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Sunday, September 06, 2020


Hi, I am sharing the below in information due to Employee Favoritism taken place within the Wicomico County-Roads Dept.:
(1) There is one particular employee, Bill Kenney (his spouse works for County as well), who was given favoritism by Bob Culver (long before his passing) as He had Mr. Kenney placed in the
OPERATOR IV position Without Holding the Required CDL License. He was, also, (bought for him via Bob Culver) given His Own Tractor that No Other Employee is permitted to use. He is the Only Employee (Other than Kevin & Lee) who is permitted to take “His” Work Vehicle Home Every Day. Mr. Kenney made a Call to Bob Culver (a while before his passing) when His Name came up for a Required Random Drug Test & Bob gave Him Permission to Refuse the Drug Test. With His Tractor needing repair currently, instead of using a different tractor recommended by his supervisor,
Mr. Kenney is being permitted to “Work” in the Shop instead of working as the other employees are or with other employees.

Hopefully these things can be Changed with the Wicomico County Government. Because this Employee making about $18/Hour while Other Employees work hard every day making Only @ $13/Hour is So Wrong!

Thank You for Letting Me Share,

A Very Concerned Friend of Wicomico County


  1. His wife works for the county? I think she’s a felon.
    She got caught stealing from the library where they both worked and got fired.
    They always have some sort of scheme going on too.

    1. Mrs Kenney has never worked at a library. She has never been fired nor has she ever stolen. How sad to say such things. They were farmers. Crazy world out here with the ugliness that exists.

    2. It’s just that last name I wonder if he’s related to that idiot in Mardela.... He’s a stuck up and acts like a prude him and his woman whining about someone else trying to make money while they rape everyone else on the price of their mess trying to make their crap Like a little ace hardware

  2. Really?? Shut your mouth and either get back to work or quit snowflake.

  3. Somebody call a waaaambulance

  4. this sort of thing happens everywhere. It shouldn't be difficult to figure out who spilled the beans on ol' Bill. I can't believe the road guys only make $13/hr. Hell you can make more than that at Mcdonalds.

    1. Wicomico County has some of the lowest paid, in a few instances THE LOWEST pay, County employees in the State of Maryland. Don’t believe me? Look it up in the Maryland Association of Counties (MACO) Annual Salary Survey

    2. 13 a hour isn’t that bad for them. Really there making $26 an hour there just only getting paid for when they work which is about 50% of the time.

    3. Above comment literally makes zero sense...

  5. Same kinda crap goes on at Worcester county roads. Lots of BS going on there.

  6. Man glad I am retired. If this information can be aired out online. It used to be called personal matter and private. I didn’t work for the county and do not know anyone mentioned. This is none of my business even as a tax payer in the county. Just my humble opinion.

  7. What event is taking place at civic center today?. Parking lots are full. Hope all are required to wear mask and sit 6'apart.

    1. An event for PRMC.

    2. Why ? Show me the study on mask and 6 feet. Crickets. Anthem is on KNEEL OBEY

    3. Leave the National Anthem out of this if you have nothing to say.

  8. Sad that's all those people make.

  9. That’s crazy...but I have a few words for thought on this..I’ve seen Bill’s recent work on Sixty Foot Road and let me tell you he earned every dollar of his pay. That road looks the best it’s ever looked in years, also it’s not a normal tractor that he operates that just anybody can jump on and learn, it’s takes a certain level of patience and skill to operate and also a lot of common sense (which isn’t very common these days) to run operate not only efficiently but safely. Maybe the guys making $13/hr should put the same amount of effort into advancing themselves as they do crying over somebody else’s predicaments. As the take home truck goes...who cares? In my understanding he drives directly from his home to the work site where his tractor is, often times before work hours start just so he can be onsite and working by 7 am. He is the only one who operates his tractor simply because he takes personal care of his tractor which also means when it breaks down...he stays in the shop to work on it and repair it personally himself. I say fire the cry baby and give Bill a raise.

    1. There is no advancing at county roads. That's why no one stays underpaid and never appreciated.

    2. Then quit...simple as that

  10. I would be more worried about the shop foreman...he makes almost $70,000/yr and doesn’t do anything but sit in his office and watch videos on YouTube. Don’t believe me? Have IT department look through his computer and they’ll see the countless hours he’s spent on YouTube searching things non work related.

    1. Great idea! Who needs to be called?

    2. Call the Executive office to get the ball rolling...

    3. Sadly the Shop (Roads) Foreman is known for discriminating against the White Employees under Him

    4. The shop foreman treats everybody the same he's just a hard pill to swallow, he might just hurt some people's feelings a little especially people that been working with him for a number of years

    5. That’s a lie...anybody who knows Dave Tolbert knows he’s lazy and racist towards the 2 White boys in the shop. He’s stuck in the 70s with his mechanic skills and sends more work out of the shop then he does in the shop...tell him to keep watching videos on YouTube all day...eventually he might learn something that pertains to his actual job that he gets paid to do.

  11. Known Bill over 60 years one of the best people you will ever meet
    Bill can fix the tractor if it's broken, he can operate it with out fail better than anyone that county roads has
    That unit will last for years as long as Bill is the only one using it.

    Cry baby county employee don't have a melt down He is a good man
    Bill has never worked at the county library
    Jack ass

  12. Same at the Sheriff's office think about it what has Gary baker done for the county nothing but yet he makes six figures same with all of mikes administration they have a set of rules for themselves and another set for the deputies. What so sad is the deputies see these actions and the FOP (union) does nothing to help Gary actually requested that his spotlight on his sheriffs office car be removed because it made him look too much like a police car and he might have to stop and assist a citizen that's a fact what Mike done NOTHING but lie too his deputies you people in the public have no idea how much Mike Lewis despises his deputies his actions speak louder than his words he's never in the office always across the country training or across the bridge when he should be here in his county taking care of the issues here not across the bridge he's really a pos I hope someone runs against him so there will be debates they'll be a lot come out at the debates trust me folks

    1. Then you run for Sheriff Shane Baker

    2. 👀 watching you MikeySeptember 4, 2020 at 7:19 PM

      The Community should request an audit of our tax dollars used for the Sherrifsoffice, and post the salaries of each position in this blog and other Salisbury news 😀 areas.

    3. All County employee salaries are listed on the County Website...just search for the current budget year.

    4. Damn that was a long sentence 4:28 and hard to understand but I think I got your point

  13. 1:37 - you have the wrong Kenneys. They were farmers and she was a failed candidate for House of Delegates and Chair of Liquor Board for years.

  14. I’m reading a sour grapes cry baby. Ive actually called the highway department before and they seem to get quite a bit done around here, Like someone said, shouldn’t be hard to figure out who the complainer is and cut them loose because most of the time they bring the other employees down too. I’m looking for a job and have a cdl, not sure if 13 an hour is probably an exaggeration

    1. It's not an Exaggeration....TRUST ME

    2. Actually starting pay is $14/hr for CDL holders...

  15. Favoritism! Milton Mill and Phillips Rd is always cut short. Ditch banks are 2 feet high with water standing in the ditches. They do not clean out the ditches on both sides of the road that feeds into a tax ditch. Ditches are full of grass and weeds. When they cut the one side of the ditch bank, they cut for an hour and park for an hour with their cellphone. The County is responsible for both sides of the ditch not just the road side.

    They resurface all but about 1 1/2 miles of these 2 roads. They do not resurface in front of the homes. They so-called blacktop at intersections and stop before they get to the homes. What they don't resurface have potholes and very bumpy. When they do something in front of the homes, which is about 1 1/2 miles, they tar and chip which does nothing for the potholes and bumps. This BS tar and chip ruins cars paint jobs.

    Our tax dollars are just as good and deserves the same as anywhere else in the County. If our tax dollars are not for the benefit of these home owners then give us a tax rebate.

    1. Question...have you called the Roads department when you see their tractor operator sitting for that long or do you expect them to have a six sense and know when he’s doing it?
      Second, have you called the County about getting the ditches cleaned out and cut or do you just go on a blog to vent?
      Lastly, those roads have been tar and chip for years...good chance they will always be tar and chip, do you have any idea how much it would cost to pave the 1 1/2 miles that you are referring too? If the Roads department paved that they wouldn’t have any money left in their paving budget to do other roads but I guess all you care about is yours is getting done right?

  16. I agree 4.06. And he is the most racist black employee the county has!

  17. Sounds like Danny Sparrow is jealous of Bill. 3.59 is correct on all points.Bill treats the equipment as if it was his own and he knows more about that tractor and sidemount than anyone in the roads division.The shop is comprised of lazy # 1 males and one is a convicted felon they rehired straight out of E.C.I.

    1. Get your facts strsight before posting a dumb response as this...

  18. Corrupt shhht county !!! I know & others do too who worked there !!!

  19. Wow..... you people sound like women in a hair salon

  20. with millions out of work if its that bad leave so others can step up. Sick of office water cooler gossip rolling out. Makes that division look like a bunch of in greats.

  21. Someone needs to look at how high grass is between Nanticoke Rd and Old
    Quantico Rd. Two feet high and the last time they cut it, they didn't cut all
    of it. Looks a site, someone complained about McDonald's and it was cut the
    next day. Really looks nice for the holiday weekend. It would be nice also if
    they would make use of the trimmers and do all of it, not just some of it.
    Things are bad enough, without having to look at this mess everyday going and
    coming home from work.

    1. Call the Stste...Nanticoke Rd is their jurisdiction, 410-677-4050

  22. Why would driving a grass cutting tractor on GRASS require a CDL???? What am I missing here?

    Sour grapes jealousy much?

  23. I am so sick of this bull crap. All these rumors coming out during this time are nonsense and you know what all you blow hards that want to call out county staff and admin, run yourself, fix it . Does make you feel important to think you are in the know? Forget it and hey Carl I know your dropped your app off and think no one will run against you because of the smear campaign against the last appointee. But guess what? I can beat you , anything you through up against me, and I know what it will be I can counter cause it was all the truth. I m going to submit my app Tuesday. So see ya Cornbread. Think about it long and hard. PS not Linda Luffman or Michele Ennis.

  24. Vote Joe for Salisbury MayorSeptember 4, 2020 at 8:48 PM

    Its good that Joe places persons stories in this blog.

    Some work areas do not allow proper grievances ...

    By placing info in this blog, it allows others to review how some of their tax money is spent

    1. A proper grievance would have their name on it..this doesn’t...maybe they should of put their name to it so actions could be taken to fix the issue but instead they rather just remain anonymous and stir the pot which in the end they will be the one licking the spoon..

  25. OMG...are you serious? Someone is driving a “special” tractor? Let’s start a lynch mob to correct this injustice. This is, seriously, the MOST pressing issue in Wicomico County and MUST be addressed immediately. If not, we should all protest. While marching, we can all destroy the county because, apparently, that is the “in” thing to do nowadays when you feel slighted or don’t get your way!! Whoever is whining about this is a spoiled little biotch. I bet you breast fed and weren’t pulled off mama’s teet until you were 12 years old. Here’s an idea....get a straw and suck it up. I honesty wish I had the time to sit and complain about this kind of crap. You have too much time on your hands.

  26. Bill Kenney is a good man and a Vietnam vet who served his country.He is a true asset to Wicomico County.Lee Outten does a great job at roads if you have any issues he is willing to listen.

  27. A true friend of the County?
    You are a miserable person to defame your co-workers in public forum.
    Bernie, AOC, and Hiden will be proud.

  28. @8:42 - Simple. Navtrac or similar GPS equipment installed will tell you exactly where the vehicle is located, speed, how long it idled, etc.

    For example the Bd of Ed uses it for some vehicles - the ones used for actual work - BUT NOT for those in management and supervision who get to use taxpayer dollars for transporting their family members and running personal errands everyday - they even have to sign a statement every year that they will not use their vehicle for these personal uses!
    You will notice some BOE vehicles are clearly marked but others just have an LG tag - for this reason. It should be consistent application of policy across the BOE fleet, but then favoritism and abuse of policy couldn't continue...
    Heck, management has used heavy equipment for personal use at their homes and then sent BOE employees on company time to their homes to pick up the equipment! None of these employees picking up this equipment would be permitted to use this equipment for personal use, or waste company time this way, and rightly so.

    All this is condoned by Administration and the Board is kept in the dark.
    Our tax dollars at work. Waste, fraud, and abuse.

    @8:48 EXACTLY!

    1. Then why shouldn’t the Sheriffs Office he held to those same standards....I see them countless times taking their County cars and picking their kids up or taking them to school or go to Walmart or family cookouts with the whole family inside...if they were to get into a accident the County insurance would have to cover them as well...that’s not fair for tax payers, what you do for one then you should do for all departments.

  29. Sept. 4 2020 at 5:34
    Evidently there is another Kenney named Billy with a wife that got arrested for theft from the library downtown
    where they both got fired.
    She cooked the books and he delivered them.

  30. Who’s leading this circus of ROADS people, anyway?

    1. Mark Whitelock...Deputy Director of Public Works

  31. I have personally known Bill Kenney for 40 years- as a farmer you could not find a better machine operator which is why I am sure he was chosen to operate this piece of high dollar equipment. He is good to the bone- will give you the shirt off his back- help a friend or coworker in need. I would challenge any county resident to go out and watch this man operate his equipment- I have done it and it is nothing short of impressive! Thank you Bill for your service in the Marines, to agriculture and now to the county!

  32. I can deal with Whitelock but that incompetent David Candy is a joke straight out of a MAD magazine.He cannot manage a ant farm let alone a landfill.

  33. Wait a second. I read a comment that said he was black? And another that said sixty foot rd......I see a slightly heavier set black man getting the tractor ready just about every morning when I'm driving to work.....guess what time it is...7am-730am. Closer to 7. And the couple of times I saw him in j.t's market he was very polite! I'm a 29 yr old white guy. I dont personally know this guy but I pay attention to everything! He seems like a decent guy to me but 🤷‍♂️. What do I know...I'm just a dumb redneck from the country🤷‍♂️.

  34. There is favoritism everywhere. From what it sounds like, Mr. Kenney was a "favorite" of Culver's because he's a good, trustworthy, hard working guy. Whoever is complaining is jealous of not being the favorite.

  35. Viewer makes up a story then trolls on his own post giggling in the basement

  36. some county employees are treated very special - just ask the workers at rec and parks. workers got pay raises for getting cdl's but never got em. the only dept. in wicomico that hands out raises before workers have fulfilled their obligations. apparently workers are paid more than roads workers and most rec workers have absolutely nothing to do. also the outfields of our ballparks suck.

  37. I"m familiar with all the departments in Wicomico county and I have to say most complaints seem to be about recreation and parks. Also, I don't know who this so called pee wee is from Sharptown but that nickname is mentioned a lot. He has been accused on numerous occasions of having sticky fingers at taxpayer expense and he works for the recreation dept.

  38. Someone is trying shift the course off of ROADS and on to Parks and Recs.....

  39. I only wish Joe could tell who the two people here who are making all these posts.... I know who they are..... Go ahead Joe oust them now! Because if you truly knew who one of them was, well you may have a different opinion on a few things.

  40. That bill Kenny is one heck of an operator he should be making $22 an hour. It looks like Mr miyagi got out there and pruned them trees like he did the bonsai tree.

    1. I agree..I say fire the cry baby and give their salary to Bill as a raise for all his hard work.

  41. I have worked work with women that had more integrity,and balls than some of these back biting,snake in the grass,un hygienic,run and tell, jealous,unmotivated,cowards. If you don't like something attempt to change it, if it does not change leave but the ones crying won't leave and go anywhere else because they know their cry baby ways won't be tolerated anywhere else.


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