support of trump and the police..

  16. I wash my hands of any and every pro sport that becomes infected by politics. If it's kowtowing to a person or group that demands something not in their contracts, fire them.

  17. I’m surprised there hasn’t been lone shooter attacks against the media

  18. I hope the nfl and espn go broke. Of course that will put way more people on the welfare roles.

  19. Deport these Racist Traitors !!!


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