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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Kenosha County: Donald Trump Brought Help, Joe Biden Visit Was ‘Waste of Time’

A member of the Kenosha County Board of Supervisors told The Kyle Olson Show that President Trump brought help with him to the community this week, while Joe Biden just talked.

Supervisor Amy Maurer, and several other supervisors, wrote Trump a letter asking him not to cancel his visit to the area, despite demands by Gov. Tony Evers (D) and the NAACP.

“I don’t care who comes as long as they bring help,” she said.



  1. Trump brought his usual bullshit and bravado and not much else.

    1. And the people lived it, always do, always will. He speaks the truth, while ole Joel has been a politician so long, he was in the beginning and remains a lying crook.

  2. Joe Biden is a waste of time, period! So is his ugly sidekick.

    1. Another good reason to vote for the Trump/Putin ticket in 2020!


  3. Both parts of the JoeCamel ticket visited Kenosha in order to get the blessing of the family of Blake, Jr the rapist felon shot by police while resisting arrest.

    Two crime fighting lawyers; Hollywood would reject the script as beyond belief!

  4. That's Joe Biden for 50 years. He doesn't do a Damn thing for anyone but himself. Look at Delaware?? How the HELL can he be for Union's when he allowed GM, CHRYSLER, and DUPONT walk away?? All he has now are government Union's. AFSCUM!!!

  5. 4:56

    So you want Hiden Biden/Xi Jinping and the Ho ticket?

    Are you just plain stupid or what?

  6. All that Democrats bring is LIES & Propaganda !!!! Like Gerbles !!!!


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