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Saturday, September 26, 2020

Biden, Schiff, Schumer attack Amy Coney Barrett within minutes of Trump nominating her for SCOTUS

Within minutes of President Trump nominating Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, top Democrats Joe Biden, Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer launched attacks on her on Twitter.

Joe Biden wrote “Today, President Trump nominated Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court — a jurist with a written track record of disagreeing with the Court’s decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act.

Vote like your health care is on the ballot — because it is.”

Adam Schiff wrote “Here’s why Republicans are rushing Amy Coney Barrett into a lifetime appointment: So she can strike down healthcare and overturn Roe v. Wade. Republicans also fear they’re losing the election and want her to deliver the election for Trump. No confirmation before inauguration.”

Chuck Schumer wrote ” A vote for Judge Amy Coney Barrett is a vote to eliminate health care for millions in the middle of a pandemic. Democrats are fighting for Americans’ health care.”


  1. Remember when they said Russia non stop for 3 years. Yup those are the same people that are telling us to wear a mask and China is not a threat.

  2. The original three blind mice!! Then put Pelosi with that deformed right hand waving around....what a pitiful sight, Dumbocrats at their finest hour!

  3. Pelosi said that Amy had an affair with Ruth Ginsburg a few years ago. She also was in Russia and paid a male escort to pee on her. She also helped the 911 Terrorist's. Now there needs to be a full 6 to 8 week FBI investigation on her.

  4. Bob Aswell ....RealistSeptember 27, 2020 at 2:59 AM

    I don't blame them to be eager to trash her name and reputation. What a shining example of just humanity they are. The whole lot of them will be surprised when they wake up in Hell. They carry with them the smell of rotting flesh. Don't forget Nadler the roly-poly dunce. He's so obese he couldn't even kneel at one of their faux 'I'm part black ceremonies.
    This woman has attained a height of legal accomplishment that they can't manipulate. Woe be on them if they try.
    She will reset the rule of common sense to an old standard that is based on law and NOT bias. You go girl because there's nothing the Dumbocrat dingbats can do about it. Wow what a squad of dumbasses.

    1. Talk about humanity...Ginsberg isn’t even in the ground yet. But I guess you don’t want to talk about that.

    2. They’re so bad I doubt that your trailer park HOA would let them in.

    3. @11:29. If this was reversed, the left would be doing the exact same thing, and you know it.

    4. 11:29& 5:14 Typical comminist deflection of lies. You hero karl marx is a worthless hollow loser. His lies of freedom and ideas of enslavement entice the ignorant like you!!

    5. 5:14 Is referencing a trailer park the only comment you can come up with?? I mean it’s been 4 years and that’s all you’ve managed to come up with. Where’s your originality? Come on man🙄

  5. Democrats will be fighting in hell to get out in the after life

  6. There is nothing affordable about the affordable care act. Rates skyrocketed and doctors left their practices at an alarming rate all so we could punish and fine Americans and give free health care to illegals.

  7. Amazing that these individuals think they know what she will possibly do before she is confirmed. No one knows what she will do .Give the person a chance before you start to tear her down.

  8. And so it begins....Kavanaugh all over again....

  9. Nothing the Dems do will matter beyond delaying the inevitable - the GOP has the votes and will move this quickly in case the election is contested.

  10. I hope the REPUBLICANS shut the circus down once these TRAITORS start their shit. Actually if you have the votes?? TAKE THE VOTE. Screw the DEMOCRATS. Remember when pelosi became speaker?? They all walked around Washington with gavel in hand saying screw Republicans.

  11. All of the above mentioned media hogs are not real people and don't forget to add Pelosi they are just sore loosers and know this country hates them . They are just waiting for their next impeachment but hopefully it will be impeachment for them, fast and furious.

  12. Wow I have watched this blog for over ten years now and it was once a sensible source for local news but it has really digressed into a fringe whacko forum of rabid ill informed butt hurt opinions. It's no wonder the administrator is looking for a new hosting venue.

    1. Sorry you are a Democrat. We are too

  13. She needs to be confirmed ASAP. The ACA, OBAMACARE, raised my rates excessive, eliminated the HIPPA ACT, my health coverage decreased and medical care went to hell which could be handled better by 1st year medical students.

    The only ones praising the ACA are the rich and Politians receiving kick backs adding to their millions they are getting from their political status.

  14. These people are so low class, they are jealous of any and all because others make them look so bad just by being in their presence.

  15. She is a woman (real so far as we know)
    She has black children.

    Should be a shoe-in, right?

  16. She will be great to keep conservative values for another half a century possibly.
    Pelosi needs a good smack in her face and Al needs a pork chop sandwich and his mouth washed out with soap.

  17. It's really funny you think your vote and opinions matter.

  18. 2020 Time to get RID of these Democrat Traitors Once & for ALL !!! Top Priority !!

  19. Democrats are ONLY fighting to Take over OUR
    America & hand it over to China or Russia !!

    ALL of Obaaaama Careless Care needs to be
    Throw the Hell Out Completely 2020 !!! Fact

  20. Dirty Bastards (Democrats) don't give a Damn
    about Our Health Care or anything of Ours !!!

  21. Those topics have not yet reached the SCOYUS agenda....so how can this be?

  22. She can eat them for breakfast !!! She Not
    a Rookie !!!

    Will be proven , she is Tough when the time
    comes !!!

    She did Not get where she is being Weak !!!

    Same went for the last two Trump Picks attacked by congress !!! They WON & are in the SCOTUS Now !!! She WILL be there too !!!

  23. And I am shure they will also attack Trump
    every day & week for the next four years, after he Beats their ass 2020 !!!

    Bring it, he can take the heat, & DC is a big
    Kitchen !!!

  24. She Beats Dirty Lawyers every day for a living , so I am shure she is Well Experienced & Qualified & Not Worried a bit !

  25. She can chew them up & spit them out !!! Fact


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