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Monday, September 07, 2020

Study: Firearm Homicide Rate for Black Men 29 Per 100,000; White Men 2 Per 100,000

A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine claims to have discovered marked geographical disparities between the homicide and suicide rates among black and white men.

Researchers compiled data on homicides and suicides committed with guns in all fifty states, focusing specifically on non-Hispanic black and white males.

They found significant differences between the two demographics. In gun-related incidents, black men are more likely to die in homicides while white men are more likely to die in suicides.

But while they found no geographical trends related to homicides, 6 of the top 10 states with the highest gun-related suicide rates among whites are located in the south and the other four are located in the west. Northern and eastern states boast the lowest suicide rates among white men.

“The most surprising thing to me when I was conducting the analysis was how different the rates were across states,” Corinne Riddell, a postdoctoral researcher at McGill University in Canada who was the lead author of the study.



  1. The reason why is the completed lack of morals most blacks have. An honest black will admit the only thing they have to worry about are other blacks. Most make horrid parents because they teach their children to lie by lying to them about the police and racism, Since BLM they are teaching their young to grow up and murder each other since the only time a black life matters is when they are killed by a cop or a white. God has not been good to them and He won't have any mercy anytime soon until they change their immoral ways. And when their judgment day comes the devil will be there to take their hand.

  2. 28 of those 29 are killed by a nonwhite person but yeah, police are the problem...

  3. The reason is black suicide by cop is listed as homicide.

    1. Please STFU. I NEVER heard of anyone. Let alone Black. Get killed by DOING WTF THE COP'S TELL YOU TO DO. But NOOOOOOO. It's gots some warrants on me to. I'd going to pull mines glock yo. Yet they don't understand why cop's shoot them.

    2. Cops have killed 10 blacks so far this year 7:03. Your lies are not convincing

    3. 7:25 You just made my point, if someone is killed by a cop because they resisted arrest it is listed as a homicide although it should be listed as suicide because it is suicidal to resist the police.

    4. If you mention suicide by cop?? They look at it as a cop killing someone. Not a cop protecting himself. That's the point we are talking about.

  4. They don't give a shit. All days wants is respect man. You didn't use a turn signal?? I kill you. You look crooked at me?? I kill you. You have a pair of sneakers I want?? I kill you. You have drugs I want?? I kill you. You can go on and on and on and on and on.

    1. Yo, be aware I kills back and carry because I’m qualified. The reason I’m qualified is I have practiced and proficient in firearms. Unlike most that steal a weapon and never held one in their hands before said occurrence. You do not kills me, cause you be dead before finishing your stupid thought.

    2. Please. It's not that hard to shoot a weapon. It takes about two mags to get comfortable. You and your proficiency bullshit is hilarious.

  5. Thomas Edison DID NOT event the light bulb it was a black man. Per joe Biden

    1. So joe did you thank him. Lightness is a beautiful thang. Why would joe bring attention to that, he want to tax the man out of royalties. Of just plain jealous.

  6. The Ghetto RULES Dog!

  7. " Anonymous said...
    Cops have killed 10 blacks so far this year 7:03. Your lies are not convincing

    September 7, 2020 at 8:44 PM"

    How many killed is NOT an issue. What is an issue is was the killing justified. Now we do know most blacks are dishonest and are lacking in morals and live nothing but sin filled lives so won't be honest about this issue either. What is telling is though the number of black people I am seeing on FB who are not Trump supporters saying both the blake shooting and the DC one were justified. The only thing they don't like about the blake shooting was the number of shots fired. They are also starting to say the only blacks who support blm are those who are thugs themselves or have thugs in their family We see this locally It's only the garbage who supports blm and does have violence in their dna since they have family who are wastes of life murderous thugs.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: I think most rational Caucasians already realized this. Jefferson and Lincoln both demonstrated tremendous prescience when they sat ate that negros could not live under the same government. Those of you who haven’t should read some of their quotes regarding racial issues and you are now seeing the results of ignoring their warnings.

  9. The only good thing about that is that they shoot each other.

  10. Shows WHO does the Crime in America yet they Wine over everything !!!

  11. Blacks Blame the White man for their Own crimes !!!
    Prisons & Jails show WHO does crimes in America & they were Not set
    up as they claim , they were Proven Guilty !!! FACT

  12. Ever stop to think that most white people behave themselves. Instead of out there acting like they be gangsta. And we do not idolize criminals and people who treat the police like shite.


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