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Monday, September 07, 2020

NY assistant principal goes off at Rochester protests: ‘F–k the police!’

The assistant principal of an upstate high school has sparked outrage with a Facebook Live video he recorded during the Rochester protests — in which he screamed, “F–k the police!”

Steven Lysenko, a ninth-grade AP teacher at Spencerport High School in suburban Rochester, complained about officers targeting protesters even though “we didn’t do anything but chant and sing,” according to copies of the video that have gone viral online.

“Our peacekeepers ended up shooting pepper spray at us for singing and chanting and telling them what a s—ty-assed job they were doing,” he complained in the clip, which was saved and shared on social media.

“They can f–k right off, America!” he shouted.


  1. So if we continue the lockdown and defend our homes the Dems will be gone in less than 12 months. Their self destructive behavior is going to consume them in no time at this rate.

  2. He'll leave this part out of his résumé and start going by his middle name.

  3. Voting is a health hazard must do mail in. Riots, Walmart and Sams club totally fine.


  4. Let's hope he's quickly removed/released from his work with kids, and free to pursue his career with Soros' rabble, possibly with a raise.

  5. He’s second generation. This kind of special pervert has been teaching your children for decades.
    Now most are retired sjw’s now on FB hysterical they chose a bad candidate again yet fully behind Joseph Robinette the child molester.
    Orange man is always in their crosshairs for embarrassing Barack and Hillary.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: A fine example of those who are indoctrinating your children. Better to organize your own homeschool group and save your children from exposure to Marxist dogma instructors. (I don’t want to describe them as teachers)

  7. Whenever I'm in Rochester I visit the magic stairwell at RIT.Craziest thing I ever saw.When I googled it some years ago I had to see it to believe it.


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