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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

NEVER FORGET: Families Blame ‘Loose Lips Joe Biden’ After Taliban Slaughters 16 Members of SEAL Team 6 in Afghanistan (VIDEO)

The liberal mainstream media said NOTHING back in 2011 when loose-lips Joe Biden outed SEAL Team 6 as the heroes of the Osama Bin Laden raid in Pakistan.

16 members of SEAL Team 6 were slaughtered by the Taliban in an attack soon after Biden’s gaffe.

On August 6, 2011, 30 US service members were killed when a CH-47 Chinook helicopter they were being transported in crashed in Wardak province, Afghanistan. It was the deadliest single loss for U.S. forces in the decade-long war in Afghanistan. 17 members of the elite Navy SEALs were killed in the crash.



  1. Replies
    1. Biden has nothing to do with the Wardak incident. Believe it or not the helicopter did not have a flashing sign indicating ST6 members were on it. It was a lucky shot by a RPG that united with bad luck.

  2. Just like his turd boss and their Secretary of State Traitor Hilliary - they don't quite know how to handle classified information!

  3. I do not believe any of these Seal Team stories. Somebody murdered Pat Tilman and I’m still distraught over what I learned from that story.

    The fairy tale about Osama Bin Laden’s (aka Tim Osmond CIA) murder indicates intelligence is now in MSM. Ditto for the Benghazi Event.

  4. there is a lot more to this. Google and read up. None of it makes sense. It was a ambush. Many unanswered questions and the family got no answers and the cover up was astounding. google seal team 6 ambushed.

  5. When President Trump said a BIDEN win means China will own AMERICA. He's right.

  6. He is utterly useless!

  7. bet your ass

    Joe Biden recieved money from the Taliban for that information

    Biden is corrupt as

  8. Proof positive Joe is dumb as a rock.

  9. They are above it.

  10. There is 100 percent something wrong with the seal team 6 story. It was a set up. Spend some time researching it. And don't just look at what the media posted. Our Govn't is corrupt. Period. Seems like it doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or Republician. They all just can't get off the bribes of money.

  11. Hiden Biden is a demented corrupted idiot fool and just like the rest of the dumbocrats will do ANYTHING to retain power.

  12. Throw this in Biden's Face at the Big televised Debate !!! LOL

    Plenty of DIRT on Biden & Harris Sock it to them Both !!!!

  13. Take the script away from Hiden Biden !!


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