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Saturday, September 26, 2020

President Trump ties Biden to Virginia governor at rally in effort to portray Dem as extreme

President Trump took his stump speech into a key "purple" state Friday, telling Virginians their Gov. Ralph Northam represents the kind of governance they'll get on a national scale if they vote for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in November.

"Only by voting for me can you save your country and can you save your Second Amendment," Trump declared while speaking outside a hangar at Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport.

The president also argued that by backing Northam, a physician who supports late-term abortion, Biden had backed the governor's opposition to life-saving medical care for infants born alive after abortions -- as well as Northam's pro-gun control agenda. Although Biden campaigned with Northam in 2017, he later called for the governor's resignation in response to photos that allegedly showed Northam in blackface.

According to the Virginian-Pilot of Norfolk, hundreds of people attended Friday's rally, for which doors opened at 6 p.m. ET, although people started lining up long before that. Trump's comments came just after he signed an executive order ensuring that federally funded programs and facilities provided care for infants, and as he was expected Saturday to nominate a pro-life justice to the Supreme Court -- a controversial decision that will likely enrage the left and rally his base.


  1. Msm always says he was in black face but NEVER MENTIONS the klu klux klan uniform. I truly believe it’s because the governor was wearing it.

    1. I agree. The black face is nothing compared to that KKK uniform. That's sick, but he's a Democrat and they always get a pass. In fact the racist party is the Democratic party for many years

  2. All Democrats are Corrupt Criminals !!!

  3. Joe Biden has gotten the endorsement of Sex Offenders across the country.

    They are tied to him also!

    1. Biden is a member of Epstein Island

  4. Thomas Leggs said if he could he would vote for Biden, he feels a kinship with him.


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