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Monday, September 07, 2020

Police allow pro-lifers to paint 'black preborn lives matter' outside Baltimore Planned Parenthood

At 5 a.m. on Saturday, pro-lifers in Baltimore and with Students for Life of America gathered to paint “black preborn lives matter,” covering the street with the large letters outside of a Planned Parenthood facility. The group called it a “success” after no arrests were made.



  1. Black pre born lives matter...they have to be born first so the cops can murder them afterwards with their families own tax dollars.

    1. Cops don’t do murder. Just say no to murder. Let me take a guess, not factual just my opinion. You can research if you wish to prove me wrong. I bet more more blacks kill more cops black or White cops.

  2. Excellent job πŸ€›πŸ€›πŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. Don’t these lazy leaders realize how cheap and trashy this makes for appearance of their hometown.? Everything must be seen in technicolor today. Thankful I still had rose colored glasses and don’t just see black all the time. Must really be the dark side of life.

  4. This is such Bullship.

  5. 8:59 Funny stuff! If that were happening Democrats would have exterminated all the black people in America already.
    Even funnier, you assume the mommas and baby daddy’s are paying taxes!! LMAO!

  6. If they were really pro life or cared about black lives they would be advocating for universal healthcare.

  7. As Captain James T. Kirk would say,"ABORT, ABORT!!"

  8. Black babies are so cute - just saying. I'm white. It is true.

  9. If they allow them to paint that on the streets, then we have a right to go there and paint over it. Equal rights.


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