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Sunday, September 06, 2020

Council Reopens Wicomico Executive Application Process

SALISBURY – The Wicomico County Council has reopened the application process in its search for the next county executive, days after Dr. Rene Desmarais declined his appointment to the position.

In a special meeting last Friday, the legislative body reached a consensus to once again seek applicants for the next Wicomico County executive, a position held by Bob Culver until his death on July 26. Candidates now have until Sept. 14 to submit their names for the post.

“I don’t think anyone up here wants to drag this process on,” Councilwoman Nicole Acle said.

In a special legislative session on Aug. 20, the council conducted public interviews with three candidates – Desmarais, state Delegate Carl Anderton and former County Finance Director Michele Ennis – before convening in a closed session to deliberate the appointment.



  1. It's really funny.Who cares about the ghetto and strip mall sprawl of Salisbury ? It's not Mayberry or Waltons Mountain HeeHaw or Lawrence Welk. People just cling to vapid things and ill informed ideaologies.

  2. I can promise you that Carl Anderton is still a dunce.

  3. Who cares?? They will put yet another foolish individual with ASININE ideas and agenda. More taxes for the working man. More money and programs for the THUGS. Look how far the city has fallen with the fool's in charge?? We had a public works Director. Now we have 7 Director's doing a job of one. WTF?? Typical libutard lesbian BLM idiots. The county is falling in right behind them. They think SU and Worwick are going to save them. They both are subsidized by taxpayers. Most of the students who go there are on a grant or government program of sorts. They sold the city and county a LIE 8 years ago when they did all the building. Now they can't even fill the space. You have thugs from Baltimore in the dorms and apartments pulling their BULLSHIT. It wasn't like that until Jake Day came on the scene. He MUCKED UP everything that was going so well with his libutard ideas. You all can say whatever you want about IRETON. But this city would never be in this State if he were Mayor. He was cookey at times. But at least he had a Freaking Brain. You can also thank Cohen and Debbie for never doing a thing but argue and defame other's trying to help the city. They pulled a lot of unnecessary bullshit as well. They were an EMBASSMENT.

    1. Well than there now, as a city voter I will also opine, reference your uninformed comment. I do not know Terry Cohen or Debbie Campbell, but from the outside looking in you have misinformed the readers. If it were not for these ladies, the town would have suffered drastically. They worked tirelessly for the good of Salisbury and the thanks they received was about like President Donald J. Trump. Thank you council women, you are missed. As you see the place has gone to hell.

  4. Lol Acle was the one who tried to sneak her business partner into the position! So rino she even put it on her signs cause she thinks we’re stupid

  5. Anonymous said...
    Lol Acle was the one who tried to sneak her business partner into the position! So rino she even put it on her signs cause she thinks we’re stupid

    September 2, 2020 at 11:00 PM

    Hi Linda!!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Lol Acle was the one who tried to sneak her business partner into the position! So rino she even put it on her signs cause she thinks we’re stupid

    September 2, 2020 at 11:00 PM

    Linda, do you drink? I think you have a serious drinking problem, Ms. Luffman.

  7. Anonymous said...
    It's really funny.Who cares about the ghetto and strip mall sprawl of Salisbury ? It's not Mayberry or Waltons Mountain HeeHaw or Lawrence Welk. People just cling to vapid things and ill informed ideaologies.

    September 2, 2020 at 9:31 PM

    Yeah, you are right, no one cares. Funny thing is, we aren't talking about Salisbury, we are talking about Wicomico County you dumb idiot.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Who cares?? They will put yet another foolish individual with ASININE ideas and agenda. More taxes for the working man. More money and programs for the THUGS. Look how far the city has fallen with the fool's in charge?? We had a public works Director. Now we have 7 Director's doing a job of one. WTF?? Typical libutard lesbian BLM idiots. The county is falling in right behind them. They think SU and Worwick are going to save them. They both are subsidized by taxpayers. Most of the students who go there are on a grant or government program of sorts. They sold the city and county a LIE 8 years ago when they did all the building. Now they can't even fill the space. You have thugs from Baltimore in the dorms and apartments pulling their BULLSHIT. It wasn't like that until Jake Day came on the scene. He MUCKED UP everything that was going so well with his libutard ideas. You all can say whatever you want about IRETON. But this city would never be in this State if he were Mayor. He was cookey at times. But at least he had a Freaking Brain. You can also thank Cohen and Debbie for never doing a thing but argue and defame other's trying to help the city. They pulled a lot of unnecessary bullshit as well. They were an EMBASSMENT.

    September 2, 2020 at 10:37 PM

    WTF are you BABBLING about?? This isn't about Ghettobury.

  9. I don't know about you, but I get a thrill out of reading the comments and know exactly who wrote them.

    Yep it's not rocket science to figure out when Linda Luffman is writing stupid comments. She is just as uneducated as Cornbread Anderton. At least Cornbread can produce a fake diploma. Linda Luffman can't even do that.

  10. Does this mean that we have another Livestream Facebook video in the waiting by Cornbread? I can't wait because Joe will post that and we will see over 200 comments from people who can't stand that freaking idiot.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Lol Acle was the one who tried to sneak her business partner into the position! So rino she even put it on her signs cause she thinks we’re stupid

    September 2, 2020 at 11:00 PM

    Thinking you are stupid? All anyone has to do is look at your poor grammar and know that you are stupid. No thinking about it.

  12. Found on Facebook

    Liberal Crybabies claim Cornbread is "clearly the most qualified." The most qualified for what?? And Why? Cornbread is a high school drop out that has never held a real job and absolutely no accomplishments. When these 2 wingnuts support Cornbread Anderton you know the council majority made the right decision and should be applauded. Michael Wisner, if Cornbred is so qualified then maybe you should higher him for your business. I bet you won't do it.


    Michael Weisner said... I cannot believe Carl was not selected as our next county executive. He is clearly the most qualified for that position of those that applied.

    Kathleen McLain said... If you missed the live stream this morning (SBY Independent), you can catch it on the Independent's website. The business community has seriously critiqued the process that led to the decision and asked the Council to reconsider. I fully support that.

    1. Mike Weisner and Kathleen McClain are clearly the most Liberal Douche Bags in Wicomico County. Mike Weisner supports liberals and Democrats only. It should be noted that Mike Weisner contributed to the campaigns of Carl Anderton, John Cannon, Josh Hastings and Bill McCain.

      Kathleen McClain has been towing the line for the liberal agenda for the past 30 years in Wicomico County. She was an employee of 47 WMDT for many years and was in the pockets of all the elected liberals in Wicomico County. She is too stupid to understand that she was a token minority employee. She wasn’t hired based on her experience.

      Say no to Weisner and Kathleen McClain!

    2. Weisner is an IDIOT. Just another slum Lord who houses drug addicts. My neighbor had him rent out his property. He allowed them to DESTROY this once beautiful home. He kept saying it was common wear and tear. Not to mention he allowed 3 families to live it. Wisener is a complete BAFFOON.

  13. Defund the executive office and send Taylor and Kenney packing! Let Psota @122k drag the anchor for the next 2 years then abolish it.

  14. If not for Acle and Dodd we would be a 2A sanctuary county now.

  15. Whichever candidate cheated by having the interview questions in advance should be barred.

    1. @7:15 am that would be Carl Anderton that cheated. Also Councilman John Cannon and Bill McCain reportedly gave the questions to Mike Dunn of the Greater Salisbury Committee and Mike Dunn and Bunky Luffman coached Anderton to prepare him for the interview. It was obvious that Anderton was “acting” during the interview. It’s all on PAC 14 And YouTube if you want to see it again.

  16. Did the diploma mess get resolved?

    1. No, 7:36am, still a fake diploma like Carl Anderton.

  17. Riddle me this Batman!!

    Why haven't we heard from any State Senators or State Delegates that are demanding that Anderton be appointed as the County Executive??

    I will tell you why. Because NO STATE SENATOR OR STATE DELEGATE will support or endorse Carl Anderton, Jr. It's a fact, just ask them. As a matter of fact, Carl Anderton started campaigning them immediately trying to get their support and they flat out refused. Because they know what kind of A$$ Clown he is and they don't want their constituents to have to deal with him and his lack of leadership and leadership experience.

    Guess what, Carl Anderton keeps throwing up his flip phone saying that he has the Governor's phone number and will get whatever he wants from him. That is another bald-faced lie. Hogan won't even support and endorse Carl Anderton the Fraud. Especially now after he found out about the fake diploma Anderton produced.

  18. Get a life people. You have a perfectly viable applicant in Ennis.. Appoint her.
    Afraid of a woman??

    1. The reason Ennis hasn’t been appointed isn’t because she’s a woman. The reason is the County Council never confirmed her as the official Finance Director for Wicomico County. Yet, she pretended to play the roll of Finance Director and committed know and deliberate fraud by signing her name to a number of legal documents, state and federal grants. It’s a miracle that Wicomico County hasn’t been sued for fraud over this matter.

  19. Wicomico county residents: BOYCOTT HOW SWEET IT IS PRODUCE EDEN MD. This business is owned by Mike Dunn's father/brother in-law Woody and Brent Malone. Let Mr. Dunn see what's its like to be personally attacked when he initiated this attack on wicomico county procedure. Let him answer to his wife's family for his inept ability to stick his nose where it doesn't belong

  20. Why was Carl Anderton at the GOB before Tuesday’s Council meeting talking to Joey Gilkerson and Bunky Luffman? Did he even go into the meeting?

  21. I just pray the council members will get it together and make the right decisions for the people of Wicomico county.

  22. I am desperate to know who are the two women fighting on here? Linda Luffman and ?? I am just nosy.

  23. Anonymous said...

    Weisner is an IDIOT. Just another slum Lord who houses drug addicts. My neighbor had him rent out his property. He allowed them to DESTROY this once beautiful home. He kept saying it was common wear and tear. Not to mention he allowed 3 families to live it. Wisener is a complete BAFFOON.

    September 3, 2020 at 10:48 AM

    You better believe Mike Weisner is an IDIOT and a BUFFOON! I had my dealings with him in the slumlord business and he is just like John Cannon, a dreg on society with his rental business.

    Mike Weisner and John Cannon want Carl Anderton as their County Executive so they can walk all over him and circumvent the rental laws.

    The fact that these Libtard Slumlords support Carl Anderton speaks volumes and their is a method to their madness.

    Micke Weisner only supports Liberal candidates who will support him. Welcome to the world of dirty politics in Salisbury and Wicomico County.
    They want Carl to keep them rich.


  24. Does the business community support cheating by having interview questions in advance?

  25. Anonymous said...
    I am desperate to know who are the two women fighting on here? Linda Luffman and ?? I am just nosy.

    September 3, 2020 at 11:12 AM

    Linda Luffman accidentally got elected to the Republican Central Committee and she is clearly a RINO who supports the Socialist Jake Day over the Republican Candidate in the last Mayoral race in Salisbury. She needs step down from the Republican Central Committee because she is always starting fights with true conservatives, especially other female Republicans.

    Here she is supporting her Socialist buddy Jake Day in Crisfield last Summer. She goes by Linda Raye on FB. That should be enough to get her kicked off the Republican Central Committee.

  26. Nobody any good wants the shhht job in the shhht county !!! LOL LOL

  27. Bitching on a blog is not going to get our point across that we do not want Carl . I hope you all call each council person and email them. All of them. Then someone to to man or woman up and go to a meeting and counter when you hear public out cry for Carl ask how many call and emails did you get against? Better yet rally in front of GOB like they did with No Cornbread signs.

  28. ONLY Corrupt yes men Qualify !!! Proven in the Past many times !!!!

  29. Dirty corrupt County & City !!! Take it from those who worked there !!!

  30. Here is a video where Cornbread did a Zoom meeting with Ryan Miner, another scumbag Liberal from the Western shore. Ryan Miner is a failed and Wannabe politician. He is so hated that he couldn't even get elected to a school board position. He is also best buds with Len Foxwell, Jake Day, Jared Schablein, Jake Burdett and Lower Shore Progressive Caucus Scum. Carl is so desperate to be appointed the County Executive that he has campaigning for Democrat and Liberal support. Two losers and only 31 views including mine. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's also hilarious watching this clown pander for the job of his lifetime.


    Carl Anderton on the Wicomico County executive selection

    31 views•Aug 30, 2020

    Ryan Miner
    189 subscribers

    State Del. Carl J. Anderton Jr. (R-Lower Shore) joined A Miner Detail Podcast on Sunday, Aug. 30, 2020 to discuss his journey applying for the vacant Wicomico County executive seat.

    This is A Miner Detail Podcast episode 277.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Bitching on a blog is not going to get our point across that we do not want Carl . I hope you all call each council person and email them. All of them. Then someone to to man or woman up and go to a meeting and counter when you hear public out cry for Carl ask how many call and emails did you get against? Better yet rally in front of GOB like they did with No Cornbread signs.

    September 3, 2020 at 6:50 PM


    Sadly they are afraid to because they don't want to get attacked by Carl Anderton and Jake Day's rabid followers.

  32. Linda Luffman accidentally got elected to the Republican Central Committee and she is clearly a RINO who supports the Socialist Jake Day over the Republican Candidate in the last Mayoral race in Salisbury. She needs to step down from the Republican Central Committee because she is always starting fights with true conservatives, especially other female Republicans.

    Here she is supporting her Socialist buddy Jake Day in Crisfield last Summer. She goes by Linda Raye on FB. That should be enough to get her kicked off the Republican Central Committee.


    She is a RINO just like Carl Anderton is. Other RINO's include Bunky Luffman, Nate Sansom, Marc McIver, Wendy Asspacker, Joe Ollinger, Brad Gillis, Joe Gilkerson, Blair Carey, Jackie Welfonder Davis, Shawn Jester and John Palmer.

    RINO's SUCK!

  33. Anonymous said...
    Does the business community support cheating by having interview questions in advance?

    September 3, 2020 at 12:50 PM

    Yes, but only those under the leadership of Mike Dunn at the Greater Salisbury Committee and Bill Chambers at the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce.

    I would strongly encourage you to boycott their businesses.

    Mike Dunn, John Cannon and Bill McCain gave Carl Anderton the questions beforehand so that he could practice for the "interview." Mike Dunn is an employee of the Greater Salisbury Committee and John Cannon and Bill McCain are members of that organization. The other members know about this and said it was Ok because they all want Carl Anderton as the County Executive because Carl has made many promises that will benefit their businesses.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Well than there now, as a city voter I will also opine, reference your uninformed comment. I do not know Terry Cohen or Debbie Campbell, but from the outside looking in you have misinformed the readers. If it were not for these ladies, the town would have suffered drastically. They worked tirelessly for the good of Salisbury and the thanks they received was about like President Donald J. Trump. Thank you council women, you are missed. As you see the place has gone to hell.

    September 3, 2020 at 11:07 AM

    You got that right. Councilwomen Debbie Campbell, Terri Cohen and Councilman Tim Spies did their best to keep the City of Salisbury afloat and they were constantly attacked by that HOMO Jim Ireton. So much that the Daily Times, WBOC and WMDT ran the ragged and run them out of office. Jim Ireton encouraged Jake Day to run against Debbie Campbell and look what happened. The one bright side of that is Karma got Jim Ireton because the bonehead Jake Day ran for Mare and Ireton got scared and backed off like a little candy ass that he is. Unfortunately Jake Day is a worse mare than Jim Ireton and Barrie Tilghman will ever be.

  35. Anonymous said...
    I just pray the council members will get it together and make the right decisions for the people of Wicomico county.

    September 3, 2020 at 10:59 AM

    And the right decision is to Keep Carl Anderton from getting the appointment as the County Executive. Anderton doesn't deserve a free ride. He hasn't earned it.

  36. Anonymous said...
    Why was Carl Anderton at the GOB before Tuesday’s Council meeting talking to Joey Gilkerson and Bunky Luffman? Did he even go into the meeting?

    September 3, 2020 at 10:44 AM

    They all went crossed the street at that restaurant bar and tried to live stream the council meeting at the bar.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Wicomico county residents: BOYCOTT HOW SWEET IT IS PRODUCE EDEN MD. This business is owned by Mike Dunn's father/brother in-law Woody and Brent Malone. Let Mr. Dunn see what's its like to be personally attacked when he initiated this attack on wicomico county procedure. Let him answer to his wife's family for his inept ability to stick his nose where it doesn't belong

    September 3, 2020 at 10:38 AM

    Well I didn't know that. I can promise you that I will never go there again.

    They are shitty business people anyway.

  38. Anonymous said...
    Get a life people. You have a perfectly viable applicant in Ennis.. Appoint her.
    Afraid of a woman??

    September 3, 2020 at 10:32 AM

    Not going to happen, she shot herself in the foot and now she is unemployed. Everything she has done is all her fault.

  39. Has anyone noticed that no state delegates or state senators have endorsed Carl Anderton for County Executive? NONE! Their silence is deafening and no one hears it!

  40. ALL previous ones were DeadBeats & Moochers who were corrupt &
    enjoyed High Salaries while the workforce suffered LOW pay !!!!

  41. Carl you sir(bro) are unprofessional. Making it happen? Or doing the right thing? I think, no, I know you are full of s$#@ . You will destroy this county. I will tell you something if you thought I was loyal during your campaign and saw and heard and received text about certain things that were not ethical and I will not share them you are very wrong. I am waiting.What you did to the Dr was wrong and I'm just saying, Karma . Let me ask you this as a Republican are you voting for Trump or Biden? Also I can not wait for your 'Executive staff" to go through the background checks and drug screening. Just saying. Hey Jimmy!

  42. Wicomico is the laughing stock of all of Maryland. I attended a meeting for my plumbing business this week near Elkton and we went around room and had to state what counties we worked in everyone chuckled when I said Wicomico. During break a few showed me posts on this site and Facebook. We need to get along and pay our respects to the man who passed away and proceed forward with some common sense.

  43. No to Carl Anderton

  44. And ship Taylor and Kenny out of there

  45. Get up tomorrow morning and start rattling of brainless comments that no one could care less about.

  46. Cornbread has got to go.

  47. Anonymous said...
    Wicomico is the laughing stock of all of Maryland. I attended a meeting for my plumbing business this week near Elkton and we went around room and had to state what counties we worked in everyone chuckled when I said Wicomico. During break a few showed me posts on this site and Facebook. We need to get along and pay our respects to the man who passed away and proceed forward with some common sense.

    September 6, 2020 at 6:39 PM

    Not sure what you are trying to say but the man we are paying respect to would be turning over in his grave if he knew that John Cannon, Bill McCain, Mike Dunn, Josh Hastings, Bill Chambers, Chris Eccleston, Joey Gilkerson, Brad Gillis, Blair Carey, Jake Day, Randy Day, Julia Glanz and a few other LGTBQ Social Justice Warrior were attacking good people to make sure their Boi, Cornbread Anderton filled his spot.

    1. I would think he knew before he passed, that the nut jobs would come out when the lights were turned on.

  48. Cornbread is unemployable but yet we have idiots in the "Business Community" who are controlled by a failed wannabe politician who spends his free time getting his kink on by watching his old lady get pleasured by strange men from their statewide Swingers Club. That's right ladies and gentlemen, Mike Dunn bought his old lady breast enhancements about 15 years ago so that she can be more attractive to other men in the Swingers Club. How do I know, because I was there! My ex-girlfriend thought it would be a great idea and I found out the men and women were just as creepy as Mike Dunn and Karen. Karen... The name is so fitting.

    Mike Dunn is controlling local politics in Salisbury because the paid members of the Salisbury's own "House of Lords" is too STUPID to understand what the Hell is going on. You idiots that pay to have a membership to the Greater Salisbury Committee need to go ahead and file for Bankruptcy right now.

    Cornbread Anderton has never had a real job and doesn't have one currently so he doesn't deserve to run a county with over 800 employees. Carl Anderton has NEVER supervised any employees, not even one! Vote no to Cornbread Anderton and boycott know businesses of the Greater Salisbury Committee and the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce.

  49. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Carl you sir(bro) are unprofessional. Making it happen? Or doing the right thing? I think, no, I know you are full of s$#@ . You will destroy this county. I will tell you something if you thought I was loyal during your campaign and saw and heard and received text about certain things that were not ethical and I will not share them you are very wrong. I am waiting.What you did to the Dr was wrong and I'm just saying, Karma . Let me ask you this as a Republican are you voting for Trump or Biden? Also I can not wait for your 'Executive staff" to go through the background checks and drug screening. Just saying. Hey Jimmy!

    September 4, 2020 at 8:51 PM


    "Making what happen?" Staying one step out of the unemployment line?

  50. Word in the Halls of the Wicomico County Government Office Building is that Mike Elliot has applied for the Deputy Director of Administration position. The same position that Weston Young held.

    Yes, this same Mike Elliott that was arrested by the Delaware State Police for stealing from his former employer at Treasure Beach in Sussex County.

    The same Mike Elliott that constantly ran County Executive Culver into the ground on Facebook.

    The same Mike Elliott that constantly ran County Executive Rick Pollitt into the ground on Facebook.

    The same Mike Elliott that openly endorsed and supported Jack Heath for County Executive over Bob Culver on Facebook.

    The same Mike Elliott that constantly runs the county council into the ground.

    The same Mike Elliott that constantly runs Joe Albero and SBYNews into the ground on Facebook.

    Yes, this same Mike Elliott.

    Sunday, August 16, 2015
    BREAKING NEWS: Former Wicomico County Sheriff's Captain Mike Elliott Arrested: Being Extradited To Delaware


    Everyone who reads this should share it to social media so that our elected officials can see it and put a stop to it before John Psota tries to hire him.

  51. I hope and pray you people of Wicomico County aren't going to sit back and let some spineless wimp like Mike Dunn initiate such corruption against the county. The guy has a proven track record of the inability to hold down a job more than 8-10 years at a time until he hoodwinked Jake Day into this economic development garbage. Just how good of a job has he done bringing jobs into the area? I see nothing but healthcare and used tire stores in Salisbury. Good old Mike was a die-hard conservative Republican for decades sucking up to the then conservative business community. Like most sociopathic liars he changed his stance to accommodate Jake Day's progressive lunacy to secure a cushy job. Let's see that's a beer salesman, drug representative, his sales job at PAC14/SU nonsense whatever it was he did there, I believe another job prior to his being given this role as the Salisbury city government cheerleader. The guy is a
    Chameleon (bullshitter) adapting to whatever social agenda is at the top of the page today. He found an easy meal ticket with Jake Day realizing all he had to do was stroke his ego daily and show some half-assed half-hearted loyalty to the moron and he can skate off into retirement. Dunn, you crossed the line when you chose to attack Dr. Desmaris to cause this tension and turmoil because a lot of us don't agree with what goes on in downtown Salisbury and we want no part of it. Your lifestyle speaks volumes of what kind of man you truly are. It's been made a well-known fact and any man that NEEDS help to keep his spouse content isn't much of a man. But like you've proven your whole life you'll do whatever is necessary to do look out for Mike Dunn even if it means accepting such perverse and degrading sexual practices. You don't want to jeopardize your cushy little life. I know Woody and Brent Malone (How Sweet It Is) don't support or have much to do with you these days.

  52. Mike Elliott is drawing a mental disability check from Wicomico and the crap he has done he needs to hide his face.

  53. I’m filling out the application but I don’t have much college. I’m honest, nice and will put the county first no matter what.

  54. Why don't they just let me john psoto continue in the acting position until 2022 election. Also put on 2022 election to dussolve executive...if it passes no exec
    If it does not then whomever got most exec votes would be elected exec for 4 years

  55. To September 7, 2020 at 7:03 PM: Somebody FINALLY has a Brain!! AGREED!!

  56. Joe,

    I don;t know if this will make your "View Writes" post but if residents of Wicomico County haven't read the contents of the September 15, 2020, Wicomico County Council Brief Book, then they really should read it. Particularly the language included in Legislative Bill's 2020-07, 08 and 09.

    Each Bill is intended to amend the Wicomico County Charter by establishing new "regulations regarding service by someone in a position for which confirmation by the county council is required, including sanctions for serving in such a position without such confirmation and for aiding and abetting such conduct".

    Each Bill establishes penalties, grounds for removal, payment and liability for prohibited salary imposed upon not only the employee, but those county officials who knowingly made or authorized such actions.

    These Bills would not only hold the guilty employee subject to a misdemeanor and subject to a fine not to exceed $1000 with immediate removal, but could also hold other confirmed county officials accountable like the Director of Human Resources (failed to act) , the Director of Finance (continued to issue a paycheck), and the County Executive if either knowingly made or authorized such actions.

    This is a big deal.


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